Review the 2 reports below for Sirius XM, identify each report as to its purpose and name. LABEL clearly the following components therein: 1. Audit Report Address 2. Opinion paragraph 3. Scope paragraph 4. Report Title 5. Audit Report Date 6. CPA Firm Name and Address 7. Introductory Paragraph B. What type of opinion is expressed in the audit report? Explain thoroughly. Sirrus XM Holdings lace and subeidianiex: We have aidated Sirius XM Holdings lne, and subsiditries' intemal control over financial reporting at of December 31, 2016, bated on criteria establiahed in Dntemal Control Trtograted Framovork (2013) issued by the Commitieo of Sponvering Organizations of the Treadway Comminion (COSO) Sirius XM Holdings loc. and rabridianies' managemeat in responable for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assestment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, incloded in the accompanying Managemes''s Report on Ditemal Control over Financlal Reporting Our responibulity is to exprest an opinion ca the Company's intemul control over financial reporting based on our andit We conducted our asdit in accordance with the standurds of the Public Corapany Acoounting Overight Board (United states). Those utandards reqaire that we plan and perform the asdit to obtain reasonable aumurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respecta. Our axdit incladed obtaining an andentanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the nik that s material weakenes exists, and testing ind evalaating the design and openating effectiveness of initernal control based on the assessed rik. Our audit alio included performing roch other procedures as we considered seceaiary in the circumatances. We believe that our asidt provides a reasonable banis for our opinion. A company's intemal control over financial reporting as a process deaigned to provide reasonable tasuance regarding the reliability of financial reportang and the perparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A conpany's internal control over financial reporting inclodos those pobcies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of reconde that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the trassistions and dipositions of the assets of the company; (2) proside reasonable asurarice that transactions are recorded as necestary to permit perparabon of financial stateibeats in acoordance with generally acoepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only is accondince with authonzations of management and directon of the company; and (3) provide reaionable aisurance regarding privention or timely detection of unathorizod acquation, uie, of desposition of the company's ascta that could buve a material effect on the finuncial itatements. Becmue of its mberent limutations, intemal control over financial reportuy may not preveat or detect mistatements. Alo, projections of any nakabon of effectnwess to future periods are subject to the rikk that coctrols may become inadeguale because of changes in cenditices, or that the degree of compliance with the policies of proceduret may detenoraie. In ow openon, Sunus XM Holding Ine, and subsiduaries maintained, in all material reypecta, effective intemal ecatrol ever financial reporting at of Decenber 31, 2016, besed on We also have audeed, in accordance with the standards of the Prublic Company Accounding Ovenigha Board (Usated Stadev) the consobidated balunce abeeth of Siria XM Holdings foc thee-yeac period eaded Disember 31, 2016, and cur repoit dated Kotruary 2, 2017 expresed an unqualified opinica ca thoue consolidated financial utateneati