Riefacre Usege and Fupply, Activy rated, Fervice Crganizatish Required: 1. Ciassfy the resources ascociated with the water testing sctivify into one of the feliowing typas: (1) committed rasources and (2) fariale resources. Commithed refeuroes! Fiencle resocicest 3. Compute the potal activity ovaiabily, and break this into acovity output and unused activity: 4. Calculate the total cont of resources supplied, and break this into the cost of activity uted and the cost of unused activity. Retource Unoge and supplr. Activity Rater, Sorvite Organizetion for chemicals and other supplies (ossuming 100,600 tests are performed). Last year, 90,000 tests were performed. Required: 1. Ciksaify the researces anociated with the wate twation netivity into one of the fotomine traasi (1) commitied ithircas and (2) fieveie thisurces. Committed resourcet! Fies ine inaburesi 3. comoute the total activity Availability and break this inte activity ecteut and unused activity Activity avaliability Activity uatget unused activity: teits teats tests 4. Caiculate the total cost of respurces supplied, and break this into the cost of activity used and the cost of unuses activity. Retource Usage and Supply. Activity fates, Service Organization Iste to years and wil have no salvage value, Processing equipment cott 5205,000 and has a cfe aspectancy of five years and will have no savage value. Hoth facilif and equipment are depreciated on a straight-Line basit. Ecobrete Labs has seven saiaried ioboratory technicians, each of whom is pald 331,000 , In addition to the salaries, focatyi and equipment, FcoBrite Labs avpets to spened s4e,000 for themicelt and other supelles (assuming 100,000 tests are performed), Last yeac 50,000 teits nere nerformed. Requiredi Committed resourcess Lab facilif, equigment and techasian aalarins = Fiexibie resourcent 2. Colculate the total annual activity rate for the water teating activity, Alewk the activity rate inte fived and yariable components. (Hosund your arswers to three significart dipits.) 3. Compute the total activity availability, and break this inse activity eutput and unused activity. 4. Celculate the total cost of reseurces supplied, and bresk this into the cost of activity used and the cost of unused activity