Rouse manufactures coffee mugs that it sells to other companies for customizing with their own logos. Rouse prepares flexible budgets and uses a standard cost system to control manufacturing costs. The standard unit cost of a coffee mug is based on static budget volume of 59,700 coffee mugs per month: (Click the icon to view the cost data.) Data table variance is favorable More info a. There were no beginning or ending inventory balances. All expenditures were on account. b. Actual production and sales were 62,400 coffee mugs. c. Actual direct materials usage was 10,000lbs. at an actual cost of $0.17 per lb. d. Actual direct labor usage was 203,000 minutes at a total cost of $30,450, e. Actual overhead cost was $10,150 variable and $30,350 fixed. f. Selling and administrative costs were $122,000. 1. Compute the cost and efficiency variances for direct materials and direct labor. 2. Journalize the purchase and usage of direct materials and the assignment of direct labor, including the related variances. 3. For manufacturing overhead, compute the variable overhead cost and efficiency variances and the fixed overhead cost and volume variances. 4. Journalize the actual manufacturing overhead and the allocated manufacturing overhead. Journalize the movement of all production costs from Work-in-Process Inventory. Joumalize the adjusting of the Manufacturing Overhead account. 5. Rouse intentionally hired more highly skilled workers during July. How did this decision affect the cost variances? Overall, was the decision wise? Next Plouse manitactures collee mugs that it sells to ohter comparies for custorning weh theu oun last line of the gournal entry table.) Begin by journaicing the prechaso of drect matorials, ndiving the related variance. Prepure a singie compound joumal erity? Roase manufactures colfee mugs that it solls to other corrpanigs for custombang with their ow? Actual costanc Now, journalize the usage of direct materinls. induding the relatad varlance. (Presare a firygle cormpound joumai pritry) Rouse manudactures cotlee mugs that it sells to other companies for custanizing with their own logos. Rouse prepares flexible budgets and uses a standard cost system to control manufacturing costs. The standard unit cost of a colfee mug is based on static budget volume of 59,700 cothee mugs per month: Eig (Click the ioon to view the cost data.) Requirement 3. For manufacturing overhead, corrpute the variable ovorhead cost and efficiency variances and the fixed overhead cost and volume variances Begin with the vasiable overhesd cost and efficiency variances, Select the required formulas, compute the variable ovechead cost and efficiency variances, and identry whener each varan favorable (F) or unfavorable (U). (Round any interim calculations to four decimal places, X,X0x, and your final anwwers to the nesrest whole doltar . Abtreviricrs used AC = actua cost: quantity; FOH = foxed overhead; SC = standard cost; SQ = standard quantity; VOH= varable overhead) Rouse manufactures colfee mugs that it selis to other oorrparies for customizing with thei owi Actual cost and production inlormation for fuly 2026 follows logos. Rouse prepares flexible budgots and uses a standard cost system to control manufacturing (1) iciok the icon to viow actual cost and producios infominory) costs. The standard unt cost of a cotlee mug is based on stabic budgot volunse of 59.700 cottion Rinad the reouterients. Twegs per month: (Click the icon to view the cost data) the adjusting of the Manulacturing Ovorhoad acoount. (Recond debits first, then codis. Seloct the explantbon on the iast lino of the poumal entry tatio) Begin by fournalizing the entry to show the actud manutacturng overhad costs nained. mugs per month: (Click the icon to view the cost data.) Read the tbquirements. Begin by journalizing the entry to show the actual manufacturing overhead costs incurred (Click the icon to view the cost data.) Journalize the applied manufacturing overhead. Joumalize the movement of all production from Workain-Process Inventory Journaize the movement of al produchion trom vvork-in-Frocess invensory. costs. The standard unit cost of a colfee and uses a standard cost system to control manufacturing mugs per month: Actual cost and production information! 1. iCick the icon to view actual cost al (Click the icon to view the cost data.) Read the tecuitaments. Joumalize the adjusting of the Manufacturing Overhead account. (Prepare a single compound journal entry) costs. The standard unit cost of a coffoe mug is based on static budget volume of fog 700 cotton 1. (Cick the icon fovine aduar cost and producter inturatan) muzs per month: (Click the ioon to view the cost diata) Read the reguinersetal Heing moreskilled, higher-paid tabor lod ter direct buber coet variance, Given the tirest boor efiomey uarance, 4 performad efficiently The overall net efloct is thus management's decision was