Rylie & Rachel's Dance and Gymnastics Studio ANNUAL BUDGET December 2014 63.48741 Balance (ihcome minus Expemes) Ryle and Rachel's Dance and Gymmassics Soudo (named for my daugyter and her faverise abritter and der epiclegendary dace .nd t meastica parties) isthe toon ol the Part l d ? 497 Project. The goal of ohe assignment is to show you how budgecing works over a one year period. You will be piven actual iures for veveral categories of Income and expenses for 201s You will then calculate (based on various inputs) budgeted projections for 2016 Afrser you have hose caloudlations, you will ind that the 2016 actual numbers are also included. Using the projections you calculated, you will compare actual performance to estimased perfarmance acros arioun expenses and income and look for varieces. Finally, you will be asked to comment on the BUDGET OVERVIEW 0,000.00 accuracy and business impacts based on the variance analys. To get started, dlick on the Part I-Annual Budget Decails" tab at the bottom and follow the instructions When you are fwished, you can come back to the enual budget ummary to see "Dig picture resuits Whe with Part L move to Part Il. Submit the completed tle once Parts 1 and til are complete and 0,000.00 your work has been saved 2.000.00 10,000.00 ESTIPSATED ACTUAL WHAT ARE MY TOP S HIGHEST OPERATING EXPENSES %Of 11.5x 10.7% 92% 73% 62% 5,155. 19 4788.82 73.28 718.32 Rent or morpge tenance and repars 43180 3.264.38 2,750.78 20,277,18 489.66 412.62 .041.58 Toal Rylie & Rachel's Dance and Gymnastics Studio ANNUAL BUDGET December 2014 63.48741 Balance (ihcome minus Expemes) Ryle and Rachel's Dance and Gymmassics Soudo (named for my daugyter and her faverise abritter and der epiclegendary dace .nd t meastica parties) isthe toon ol the Part l d ? 497 Project. The goal of ohe assignment is to show you how budgecing works over a one year period. You will be piven actual iures for veveral categories of Income and expenses for 201s You will then calculate (based on various inputs) budgeted projections for 2016 Afrser you have hose caloudlations, you will ind that the 2016 actual numbers are also included. Using the projections you calculated, you will compare actual performance to estimased perfarmance acros arioun expenses and income and look for varieces. Finally, you will be asked to comment on the BUDGET OVERVIEW 0,000.00 accuracy and business impacts based on the variance analys. To get started, dlick on the Part I-Annual Budget Decails" tab at the bottom and follow the instructions When you are fwished, you can come back to the enual budget ummary to see "Dig picture resuits Whe with Part L move to Part Il. Submit the completed tle once Parts 1 and til are complete and 0,000.00 your work has been saved 2.000.00 10,000.00 ESTIPSATED ACTUAL WHAT ARE MY TOP S HIGHEST OPERATING EXPENSES %Of 11.5x 10.7% 92% 73% 62% 5,155. 19 4788.82 73.28 718.32 Rent or morpge tenance and repars 43180 3.264.38 2,750.78 20,277,18 489.66 412.62 .041.58 Toal