Safe Emergency Evacuation of Staff and Customers. Find and read the 'Salford College Emergency Plan for your area and check it for any errors and

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Safe Emergency Evacuation of Staff and Customers.

Find and read the 'Salford College Emergency Plan for your area and check it for any errors and fill in the required sections on the template provided.

BusinessesSalford College Emergency Plan


Last revision:[Where working operations have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency plans must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated.]

Scope and application

[Set out the scope and application of your emergency plan.

Identify the kind of emergency events and occurrences that your business or location could experience, such asfire, chemical spills, bomb threats, electrical outages, security breaches, natural disasters, significant injuries, medical events and pandemics.You may wish to include a specific scenario of a worker being diagnosed with COVID-19.

Explain how the emergency plan gets activated.]

Emergency contacts

[List your local emergency services here as well as useful workplace contacts such as wardens, first aid officers and the like, and other emergency contacts relevant to your business. If you work in close proximity to other businesses, it can be helpful to include their contact details here too, in case they need to be notified of an emergency that may affect them.]

Contact Name Phone number
Emergency services - triple zero Fire/police/ambulance 000
Police 131 444
Fire warden 010
First aid officer 020
WHS officer 030
Security office 040
Reception 050
State Emergency Services (SES) 13 25 00
Nearby businesses 060
Poison information line 13 11 26
Utilities 070
COVID-19 information lines 1800 632 753

Emergency management team - roles and responsibilities

[Outline the roles and responsibilities of your emergency management team. Your emergency management team may include your wardens, first aid officers and others. Explain each person's responsibilities both in an emergency and in planning for an emergency. This can include specific instructions for each person, if relevant. For example, you might outline the training and planning procedures that are required for a fire warden.]

Supervisors - roles and responsibilities

[Outline the roles and responsibilities of supervisors both in an emergency and in planning for an emergency.]

Workers - roles and responsibilities

[Outline the roles and responsibilities of workers both in an emergency and in planning for an emergency.]

Evacuation procedures

[Outline your evacuation procedures here. You should include a copy of your floor plan with detailed locations of emergency exits, evacuation routes, safety equipment and locations of wardens clearly marked. If you have workers across multiple locations, ensure procedures are outlined for everyone.]

Emergency procedures

[Set out procedures for the potential emergency events and occurrences you have identified for your business, based on the hazards in your workplace and location. These could include fire, chemical spills, bomb threats, electrical outages, security breaches, natural disasters, significant injuries, medical events and pandemics.You may wish to include a specific scenario of a worker being diagnosed with COVID-19.

Your plan must outline who should be contacted and at what stages, and the best means of contact.

Outline medical treatment options - i.e. where to find emergency kits, first aid officers and supplies and instructions. Make sure you consider how you will account for people with disability or specific needs in the case of an emergency.

If you need to provide for a large number of scenarios, you may choose to include only a brief outline of procedures in the document and refer to another document/s that contains more detailed information on the procedure for each scenario.

Consider whether precautions you have taken as a result of COVID-19 may affect your risks and procedures - i.e. if key personnel are no longer working from their usual workplace, or if there are less staff to undertake key tasks. Physical distancing measures may also affect how easily workers can communicate in an emergency situation, so ensure you consider these factors when reviewing your plan.]

After an emergency

[Include information on what should be done after an emergency has occurred, including who must be notified and how and when this should occur. You may wish to include a template for recording the incident and outline the debriefing process to review what happened, how the plan was followed and lessons learned.

If staff are working from different locations, including from home, make clear what is expected for an emergency that occurs outside of the usual workplace. This may be particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic.]

Testing the emergency plan

[Your emergency plan must include information on how and how often your procedures will be tested - i.e. evacuation drills, fire alarm testing.]


[Your emergency plan must include information on the provision of information, training and instruction to workers on their roles and responsibilities in implementing procedures.

If your work processes change, may require new or additional information or training. For example, some workplaces will have undergone significant changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.]

Reviewing, reporting and record-keeping

[Your emergency plan should detail how you will review, report on, and what records will be kept on, emergency responses and on compliance with the plan.

Emergency plans should be developed and reviewed in consultation with workers.

If you have a shared workplace (i.e. a construction site, office building), then you must also consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with all other persons who have a work health or safety duty in relation to the same matter, so far as is reasonably practicable. This includes when preparing, reviewing and revising emergency plans. You may have a shared emergency plan in place if applicable.]

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Salford College Emergency Plan Unfortunately I cannot access or modify the actual Salford College Emergency Plan HoweverI can provide a guide to help ... View full answer

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