Salma started Bag Zone in Riverside with the goal of providing good quality handbags. Unique designs and utilizing uncommon materials for the making of the handbags is her competitive advantage, and completed products can be wholesaled to fashion retailers or placed on consignment in local retail shops. Additionally, the handbags can also be sold directly to consumers by displaying the products at fashion or craft shows or selling them online. Business has been brisk and she has established a sizeable client base over the last five years. She thinks that it could be the time to spend in an information system to record details about the sales, payroll process and offer more details about the inventory Salma believes that it will be possible to modernize some of the business process for reducing the amount of time, which it is taking for data processing. She wants to open up four further stores throughout the next three years. Systems used should be capable of supporting these developments Currently, Salma finds that no details are captured by the system about the customer. Only details about the purchased goods, the method of payment, member of the staff, purchased quantity, and price & totals are captured. It has been analysed that levels of stock are recorded by using the stock card. It can be seen that the details of the new inventory are entered into the cards when the new stock and details of sold units are changed at the termination of each trading day. It is very clear that when things become hectic, marketing off stock sheets can be forgotten and hence they are not very exact. To know the level of the stock item, the physical check is needed. Required As you have knowledge about information systems, would you provide assistance to Salma in solving various issues like maintenance of customer details, maintenance of marketing off stock sheets, collection of useful data for sales forecasting and accurate calculation of wages & to electronically pay staff. You should indicate that your suggestion would help each of the stores to improve the organizational performance along with store's efficiency