SECTION B: CASE STUDY [Total =60 maks] Please Answer Al Work Conflict soministratos asvietart: Adliana. Both Suzama and Johan are nesponsible be an incortart ovent the seek. weok. The takk would include of calling at the mponers, preparing slides presentasons ss wel at arranging for avdio visual equipment neoded. wrangements for his meeting would be Adlana's priorty as wet. This ndvobs lratuing ondering lunch and abs peeparing at support materalis. Mdiana stegs to the oflice on Monday moining with the intention to conclite the proped which she is working on However she feeis overwheimed when boen Suarne as she is not sure of what to do trst. Ste stoms from the room and screans. 1 canot do everything Get a lile and do it yourseir Source: Adapted from Personal Development for Lile and Work. 2010. Case Study Question mapes ats Date: The given case study revolves around three workers - Suzama, Johari, and Adlana - employed at Suka Coflee industries. Suzanna and Johari ave both cocondinuting significant eccasions and anticleste that Adlians will give precedence is their individual events. When both managers communicate their anticipations to Adliana. sha becomes swamped with emotions. In response. she abripty lewves be room and expeesses her frustration by exclaiming that she is incapable of managing everything 1. In light of the scenario presensed, Suzanne and Johan ave contronted with the need to address the shupson at hand efloctively. Figure out FIVE (5) possbie mays for Suzame and Johari to rectly the shuation above. po marks 2. Given the insights provided by the case study above, fs apparent that the ongoing situation will have a notable impact on Acliana's performance. Oufine FNE (9) significant ways in which the confict could detrimentably atlect Adlana's workerelated capobilbies and achieverments. 20 marks