Section C: Performance Activity Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit. This activity will be assessed by observation and documented work. The assessor has a checklist of criteria they will base your assessment on. This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence: is )- Assessed and appropriately responded to the requirements of at least 3 people presenting with coexisting needs Used analytical and critical thinking skiils in each case: 0 applying a strengthsbased approach to assessment 0 anaiysing information about coexisting issues 0 making evidencebased judgements about the person's needs. Answer the activity in as much detaii as possible, considering your organisational requirements. 1. As a workplace activity or simulated workplace activity as directed by the assessor, you must work with three people who present with co-existing needs: you must assess and respond to their needs according to your role, and to organisational requirements, policies and procedures. You wili need to work with colleagues and refer to your managerfsupervisor as required in your role. This must include: 3? 5* VV 3- Making preparations for, and conducting assessments (including assessment tools, processes and any practical assessments] Gathering information from the three people, and seeking information on their needs and relevant services, as required Identifying needs through the assessments, including analysing and evaluating needs that are complex, multiple and interrelated Working collaboratively to seek assistance from colleagues and services, as required Working collaboratively with each person to assess their needs and risks, including providing them with information, empowering them to identify and prioritise their needs, encouraging self-advocacy to access services, working from a strengths-based approach, and seeking their agreements and consents for chosen services Using critical thinking and ma king evidence-based judgements in assessments Determining appropriate services and referrals, based on the persons' needs and on service capabilities Completing organisational reporting and reporting with other services, completing and storing documentation and records, and following confidentialityr and consent requirements Establishing monitoring processes to assess the progress of the three persons and the services that wiil be used. After completing your assessments; you must seek feedback from the three peopie and any other service providers that you used. You should determine a minimum of eight questions {or feedback points} for the three people and also a minimum of eight questionsffeedback points for the service providers, to ensure that feedback is specific and relevant. This feedback must be attached to your workbook, along with the questionsffeedback points that were asked