Section I: Five (5) Multiple-Choice Questions (5 marks - 1 mark each) Highlight AND underline your response. 1a) Sunni turned 21 years old on November 1, 2022. As she had never contributed to her TaxFree Savings Account (TFSA) prior, she invested a lump-sum of $24,000 in her newly opened TFSA on January 1, 2022, using funds from her company bonus. As of November 1,2022 , the funds had a market value of $30,000. She withdrew $30,000 on November 2 , 2022 , to buy a used car. Sunni however found a car for $24,000 and decided to put the $6,000 difference back into her TFSA. She does not want to incur any penalties in her TFSA and has come to you for advice. See Table C. Which statement is incorrect? a) Sunni is not able to re-contribute $6,000 in her TFSA in 2022. b) Sunni is able to contribute $12,500 on January 1,2023. c) Sunni is able to contribute $6,000 in her TFSA in 2022. d) Sunni is able to contribute $6,000 on January 1,2023. e) Sunni is able to contribute $6,500 on January 1,2023 . 1) Developing fully customized estate plans can protect your family, safeguard assets, bring peace of mind and leave a legacy for future generations. If you don't have a Will, eyery province and territory has laws that set out who will inherit your assets and your estate will be administered in accordance with these laws. This essentially leaves crucial aspects of your estate to be dealt with based on what was decided by a) your sibling(s) b) your parent(s) c) the government d) your employer e) your spouse/partner 2) Which of the following statements are false? One of the duties of the Executor (Liquidator in Quebec) is to I. collect any money owed to the Estate. ii. prepare the tax returns. III. distribute the assets as specified in the Will. IV. notify anyone who has an interest or potential interest in the Estate. V. discharge the liabilities. VI. is to enact the Power of Attorney. ViI. Is to file the tax returns. VIII. is to manage the assets if you become incapacitated. a) I, II, III and VII b) III, IV, V and VI c) Vi, ViI and VIII d) II, VI and VIII e) 1,IV and V