SECTION03 JS CATALOO rour website inil populate the product's page dynamically using the iteds stored in a cacalog.js file. Sen sasple belowt SECTIONO4 SHOPPING CART FUNCTIONALITY ADD TO CART 35 FUNCTIONALTTY Each item in the products web page should have a add to shopping cart 1 ink or butcon. When clicked or selected it adds the item to the shopping cart. clicking on the shopping cart again, keeps adding 1 to the quantity ordered. The shopping cart information is stored in the useridcart cookie. Here is a general sample of the cart cookie: useridcart=item1: quantity1-item2 : quantity2-item 3:quantity3-etc NOTE: The userid is replaced with the actual username cart.htel Create the shopping cart web page (cart. html) with Javascript functionality to display the shopping cart items ordered. The cart should allow the user to change the quantity of every item. Items can also be deleted froe the cart. Also display the price of the item and the subtotal for every. item by multiplying the price of the item times the quantity ordered. It has a ink to the checkout. html web page. Also add a "place order" Iink which links to checkout, htmi. thankyou.hml This web page displays a thank you note, such as "Thank you for your order". Also add "Continue Shopping" link which links to the products page(products, htm1). Here make sure to delete the user's cookie cart. SECTIONO5 LOGIN/LOGOFF FUNCTIONALITY Portal Cookie-Based No contents of the website should be view-able, except for the login.html and registration web pages, until the user logins successfully. The registration page stores the information as cookie in the following format: userid=password The login process should check for matching cookie entries. Therefore, for the user to login successfully the user has to provide a matching cookie userid and password