Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to vlew selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to vlew selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. Requirement 1. Perform a trend analysis on Trenton's sales revenue, inventory, and receivables over the past three years, using 2018 as the base. Is the trend in each of these areas favorable or unfavorable for the company? Begin by calculating the trend analysis. (Round the ratis to the nearest whole percent, X% ) Is the trend in each of these areas favorable or unfavorable for the company? it data.) hree years, usfyg 2018 as the base. Is the trend in each of Data table as the base. Is the trend in each of Data table poome statament data.) over the past three years, using 2018 as the base. Is the trend in each of 1. Perform a trend analysis on Trenton's sales revenue, inventory, and receivables over the past three years, using 2018 as the base. Is the trend in each of these areas favorable or unfavorable for the company? 2. Using the industry averages as benchmarks, analyze Trenton's performance over the past three years in the following areas: a. Liquidity c. Overall debt payment ability 2rs, using 2018 as the base. Is the trend in each of b. Turnover d. Profitability 3. Evaluate Trenton's quality of eamings. Are there any red flags in your analysis? Explain. Is the trend in each of these areas tavorable or unfavorable for the company? Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data,) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the reguirements. Requirement 1. Perform a trend analysis on Trenton's sales revenue, inventory, and receivables over the past three years, using 2018 as the base. Is the trend in each of these areas favorable or unfavorable for the company? Begin by calculating the trend analysis, (Round the ratios to the noarest whole percent, X\%.) Is the trend in each of these areas favorable or unfavorable for the company? Solected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to vlew solocted balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view solected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. Is the trend in each of these areas favorable or unfavorable for the company? The trend percentages for sales revenue is The trend percentage in inventory indicates a The trend percentage in net receivables is Requirement 2. Using the industry averages as benchmarks, analyze Trenton's performance over the past three years in the following areas: a) liquidity, b) turnover, c) overall debt payment ability, and d) profitability. a. Start by analyzing the liquidity ratios: the current ratio and the quick ratio. Solact the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the current ratios for the years 2019 through 2021. (Round the rastes to two decimal places, X. X K.) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balanoe sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the reguirements overait oebt payment acmity, and o) prontabiity. a. Start by analyzing the liquidity ratios: the current ratio and the quick ratio. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the current ratios for the years 2019 through 2021. (Round the ratios to two decimal places, X XX.) Next, select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the quick (acid-test) ration for the yearu 2019 through 2021 , (Abbreviations ised: Cash" = cash and cash equivalents, SE = stockholders' equity, and ST = short-term. Round the ratos to two decimal places, XX. Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the ioon to view solocted income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. 2019 Noxt, select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the quick (acid-test) ratios for the years 2019 through 2021. (Abbreviations used: Cash" = cash and cash equivalents, SE = stockholders' equity, and ST = short-term. Round the ratios to two docimal places, X.XOX.) b. Analyze the tumover ratios: inventory tumover and days' invontory outstanding, accounts recelvable turnover, days' sales outstanding. accounts payable tumover, days' payables outstanding, and cash conversion cycle. Selected data from Trenton Furniture, inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to vlew the fatios.) Read the requirements. b. Analyze the fumover ratios: inventory turnover and days' inventory outstanding. accounts receivable tumover, days' sales outstanding, accounts payable tumover, days' payables outstanding, and cash conversion cycle. Select the formula and enter the amounts to caiculate the inventory tumover for the years 2019 through 2021. (Round the ratios to two decimal places, X XX.) Seloct the formula and enter the amounts to calculate days' inventory outanding (DIO) for the yoars 2019 through 2021 . (Enter formula ratios to two decimal places, X.XX. llea a 3hf-dau vear Rruind the Din in nne rtarimal wara x ) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc, follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. 2019 Select the formula and enter the amounts to caiculate days' invontory outanding (DIO) for the years 2019 through 2021 , (Enter formula ratios to two decimal places, XX. Use a 365-day year. Round the DIO to one decimal place, XX. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the accounts receivable turnover for the years 2019 through 2021. (Round the ratios to two decimal places, X.x..). Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc, follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc, follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sbeet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icen to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Cick the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. Solect the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the acoounts oavable turnowar for the vaars 201a throuah 2021 . IRmund the ratios to fwo decimal places, X. XX.) Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate days' payables outanding (DPO) for the years 2019 through 2021. (Use a 365day year. Round the DPO to one decimal place, x.x) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the reguirements. LUY = Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate days' payables outanding (DPO) for the years 2019 through 2021 . (Use a 365-day year. Round the DPO to one decimal place, X.X ) Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the cash conversion cycle (in days) for the years 2019 through 2021 . (Enter ali amounta to one decimal place, X.) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc, follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the reguirements. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the cash conversion cycle (in days) for the years 2019 through 2021. (Enter all amounts to one decimal place, XX.) c. Analyze the ability to pay long-term debt: debt ratio and times-interest-eamed ratio. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the debt ratios for the years 2019 through 2021. (Enter the ratios in decimal form [not as percentages] to two decimal places, 1) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc, follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. 2019 c. Analyze the ability to pay long-term debt: debt ratio and times-interest-earned ratio: Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the debt ratios for the years 2019 through 2021. (Enter the ratios in decimal form [not as percentages) to fwo decimal places, x.x. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the times-interest-earned ratios for the vears 2019 throuah 2021 . (Round the ratios to one decimal place. X.) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the reguirements. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the times-interest-eamed ratlos for the years 2019 through 2021 . (Round the ratios to one decimal place. X X.) d. Analyze the profitability ratios: gross margin percentage and operating income percentage. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the gross margin (gross profit) percentages for the years 2019 through 2021 . (Round the ratios to one tenth of a percent, %. ) Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selocted income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. 2019 d. Analyze the profitability ratios: gross margin percentage and operating income percentage. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the gross margin (gross profi) percentages for the years 2019 through 2021 . (Round the ratios to one tenth of a percent, X%. Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requitements. Select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the operating income percentage percentages for the yoars 2019 through 2021 . (Round the fatios to che-tent! a percent, Xx,w, Now, using the industry averages as benchmarks, analyze Trenton's performance over the past three years. Overall, Trentoris performance over the past threet years looks , and compare favorably to the industry averages. Most all the ratios shoned Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the reguirements. Now, using the industry averages as benchmarks, analyze Trenton's performance over the past three years. Overall, Trenton's performance over the past three years lookn and compare favorably to the industry averages. Most all the ratios showed over the three years. Trenton's performance over the past three years are due to: (Select all that apply) ) A. Payment of accounts payable is getting faster B. Decreasing gross margin C. Increasing long-term liabilities D. Imnenwert intarast coverane Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Cick the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the ioon to view the ratios,) Read the reguirements. Trenton's performance over the past three yoars are due to: (Select al that apply.) A. Payment of acoounts payable is getting faster B. Decreasing gross margin C. Increasing long-term liabilities D. Improvod interest coverage E. Inability to collect accounts recewable F. Decreased cash flow A) Pudiduin al invantroties Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Cick the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. E. Inability to collect accounts receivable F. Decreased cash flow G. Bulldup of inventeries H. Increasing debt ratio 1. Declining eamings j. Improved accounts recelvable tumover K. Operating income percentages are decreasing Requirement 3. Evaluate Trenton's quality of eamings. Are there any red flags in your analysis? Explain. Selected date from Trenton Furnilure, Inc., followvs. (Click the ioon to view selected balance sheet data.) (Click the icon to view solected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the koon to viaw the ratios.) Read the resuraments. Requirement 3. Evaluate Trenton's quality of eaenings. Are there any red flags in your analysis? Explain. First select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the not income peroentage ratios for years 2019 through 2021 . (Round the ratos to one-tenih percent, X.XK.) Reter to the quality of eamings ratios you cakculated in Requirements 2 and 3 and evaluate Trenton's quality of earnings. Are there any red flags in your analysis? Explain. Selected data from Trenton Furniture, Inc., follows. (Click the icon to view selected balance sheot data.) (Click the icon to view selected income statement data.) Industry averages have been gathered for several ratios. (Click the icon to view the ratios.) Read the requirements. First, select the formula and enter the amounts to calculate the net income percentage ratios for years 2019 through 2021 . (Round the ratios to one-tenth percent, XXW.) Refer to the quality of earnings ratios you calculated in Requirements 2 and 3 and evaluate Trenton's qualty of eamings. Are there any red flags in your analysis? Explain. All the ratios are Quality of eamings is