Service Client Request Review and Log Service Request + X Create Work Assignment and Assign Resources + Schedule for Future Project Manager Contact Customer and Determine if X Customer Can Wait Customer Can Wait? NC Escalate to Project Executive GCI CONSULTING YES Service Request DB YES VP Business Development -NO Review and Log Resolve Issue with Service Request Customer O + Identify Qualified Check Availability of Contact Business Resource Manager -NO- Resources Resources Within X Partner to Fill Request X Big Apple Resources Available? Business Partner Fill Request? Business PartnerQuestion #1: Continuation of Gilcrest Consulting BPMN Work (30%) Continuing with the case of Gilcrest Consulting, Inc. [GCI], and engineering rm specializing in the design of SMART buildings, (Revisit Modeling Assignment #3), the executive BPMN Group at GCI feels their service request handling process is inefcient and ineffective and would like you to consider xing it. [a] Explain what changes would you make to their AS-lS process and why? [b] Make at least the following changes to their AS-lS scenario BPMN diagram: 1. Rather than the project manager reviewing all projects with the VP Business Development (VP-ED), assume that just the project manager reviews the service requests. At the same time [in parallel), the resource manager identifies the resources needed by the project. 2. If there is an exceptional situation in that activity, then the VP-BD reviews the situation and decides whether to continue or decline the project 3. The project manager does not escalate the issue to the VPBD if there are not sufcient resources. Either the project request is scheduled or cancelled depending upon business rules that have been specified. 4. The VP-BD reviews all exceptions and the application of business rules at the end of the processing of each request. This allows the VPBD to modify the exception handling process and the business rules used by the project manager. Treat this as one sub-process. It is not necessary to decompose this. Use the Error Intermediate Event (see Figures 2 and 8 from the White paper on Using BPMN to Model a BPEL Process, or similar examples in the reading BPMN 2.0 by Example) to model situations that require the VP-BD's attention. This may end the process or it continues with the resource manager checking for the availability of qualied resources. For the TO-BE Drawing: Draw a business process diagram of the revised process using BPMN 2.0. Use the concept of a "black box pool" for the customer and partner. Use swim lanes in the main pool. Adhere to the Rules and Style guidelines discussed in lectures. Make whatever other changes to the AS-IS process that you feel should be made. Clearly state what the changes are and why you made them. If you make no other changes then explain why