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Shelly, I have 4 questions. How fast can you get them done? I also need an explanation. Please find attached files. ' Gimme File Edit

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Shelly, I have 4 questions. How fast can you get them done? I also need an explanation. Please find attached files.

image text in transcribed ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help ' ' fie. . aw .. melt ( G I G) eztn.mheducation.oomfhm.tpx?_=0.9935728808222409J491281260138 555 Apps 9 University Search |... B Online Registration e In Dllense DI Food... In. .12 10-13 vw Gait... v.3 Massag- Minder w... 3 MOTEGI RACING... Q In Dllense DI Food... D Grad students bull... Exercise 9-1 Prepare a Flexible Budget [Log-1] , Puget Sound Dives is a company that pmvldes diving services such as underwater ship repails to cllenls in the Puget Sound area. The company's planning budget for May appears below: mam Divas Phlning Budwl For the Month Ended May 31 Budgeted diving-hours (q) 300 Revenue ($400.00q) $120,000 Expenses: Wages and salaries ($11,400 + $124.00q] 48,600 Supplies ($4.0m) Lam) Equipment rental ($2.200 + $24.00q] 9.400 Insuranm ($4,000) 4,000 Miscellaneous [5510 + 51.501\" 950 Total expense 64,160 Net operating income S 55,340 Required: During May, the umpany's activity was actually 290 divinghuurs. Complete the following exible budgetfur that level of activity. | Wages and salaries I Suppl 5 Equipment rental ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help Men9:53PM FawezAlSh-mmlrl Q = _ .7 , _ .. m mapter Nim x (- C I G) eztnmheducetionoomlhmtp: .9935728008222409J491281260138 Apps a University Search I... I] Online Registration e In DIlense el Feed... '5..- J2 10-13 VW Golf... '3 MessagI Mlndar W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In DIlense el Feed... D Grad students bull... u m Revenue ($400.00q) $120,000 Expenses: Wages and salaries ($11,400 + $124.00q] 48,600 Supplies (Mung) 1,200 Equipment rental ($2,200 4 524.0017] 9,400 lnsuranm ($4,000) 4,000 Miscellaneous [5510 + 51.50110 960 Total expense 64,160 Net operating lncome $ 55,840 Required: During May, the company's aotivity was actually 290 divinghours. Complete the following exible hudgetfer that level of activity. Revenue I Expenses: Wages and salaries Supplies Equipment rental lnsurInm Miscellaneous Total expense Net operating income d ohms File Edi1 View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help 65%;. E9. I; *3 >3 ' 9 /m:w K waG III-ii\" Me (- C IG) ezlnmheducatiomeomfhmtpx Apps a Univerelky Search |... I] Online Registration e In Defense DI Food... u J2 10-13 VW Golf... {Q Massag- Mlnder W... a MOTEGI RACING... B In Defense DI Food... D Grad students bull... 2. value: 1.0-0 points .))) I0) 25%[JI Mon9:53PM FawazAlnmmIrl Q 55 , Exercise 9-2 Prepare a Report Showing Activity Variances [LOB-2] Flight Cafe is a mmpany mat prepares ln-flight meals for airlines in its klmhen located next to the lanai airport The company's planning budget for July appears belaw: FlightCaf Planning Budget For the Mnnth Ended July 31 Budgeted meals (:1) 24,000 Revenue (5330(1) 35 91,200 Expenses: Raw melerials (32201;) 52,300 Wages and salaries {$6,300 + 30.2011) 11,100 militia: (52.100 + snnsq) 3,300 Facility rent ($3,400) 3,400 Insurance ($2,900) 2,900 Miscellaneous (5500 + $0.10q') 2,900 Total expense 75,400 Net opera1ing income $ 14,800 In Jul], 25,000 meals were amelly served. The mmpany's exible budget for iis level uf anilvily appears below: Flight Cafe FlexiHe Budge! For line Manh'l Ended July 31 Budgeted meals (:1) 25,000 Revenue ($3.8m) Expenses: Raw maleriels $2.20 r 55,000 $95,000 ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help Mon9:53PM FawezAlSh-mmlrl Q = I. . i m mapter Nim x ( G I G) eztnmheducetioneomlhmtpx Apps a University Search I... I] Online Registration e In DIlense DI Food... '0.- J2 10-13 VW Golf... '3 MesaagI Mlndar W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In DIlense DI Food... D Grad students bull... In July, 25,000 meals were actually served. The company's exible budget for this level of activity appears below: Flight Cuf For the Month Ended Jy 31 _ Budgeted meals (:1) 25,000 Revenue (533in $95,000 Expenses: Raw materials (02.2013) 55,000 Wages and salaries {$6,300 4- 90.2011) 11,300 Utilities (52,100 + 50,054) 3,350 Facility rent ($3,400) 3,400 lnsurenee ($2,900) 2,900 Miemllanulus ($500 + 50.10q') 3,000 Tonal expenII 78,950 Net operating lncome 516,050 Required: 1. Compute the eornpanfs activity variances for July. [Indicate the affect oi each variance by selecting 'F' for lmnhla, "U" hr unflvnrlbla, and "None" for no effect [i.e., zero vaanca}. Input: all Imounl: a: poIltivu values.) Revenue Expenses: Raw materials Wages and salaries Utilities ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help '. .'. _ . , __ , , _ .. m mapter Nim x , _ ( G I G) eztnmheducetiomeomlhmtpx r I Q E Apps a University Search I... I] Online Registration e In DIlense DI Food... '5..- J2 10-13 VW Golf... '3 MesaagI Mlndar W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In DIlense DI Food... D Grad students bull... Required: 1. CDmpute the enrnpenfs activity varienm-E for July. [Indicate the effect at each variance by sebcllng 'F" for iIvnrahII, 'U" for uanvuthla, and "Nene' fur no effect [i.a., zero variance}. Input all amount: I: poIltivu valuaI.) Revenue Expenses: l Raw materials ' Wages Ind salaries ' Utilities l l l l l Fallily rent Insuran- Miscellaneous Total expense Net operating income Hlnu Renance: eBook I; Resources d ohms File Edit View History Bookmarks People Window Help 65%;. \"\"9. L? '3 >3 ' a ' /m:w . \\( waG Iii-ii\" stile (- C IG) eztnmheducatiomeomfhmtpx Apps a Univerelty Search |... I] Ontine Registration e In Defense at Feed... u J2 10-13 VW Golf... {Q Messag- Mlnder W... a MOTEGI RACING... B In Defense at Feed... D Grad students bull... .))) I0) 25%[JI Mon9:53PM FawazAlnmmIrl Q 55 , 3 vaiue' 1.00 polnu Exercise 9-3 Prepare a Report Showing Revenue and Spending Variances [L093] Quilaene Oysteria farms and sails oysters in the Pacic Northwest The company harvested and sold 7.400 pounds of oysters in August. The company's exible budget For August appears below: Ouilane Oysteril Flexible Budget Fr: the Month Ended August 31 Actual pounds (1}) 7.400 Revenue (54.1%) $30,340 Expenses: Packing supplies ($0.4m) 2,960 Oyster bad maintenance (53,500) 3,500 Wages and salaries ($2,100 + $03511) 4.690 Shipping {50.5in 4,440 Utilities (51.2%) 1,240 Other ($470 + $0.01q) 544 Total expense 17,374 Net operating income $12,966 The actual results tor August appear below: Ouileene Oysteria Income Statement Fr: the Month Ends! Augtmt 31 Actual pounds 7,400 Revenue $26,900 Expenses: Packing supplies 3,130 Oyster bed maintenance 3,360 Wages and salaries 5,100 ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help Mon9:53PM FawezAlSh-mmlrl Q = I. .'i _ .7 , , _ m mapter Nim x ( G I G) eztnmheducetionoomlhmtpx Apps a University Search I... I] Online Registration e In DIfense of Food... '5..- J2 10-13 VW Golf... '3 MesaagI Mlndar W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In DIlense of Food... D Grad etudenta bull... The actual resulh for August Ippeer below: QuileawnOyeteriI Insane Want For the Month Ended Angst 31 Actual pounds 7,400 Revenue $25,900 Expenses: Packing supplies 3,130 Oyster bed maintenance 3,360 Wages and salaries 5,100 Shipping 4,170 Utilities 1,050 Other 1,154 Total expense 17,974 Net operating income 5 8,926 Required: Compute the company's revenue and spending verianees for August. (indicate the effect of each variance by Illenling "F" for favorable, "U" for uanvorIble. and "Mane" for no effect [i.e., urn VIrlInce]. Input I" amount: aI palltive VelueI.) Revenue Expenses: Peaking suppliee Oyster bed maintenance _ Wages and salaries 7 Shipping Utilities ' Gimme File Edi'l View History Bookmarks Peapla Winduw Help 95 '' I0) 3556 [1| Man 9:53 PM Fauna: "Sh-mined Q = r _ _ .._ . _ .. ; .. ... . - . .. . 7 , .1 __ mChapterNimx ( G I G) eztnmheducetiomeomlhmtpx r I Q E Apps a University Search I... I] Online Registration e In DIlense el Feed... '5..- J2 10-13 VW Golf... '3 MeseagI Mlnder W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In DIlense el Feud... D Grad students bull... Uliliha Eln Oier 1,164 TomlexpenII 17,974 Nmnperminglnmne 5 8,926 Required: Compute the company's revenue and spending varianaes for August. (indicate the effect of each variance by Ieleeling 'F" for favorable, "U" for unfavorable, Ind \"Mane" for no effect {i.e., urn variance]. lnpul all amounts ll pelllive velueI.) Revenue Expenses: Peaking supplies Oyster bed maintenance Wages and salaries _ Shipping _ Utilities Diner Tomi expenII lNel operating income ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks Paapla Winduw Halp m mapter Nine x ( G I G) eztnmheducationoomlhmtpx Apps a University Search |... I] Online Registration e In Defense at Food... '5..- J2 10-13 VW Golf... '3 Massage Mlndar W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In Defense at Food... D Grad students bull... Exercise 9-4 Prepare a Flexible Budget Performance Report [LOB-4] Vul-n Flymlers oers scenlr: aver-ights of Mount St. Helene, the velar-mo in Washington State that explosively erupted in 1982. Data canoeming the company's operations in July appear below: Vulcan Hyman availing um Fer-le Month Enid-July 31 .w Flu-me naming Fla-nus M931 Budge Flights (1;) 57 57 55 Revenue (5355mm, $15,300 $ 20,235 5 19,525 Expenses: Wages and salaries ($3,600 + 59090:?) 8,690 8,730 8,550 Fuel (332.0011) 1,990 1,324 1,760 Airport fees ($350 + saannq) 2,601 2,731 2,665 Aimra depreratinn (510.0011) 5m 510 550 Oee expenses ($210 + 51.0%) 435 267 265 Total expens- 14,286 14,122 13,790 Net operating lnceme $ 2,014 $ 6,113 $ 5,735 The company measures its activity in terms of ights. Customers can buy lndivid uel tickets lar everights or hire an entire plane for en (werl'light et a dieeount. Required: 1. Complete the exible budget perionnenoe report abstract for July. (Indicate the effect of each variance by nllctlng "F" for flverahle, "U" for unfavorable, and "None\" for no effect (i.e., m variance). Input all amounts as positive valuel.) ' Gimme File Edit View History Bookmarks People Window Help , , 'g' I0} 24%[JI Mon9:53PM FawazAlSl-nammlrl Q 55 r m mepter Nll'lt x C I G) eztnmheducetiomoomlhmtpx Apps 9 University Search I... I] Online Registration e In DIlenae el Food... '5..- J2 10-13 W Golf... '3 MaaeagI Mlndar W... a MOTEGI RACING... @ In DIfenae el Food... D Grad students bull... Netoperatinginoome 5 2,014 $ 6,113 S 5,735 The oompany measurm its activity in terms of flights. Customers In buy individ uIl tickets {or everigh'ts or hire an entire plane for an uveright at a discount. Required: 1. Complete the exible budget performance report abstract for July. (Indicate the effect of each variance by [electing \"F" for favorable. "U" for unfavorable, and "None" for no effect (i.e.. zero variance). Input ell emeuntI II positive values.) Revenue Expenses: Wages and salaries \\ l \\ Fuel ' Airport fees ' I l l l \\ Aircrali depreciation Dlce expenses Total expense Net Operating income

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