So according to my regression results, a=27001.460, b= -3237.903, c= 998.9908, d=2883.850 and e= 0.141966. How can I name what are the variables X Variable 1, ........, X Variable 4 ? Also can you help me explain how to tell excel what the dependent and independent variables are?
Year Quantity Demanded of Beef (in million lbs) Average Price of Beef per Ibs Average Price of Pork per Ibs Average price of Potato per Ibs Income Qdb Pb Pp Po M SUMMARY OUTPUT 1980 24165.89 1.83 $ 1.46 $ 0.71 $ 7,787.00 1981 24564.49 1.80 $ 1.67 $ 0.73 $ 8,476.00 Regression Statistics 1982 24810.86 1.77 $ 2.05 $ 0.71 $ 8,980.00 Multiple R 0.963400903 1983 25604.78 1.73 $ 1.94 $ 0.72 $ 9,494.00 Square 0.9281413 1984 25849.62 1.72 $ 1.86 $ 0.81 $10,328.00 Adjusted R Square 0.91886921 1985 26271.84 1.68 $ 1.94 $ 0.76 $11,013.00 Standard Error 541.9372142 1986 26919.96 1.64 $ 2.08 $ 0.84 $11,670.00 Observations 36 1987 26246.55 1.71 $ 2.14 5 0.78 $12,391.00 1988 26354.57 1.76 $ 1.88 5 0.85 $13,128.00 ANOVA 1989 25687.95 1.83 $ 1.77 $ 0.93 $14,056.00 df SS MS Significance F 1990 25433.99 1.97 $ 2.12 $ 0.90 $14,387.00 Regression 4 117596496.8 29399124.2 100.100545 2.90109E-17 1991 25731.93 1.97 $ 2.22 $ 0.88 $14,617.00 Residual 31 9104574.267 293695.944 1992 25945.14 1.91 $ 1.92 5 0.87 $14,847.00 Total 35 126701071.1 1993 25810.94 1.94 5 1.93 $ 0.89 $15,777.00 1994 27286.94 1. 86 5 1.99 $ 0.90 $16,555.00 Coefficients Standard Error t Sta P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% 1995 27873.74 1.84 $ 1.99 $ 0.92 $17,227.00 Intercept 27001.46068 780.5835829 34.5913766 2.4768E-26 25409.44997 28593.4714 25409.44997 28593.4714 1996 28116.18 1.80 $ 2.47 $ 0.97 $18,186.00 X Variable 1 -3237.90342 450.5771251 -7.1861247 4.435E-08 -4156.861525 -2318.945315 -4156.861525 -2318.945315 1997 28211.45 1.74 $ 2.68 $ 1.00 $19,241.00 X Variable 2 998.9908348 376.9646833 2.65009132 0.01255483 230.1662944 1767.815375 230.1662944 1767.815375 1998 28868.32 1.81 $ 2.54 $ 1.04 $20,120.00 X Variable 3 -2883.850406 1734.072157 -1.663051 0.10638167 -6420.513888 652.8130758 -6420.513888 652.8130758 1999 29759.18 1.84 $ 2.55 5 1.06 $21,239.00 X Variable 4 0.419066502 0.041607521 10.071893 2.7001E-11 0.334207403 0.503925601 0.334207403 0.503925601 2000 30331.63 1.94 $ 3.03 $ 1.07 $22,346.00 2001 29900.44 2.11 5 3.25 5 1.11 $22,851.00 2002 31015.6 2.13 $ 3.24 $ 1.07 $22,794.00 2003 0035.91 2.28 5 3.20 $ 1.03 $23,276.00 2004 8847.23 2.50 5 3.38 $ 1.07 $23,857.00 2005 29022.31 2.54 5 3.39 $ 1.06 $25,036.00 2006 29912.07 2.55 5 3.44 $ 1.05 $26,352.00 2007 30205.36 2.70 5 3.66 5 1.12 $26,804.00 2008 29831.75 2.87 5 3.66 5 1.21 $26,964.00 2009 29335.86 2.88 5 3.61 $ 1.28 $26,530.00 2010 29274.52 2.91 5 4.11 5 1.26 $26,558.00 2011 28922.83 3.19 $ 4.63 $ 1.29 $27,554.00 2012 28815.34 3.41 5 4.56 5 1.42 $28,281.00 2013 28648.24 3.47 $ 5.29 $ 1.50 $30,027.00 2014 27846.24 3.97 5 5.78 5 1.53 $30,176.00 2015 27721.26 4.25 5 5.45 $ 1.49 $31,653.00