So this is Balance Sheet of the Feds in 2019. How these numbers will change in 2020? E.x: bonds, notes outstanding, depository institutions, interest payable, ....
If the Fed were to buy another $1 trillion in Treasury bonds from the banks this year, how would the Fed's Balance Sheet change from its 2019 figures. Remember, The Fed (and us) MUST always Balance. Refer to your T Accounts for the Fed and "TOBITC" that we did in class. Be very specific! Once again - The Fed's Balance Sheet must Balance!!! Federal Reserve Banks Combined Statements of Condition As of December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 (in millions) 2019 $ 11,037 5.200 1.657 11,017 5.200 1.726 255,619 2,401,604 2,302,462 ASSETS Gold certificates Special drawing rights certificates Coin Loans System Open Market Account: Securities purchased under agreements to resell Treasury securities, net (of which $41,602 and $25,102 is lents of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively) Government-sponsored enterprise debt securities, net (of which 50 is let us of December 31, 2019 2018) Federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise mortgage-backed securities, net Foreign currency denominated investments, net Central bank liquidity swaps Accrued interest receivable Bank premises and equipment, net Items in process of collection Other assets Total assets 2,657 1.446,989 20.711 2.728 2,741 1.683,532 20,906 4207 22.236 2.553 2,544 $ 1025 4,173,641 4,057.380 $ 1.759.427 $ 1,671,437 304012 336,649 129 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Federal Reserve notes System Open Market Account: Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities Deposits: Depository institutions Treasury, general account Other deposits Interest payable to depository institutions Accrued benefit costs Deferred credit items Accrued remittances to the Treasury Other liabilities Total liabilities 1.545,849 403,853 79,256 1.555954 402118 78317 1.381 2.558 1.006 1.597 2,862 2,114 300 4,135118 186 4010.720 31.698 32,335 Capital paid in Surplus (including accumulated other comprehensive loss of 53,143 and 53.292 at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively) Total capital Total liabilities and capital 6825 39.160 4,057 880 $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these combined financial statements If the Fed were to buy another $1 trillion in Treasury bonds from the banks this year, how would the Fed's Balance Sheet change from its 2019 figures. Remember, The Fed (and us) MUST always Balance. Refer to your T Accounts for the Fed and "TOBITC" that we did in class. Be very specific! Once again - The Fed's Balance Sheet must Balance!!! Federal Reserve Banks Combined Statements of Condition As of December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 (in millions) 2019 $ 11,037 5.200 1.657 11,017 5.200 1.726 255,619 2,401,604 2,302,462 ASSETS Gold certificates Special drawing rights certificates Coin Loans System Open Market Account: Securities purchased under agreements to resell Treasury securities, net (of which $41,602 and $25,102 is lents of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively) Government-sponsored enterprise debt securities, net (of which 50 is let us of December 31, 2019 2018) Federal agency and government-sponsored enterprise mortgage-backed securities, net Foreign currency denominated investments, net Central bank liquidity swaps Accrued interest receivable Bank premises and equipment, net Items in process of collection Other assets Total assets 2,657 1.446,989 20.711 2.728 2,741 1.683,532 20,906 4207 22.236 2.553 2,544 $ 1025 4,173,641 4,057.380 $ 1.759.427 $ 1,671,437 304012 336,649 129 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Federal Reserve notes System Open Market Account: Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities Deposits: Depository institutions Treasury, general account Other deposits Interest payable to depository institutions Accrued benefit costs Deferred credit items Accrued remittances to the Treasury Other liabilities Total liabilities 1.545,849 403,853 79,256 1.555954 402118 78317 1.381 2.558 1.006 1.597 2,862 2,114 300 4,135118 186 4010.720 31.698 32,335 Capital paid in Surplus (including accumulated other comprehensive loss of 53,143 and 53.292 at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively) Total capital Total liabilities and capital 6825 39.160 4,057 880 $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these combined financial statements