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A restaurant faces very high demand for its signature mousse desserts in the evening but is less busy during the day. Its manager estimates that inverse demand functions are pe = 30 - Qe in the evening and pd = 16 -Qd during the day, where e and d denote evening and daytime. The marginal cost of producing its dessert evening, MCe, is $8. The marginal cost of producing its dessert daytime, MCd, is $4. There is no fixed cost of producing dessert. Create a spreadsheet with the column headings Qe, Pe, TRe, MRe, TCe, MCe, ne, Qd, Pd, TRd, MRd, TCd, MCd, and nd. (note: ne is profit evening and nd indicates profit daytime) a. What are the optimal prices for the dessert that the restaurant should charge during the evening hours? b. What is the optimal quantity for the dessert that the restaurant should produce during the evening hours? c. What is the total cost of producing the optimal quantity for the dessert during the evening hours? d. What is the maximum profit for the dessert that the restaurant should produce during the evening hours? e. What are the optimal prices for the dessert that the restaurant should charge during the daytime hours? f. What is the optimal quantity for the dessert that the restaurant should produce during the daytime hours? I g. What is the total cost of producing the optimal quantity for the dessert during the daytime hours? h. What is the maximum profit for the dessert that the restaurant should produce during the daytime hours?Which textbook is likely to be worth more: Principles of Microeconomics by Hubbard and O'Brien (used in EC215 class) or Advanced Microeconomics Theory (used in EC 420, an upper level economics class)? Demand for Principles of Microeconomics textbook is much higher than demand for an advanced microeconomics book, since many business students take an introductory course, but few students major in economics. Price of Advanced Microeconomics textbook: $271.55 (Print only, no digital product) Price of Principles of Microeconomics textbook: 249.14 (Print only, no digital product) In the space below, use a demand and supply diagram to explain why Advanced Microeconomics textbook, a relatively less popular book, sells for a much higher market price than the Principles of Microeconomics textbook.Grad - A dummy variable equal to 1 if the CEO attended a post-graduate program (e.g. MBA), 0 if not Computer - A dummy variable equal to 1 if the firm is in the computer industry, 0 if not Financial - A dummy variable equal to 1 if the firm is in the financial industry, 0 if not Here are the results of a regression of Logsalbon on the covariates: Log Salbon = 3.65+ .31 LogSales+ .0016 Fiveret+ .014 Age-.037Grad-.0037Computer+ .156 Financial ,R = .32 (.25) (.019) (.0012) (.003) (.039) (.064) (.049) Here are some tests of a few joint hypotheses: Ho : B2 = B4 = 0, F-statistic = 1.423 Ho : B2 = 35 = 0, F-statistic = 1.026 Ho : B4 = 35 = 0, F-statistic = 0.473 Ho : B2 = B4 = 35 = 0, F-statistic = 0.959 a. People frequently complain about the high salaries and bonuses earned by CEOs. Some suggest that their compensation is almost totally disconnected from the performance of their firms. Using the company's five year return (Fiveret) as a measure of a firm's performance, do you find evidence that CEO's are rewarded for good performance? What effect do you find? Justify your answer. b. Do CEO's at larger firms earn higher salaries? If so, how much? Justify your answer using Log Sales as your measure of firm size. c. Do the data provide any evidence that CEO's receive a premium (i.e. higher earnings) for having attended a post-graduate program? What effect do you find? Explain. d. Suppose I re-run the regression using Salbon instead of Log Salbon as the dependent variable and find that R" = .34. On the basis of this evidence, should I conclude that it's better to run this new regression instead of the earlier one? Explain.Font Select . Paragraph Styles Editing Graph the following scenario. (Hint: the graph setup in question #8 is a good framework) For a real world example, consider the market for oil. The initial supply and demand curves would be at position 1 (p1). When the suppliers decide to collaborate and supply less oil for every price, this causes a backwards shift in the supply curve, to supply curve 2. This cuts the quantity supplied from quantity 1 (q1) to quantity 2 (q2] and raises the price paid for oil along demand curve 1. We can either shift the demand curve in to curve 2, maintaining previous price levels, but decreasing consumption even more, or we can shift our demand curve out to curve 3, maintaining previous levels of consumption but raising prices. Since there is a tradeoff between having steady prices or steady consumption, the consumers have to make a decision about which is more important to them. In the short run, they will probably decide to pay the higher prices to keep consumption steady (that is, they will shift out to curve 3), but if the prices stay high for a long time, they will start finding ways to economize, (thereby shifting in to curve 2]. 10. What terms are being defined? a. Situation in which the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded for a good or service; price is above equilibrium price. Additional income derived from each additional unit of goods sold. Total Variable Costs divided by quantity sold, TVC/q- Total Fixed Costs divided by quantity sold, TFC/q. To maximize utility by making the most effective use of available resources, whether they be money, goods, or other factors. Costs which do not vary with quantity produced that a firm has to pay in order to produce and sell its goods. Total revenue