solve the following activity:
Assignment Activity 4 Much of the work of monitoring finances within a budget is looking for trends and figures that are out of the ordinary in the actual results of the business. Trends in past results give you indications of possible future results in the business. These trends are often not instantaneously visible when you look at the results; relating figures to each other and expressing those figures as a percentage of each other may uncover a hidden trend in the income or expenses of a business. Take a close look at the actual figures for 2018/19 from Joes Cafe; calculate some percentages and look deep into the figures for trends and numbers that don't seem quite right and warrant further investigation.1. Identify a mistake in the superannuateon payments. 2. Identify one positive trend over the year. 3. Identify three negative trends that are causing the trend to lower profitably as the year went on. 4. Take a good look at the alcoholic beverage purchases and outline anyareas of concern. Outline some possible causes of the alcoholic beverage purchases figures to be that way. 5. If discussions and negotiations with existing or new suppliers, could bring about a 3% saving in food purchases, what effect would this have on the profitsof Joe's cafe, if that 3% saving was applied for the whole period of the budget? Saving value? New profit value? % increase in profits. 6. A rostering change in the way the roaster is applied to waited in the cafe results in a saving of$250 per week in wages and a proportional decrease in superannuateon. What effect will this have on the profit of the cafe if applied to the whole budget period? Savings value? New profit value? %Increase in profits. Give detailed answers to these questions and back up your answers with examples of figures and calculations to show the trend, mistake or areas of concern. This is a certificate IV unit so make sure your answers are detailed and presented in a professional manner appropriate for a person in a supervisory / management position.