(Solving a comprehensive problem) Use the end-olyear ditod pnse data in the popup window. a. Comperite the annual iales of return for each time period and for beh firms, dwemends.) (1+TheesVearPuthoffintern)=(1+AprualRale)2 Data table a. Enter the annual rate of return for oach year for Harris in the table betow. (Foound to two decimal places.) Enter the aninual rate of return for each yoar for Pimwhool in the table below. (Round to two decimal placas.) b. The arithmetic average rate of return earned by investing in Haris stockover this period is (Round to two decinal placett) The arithinetic average rate of return exerned by investing in Pinwheel stock over thes period is (Round to two decimai places ) The geothetrie awerage rate of return eamed by inyesling in Harris stock over this period is (Round to two desimai places) The geometio avorage tate of return eunmed by investing in Piswhoel stock over this period is (Round to iwo desomititi phiscut) The geometric average rate of retum eamed by investing in Harris stock over this period is The geometric average rate of return eamed by investing in Pinwheol stock over this period is \%. (Round to two decimal places.) c. The three-year rate of return spanning the entire period for Harris is \%. (Round to two decimal places) The three-year rate of return spanning the entire period for Pinwheet is \%. (Rocund to two decimal places) d. The annual rate of return converted from the three-yearrate in part c for Harris is \%. (Round to two docimal ploces.) The annual rato of return converted from the three-year rate in part c for Pinwheel is _W. (Round to two docimal plices) e. How is the annual rate of return calculated in part d related to the geometric rate of return? (Select the best choice betiow) A. The annual rate of retum calculated in part d is nothing but the arithmetic average B. The annual rate of retuin calculated in part d is nothing but the geometric average rate of return calculated in a different way c. The annual rate of return calculated in part d is not related to the ceometrio averaoe rate of rotum. e. How is the arunual tate of return calculated in part d relaled to the geometrie rato of robarn? (Solect the beat choico beliow. A. The apenual rase of return calculated in part d is nothing but the arkitmetic avorage rate of roturn colculstud in a diffocent way B. The annual rate of retum cilcalates in patt d is rothing but the poometric overage nali of retirn caculated in a different way cholice bolow) ised tor a wingle period a period c. The anhual mate of return calculated in part d is not related to the geometric average rate of resum chocebeion) Used for a single period. a petiod. tivis far al singee peried