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Some of the most impactful topics that struck me the most were the following: The Basis of Business Intelligence Discovering Project Management CRM and Social

Some of the most impactful topics that struck me the most were the following:

  • The Basis of Business Intelligence
  • Discovering Project Management
  • CRM and Social Networking

The topic "The Basis of Business Intelligence" that shocked me the most was learning how some businesses use external data to grow their business. I never imagine the ways some companies might use public information to their advantage. For example, a classmate described how a real estate company could use census information to target areas where the population age is higher. Thus making that area more likely for homeowners to sell.

The second topic, "Discovering Project Management," was an eye-opener because, before this discussion, I never put too much importance on getting a PMP certification. However, after doing more research and reading some of the case studies. It was clear to me why the demand is high for project managersalso, the high salaries and the networking opportunities associated with these certifications. Acquiring a PMP certification should be under everyone's radar.

Lastly, "CRM and Social Networking" also gave me valuable information. It was interesting finding out how some companies stay connected with their customers using various methods. Also, learning some of the challenges, these types of systems might encounter. Sometimes, we go on with our daily lives and never pay attention to how many things we are used to, work Whenever you get an alert that your prescription is ready for pickup, a CRM system is at play.


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