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TASK 3 CITY CONSIDERATIONS: Bridge acCess IGNORING THE SITES THAT ARE PROHIBIED BY STATE RECULATIONS, which of the potential sites would require the construction of an access bridge to the site? A bridge will add an additional 55 million dollars to the cost of the landill. Remember, do NOT select a site that is prohibited by state regulations, even it that site needs a biridge!l!! A Site 1 B. Site 2 C. Site 3 D. Sine 4 E. Site 5 TASK 4: CITY CONSIDERATIONS: Access Roads IGNORING THE SITES THAT ARE PROHIBITED BY STATE REGULATIONS, how many miles of access road are needed for the potential sites? Your value should be to the nearest 0.5 mile (For instance: 0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0 etc.) ONLY enter numbers and one decimal place, DO NOT includ any letters - If the site is PROHIBIED by state regulations (Task 1), enter 0 . - If the site requires a bridge, enter 0 . - It the site does not need an access road (the map shows it immediately along an existing road or highway), enter 0 . Site 1: Site 2: Site 3: Site 4: Site 5: T EXPLAIN DEFEND your answer as if you are trying to convince the city officials that yours is the best option. For many decades, the small city of Titus Creek has managed its municipal waste by placing it in unlined open pits. In 2015, the Department of Environmental Resources fined Titus Creek for violation of state and federal waste management laws. As part of this enforcement action the city is required to construct an engineered containment landfill that complies with state and federal laws and rules. State Regulatory Requirements: The minimum landfill construction requirements are as follows: - a 3-foot thick compacted clay liner, - a synthetic (plastic) liner, - a system of groundwater monitoring wells - a leachate collection system. Depending on certain geologic conditions, a more expensive 4.5-foot compacted clay liner could be required. A thicker liner will increase the landfill constriction cost by \$1.5 million. This additional cost may trigger a tax increase in Titus Creek and Mingo City. Diagram of landfill construction and geologic conditions - NOT to scale! Keeping Costs Down: the City's Conditions Building a containment landfill is an expensive venture costing many millions of dollars. To keep the construction costs as low as possible, the city officials would like the future landfill site to meet the following conditions: - The construction of new bridges should be avoided. The construction of a bridge to access the landill will increase the cost of the project by about 5 million dollars. 1 - The construction of new access roads in order to reach the landfill should be avoided. The construction of new access roads will increase the cost of lhe project by 2 million dollars for every mile of new road needed. - In order to keep transportation costs down, it is desirable that the landtill is within 4 miles of the city of Titus Creek. Althoigh not a construction cost, a travel distance'greater thath \& mifes from Tths Creek will add $200,000 dollars per year to the Cinis annual budgel. Because of these expenses, the city hopes the landfill will meet its waste disposal needs for the next 30 years, it doesn't want to build another landfill anytime soon City officials have proposed 5 sites for the landfill based onfy on real estate costs - the city is looking at the cheapest land it can find. They have hired vou to detemune whichof the 5 sites mect ms many of the regulatory - The construction of new access roads in order to reach the landfill should be avoided. The construction of new access roads will increase the cost of the profect by 2 million dollars for every mile of new road needed, - In order to keep transportation costs down, it is desirable that the landfill is within 4 miles of the city of Titus Creek. Although not a construction cost, a travel distance greater:than 4 miles from Titus Creek will add $200,000 dollars per year to the City's anmual budget. Because of these expenses, the city hopes the landfill will meet its waste disposal needs for the next 30 years; it doesn't want to build another landfill anytime soon. City officials have proposed 5 sites for the landfill based only on real estate costs - the city is looking at the cheapest land it can find. They have hired you to determine which of the 5 sites meet as many of the regulatory criteria and city goals as possible. Your goal is to: - Use the state regulations to identify and eliminate the proposed sites that do NOT meet the state regulatory requirements. - Of the remaining sites, determine which sites will require an extra-thick 4.5-foot compacted clay liner. - Determine which of the remaining sites best meet the conditions set by the city. - Recommend the most cost effective site to the city officials. Your Resources: Appendix A - The Regulations The appendix on page 6 is a summary of the State's construction requirements for a municipal solid waste landfill (Title 30, Part I, Chapter 330.1(b). Not all the rules listed in Title 30. Part I, Chapter 330.1 will be relevant in the project The Map The city has provided a map (page 4) showing the locations of the 5 proposed landfill sites along with regional roads and highways. See the map legend (page S) for more explanation of the symbols used on the map. It is best to jrint out the map for making your measurements. - Recommend the most cost effective site to the city officials. Your Resources: Appendix A - The Regulations The appendix on page 6 is a summary of the State's construction requirements for a municipal solid waste landfill (Title 30, Part I, Chapter 330.1(b). Not all the rules listed in Title 30, Part I, Chapter 330.1 will be relevant in the project The Map The city has provided a map (page 4) showing the locations of the 5 proposed landfill sites along with regional roads and highways. See the map legend (page 5) for more explanation of the symbols used on the map. It is best to print out the map for making your measurements. Boring Logs At each of the 5 proposed landfill sites, a soil boring was drilled to a depth of 120 feet below the surface to determine the depth to the aquifer and to identify if there are any impermeable claystone layers above the aquifer. Five boring logs have been prepared showing the types and thicknesses of the rock layers encountered during drilling (page 5). The scale on the left is feet below the Earth's surface. You will need the boring logs to evaluate which state regulations are met or not met. Landfill Site Analysis - the Approach While it is possible that none of the 5 sites meet all the state regulations and city considerations, the city needs guidance on which location will be the most cost effective. You should start with the state regulations to see if any sites can be eliminated, then move onto the City's goals. Task 1: Apply State Regulations: Review the landfill requirements listed in Title 30, Chapter 330.1b. Use the map to determine if there are any sites that are prohibited by state regulations. Be sure to indicate on the worksheet, which sites are prohibited - these sites can be eliminated from any future evaluation. The remaining site(s) is/are the potential location(s) of the future landfill. Task 2a: Evaluate Geologic Conditions - depth to the aquifer: At each of the remaining sites, determine the depth to the groundwater aquifer in feet using the boring logs. This condition may require that the landfill be constructed using a thicker 4.5 foot thick liner instead of the standard 3 -foot thick liner, increasing the cost of the landfill by $1.5 million. Record the depth to the aquifer in the worksheet. Task 2b: Evaluate Geologic Conditions - thickness of low-hydraulic conductivity claystone layer The best situation is that there is a naturally occurring low-hydraulic conductivity layer present beneath the proposed landfill site. If not, and according to 330.1b ), the construction of an extra-thick 4.5 -foot liner instead of the standard 3 -foot thick liner will be required, increasing the cost of the landfill by $1.5 million. Record the thickness of the low hydraulic conductivity claystone layer in the worksheet. Task 3: Evaluate City Considerations - new bridges Use the map to see which remaining sites will require the construction of a new bridge. A new access bridge will add $5 million to the cost of the project. Record the sites that require a new bridge on the worksheet. Task 4: Evaluate City Considerations - new access roads Use the map to determine which locations will require the construction of new access roads. Landfill sites needing a bridge will NOT need an access road. Using the map scale, determine the length in miles of the necessary access roads. Each mile of access road will cost $2 million to construct. Determine the additional cost associated with road construction and record this information on the worksheet Task 5: Evaluate City Considerations - distance from Titus Creek The city officials want the landfill as close to the city as possible in order to reduce the annual costs Task 5: Evaluate City Considerations - distance from Titus Creek The city officials want the landfill as close to the city as possible in order to reduce the annual costs associated with transporting waste to the landfill. Use the map and map scale to determine the driving distance from the center of Titus Creek to each of the potential landfill sites. If the driving distance is greater than 4 miles, it will cost the city an additional $200,000 annually. Task 6: Present Your Recommendations Based on your analysis, choose which landfill site is most cost effective for the City of Titus Creek, and EXPLAIN/ DEFEND your answer as if you are trying to convince the city officials that yours is the best option. One of the most effective ways to make your argument is to explain why the other sites are not as desirable as your selection. MAP pw ground surface (ft) TASK 3 CITY CONSIDERATIONS: Bridge acCess IGNORING THE SITES THAT ARE PROHIBIED BY STATE RECULATIONS, which of the potential sites would require the construction of an access bridge to the site? A bridge will add an additional 55 million dollars to the cost of the landill. Remember, do NOT select a site that is prohibited by state regulations, even it that site needs a biridge!l!! A Site 1 B. Site 2 C. Site 3 D. Sine 4 E. Site 5 TASK 4: CITY CONSIDERATIONS: Access Roads IGNORING THE SITES THAT ARE PROHIBITED BY STATE REGULATIONS, how many miles of access road are needed for the potential sites? Your value should be to the nearest 0.5 mile (For instance: 0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0 etc.) ONLY enter numbers and one decimal place, DO NOT includ any letters - If the site is PROHIBIED by state regulations (Task 1), enter 0 . - If the site requires a bridge, enter 0 . - It the site does not need an access road (the map shows it immediately along an existing road or highway), enter 0 . Site 1: Site 2: Site 3: Site 4: Site 5: T EXPLAIN DEFEND your answer as if you are trying to convince the city officials that yours is the best option. For many decades, the small city of Titus Creek has managed its municipal waste by placing it in unlined open pits. In 2015, the Department of Environmental Resources fined Titus Creek for violation of state and federal waste management laws. As part of this enforcement action the city is required to construct an engineered containment landfill that complies with state and federal laws and rules. State Regulatory Requirements: The minimum landfill construction requirements are as follows: - a 3-foot thick compacted clay liner, - a synthetic (plastic) liner, - a system of groundwater monitoring wells - a leachate collection system. Depending on certain geologic conditions, a more expensive 4.5-foot compacted clay liner could be required. A thicker liner will increase the landfill constriction cost by \$1.5 million. This additional cost may trigger a tax increase in Titus Creek and Mingo City. Diagram of landfill construction and geologic conditions - NOT to scale! Keeping Costs Down: the City's Conditions Building a containment landfill is an expensive venture costing many millions of dollars. To keep the construction costs as low as possible, the city officials would like the future landfill site to meet the following conditions: - The construction of new bridges should be avoided. The construction of a bridge to access the landill will increase the cost of the project by about 5 million dollars. 1 - The construction of new access roads in order to reach the landfill should be avoided. The construction of new access roads will increase the cost of lhe project by 2 million dollars for every mile of new road needed. - In order to keep transportation costs down, it is desirable that the landtill is within 4 miles of the city of Titus Creek. Althoigh not a construction cost, a travel distance'greater thath \& mifes from Tths Creek will add $200,000 dollars per year to the Cinis annual budgel. Because of these expenses, the city hopes the landfill will meet its waste disposal needs for the next 30 years, it doesn't want to build another landfill anytime soon City officials have proposed 5 sites for the landfill based onfy on real estate costs - the city is looking at the cheapest land it can find. They have hired vou to detemune whichof the 5 sites mect ms many of the regulatory - The construction of new access roads in order to reach the landfill should be avoided. The construction of new access roads will increase the cost of the profect by 2 million dollars for every mile of new road needed, - In order to keep transportation costs down, it is desirable that the landfill is within 4 miles of the city of Titus Creek. Although not a construction cost, a travel distance greater:than 4 miles from Titus Creek will add $200,000 dollars per year to the City's anmual budget. Because of these expenses, the city hopes the landfill will meet its waste disposal needs for the next 30 years; it doesn't want to build another landfill anytime soon. City officials have proposed 5 sites for the landfill based only on real estate costs - the city is looking at the cheapest land it can find. They have hired you to determine which of the 5 sites meet as many of the regulatory criteria and city goals as possible. Your goal is to: - Use the state regulations to identify and eliminate the proposed sites that do NOT meet the state regulatory requirements. - Of the remaining sites, determine which sites will require an extra-thick 4.5-foot compacted clay liner. - Determine which of the remaining sites best meet the conditions set by the city. - Recommend the most cost effective site to the city officials. Your Resources: Appendix A - The Regulations The appendix on page 6 is a summary of the State's construction requirements for a municipal solid waste landfill (Title 30, Part I, Chapter 330.1(b). Not all the rules listed in Title 30. Part I, Chapter 330.1 will be relevant in the project The Map The city has provided a map (page 4) showing the locations of the 5 proposed landfill sites along with regional roads and highways. See the map legend (page S) for more explanation of the symbols used on the map. It is best to jrint out the map for making your measurements. - Recommend the most cost effective site to the city officials. Your Resources: Appendix A - The Regulations The appendix on page 6 is a summary of the State's construction requirements for a municipal solid waste landfill (Title 30, Part I, Chapter 330.1(b). Not all the rules listed in Title 30, Part I, Chapter 330.1 will be relevant in the project The Map The city has provided a map (page 4) showing the locations of the 5 proposed landfill sites along with regional roads and highways. See the map legend (page 5) for more explanation of the symbols used on the map. It is best to print out the map for making your measurements. Boring Logs At each of the 5 proposed landfill sites, a soil boring was drilled to a depth of 120 feet below the surface to determine the depth to the aquifer and to identify if there are any impermeable claystone layers above the aquifer. Five boring logs have been prepared showing the types and thicknesses of the rock layers encountered during drilling (page 5). The scale on the left is feet below the Earth's surface. You will need the boring logs to evaluate which state regulations are met or not met. Landfill Site Analysis - the Approach While it is possible that none of the 5 sites meet all the state regulations and city considerations, the city needs guidance on which location will be the most cost effective. You should start with the state regulations to see if any sites can be eliminated, then move onto the City's goals. Task 1: Apply State Regulations: Review the landfill requirements listed in Title 30, Chapter 330.1b. Use the map to determine if there are any sites that are prohibited by state regulations. Be sure to indicate on the worksheet, which sites are prohibited - these sites can be eliminated from any future evaluation. The remaining site(s) is/are the potential location(s) of the future landfill. Task 2a: Evaluate Geologic Conditions - depth to the aquifer: At each of the remaining sites, determine the depth to the groundwater aquifer in feet using the boring logs. This condition may require that the landfill be constructed using a thicker 4.5 foot thick liner instead of the standard 3 -foot thick liner, increasing the cost of the landfill by $1.5 million. Record the depth to the aquifer in the worksheet. Task 2b: Evaluate Geologic Conditions - thickness of low-hydraulic conductivity claystone layer The best situation is that there is a naturally occurring low-hydraulic conductivity layer present beneath the proposed landfill site. If not, and according to 330.1b ), the construction of an extra-thick 4.5 -foot liner instead of the standard 3 -foot thick liner will be required, increasing the cost of the landfill by $1.5 million. Record the thickness of the low hydraulic conductivity claystone layer in the worksheet. Task 3: Evaluate City Considerations - new bridges Use the map to see which remaining sites will require the construction of a new bridge. A new access bridge will add $5 million to the cost of the project. Record the sites that require a new bridge on the worksheet. Task 4: Evaluate City Considerations - new access roads Use the map to determine which locations will require the construction of new access roads. Landfill sites needing a bridge will NOT need an access road. Using the map scale, determine the length in miles of the necessary access roads. Each mile of access road will cost $2 million to construct. Determine the additional cost associated with road construction and record this information on the worksheet Task 5: Evaluate City Considerations - distance from Titus Creek The city officials want the landfill as close to the city as possible in order to reduce the annual costs Task 5: Evaluate City Considerations - distance from Titus Creek The city officials want the landfill as close to the city as possible in order to reduce the annual costs associated with transporting waste to the landfill. Use the map and map scale to determine the driving distance from the center of Titus Creek to each of the potential landfill sites. If the driving distance is greater than 4 miles, it will cost the city an additional $200,000 annually. Task 6: Present Your Recommendations Based on your analysis, choose which landfill site is most cost effective for the City of Titus Creek, and EXPLAIN/ DEFEND your answer as if you are trying to convince the city officials that yours is the best option. One of the most effective ways to make your argument is to explain why the other sites are not as desirable as your selection. MAP pw ground surface (ft)

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