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Specifications: 1. The program that you are about to write is not a system program, it is just a typical user application that requires no


1. The program that you are about to write is not a system program, it is just a

typical user application that requires no spawning of processes, no timer

interrupt handling, no I/O interrupt handling, etc. You are simulating a system


2. This is an individual project, and implementation of the simulation program should be in C++

3. Your program must use some form of "visual presentation" to show, at least, the

following four components:




A ready queue showing all the processes waiting to be dispatched to use

the CPU


An I/O device


An I/O queue showing all the processes waiting to use the I/O device

Your choice of "visual presentation" will be a text-mode to an output file (user

will enter the name of the output file as first command-line input parameter) and

the text-mode or GUI program implemented using any UI framework of your

choice (that can be run in the CIS lab) to the screen.

4. The description of a simulated process includes the following information:

o Arrival time (t) of the process

o Number of CPU bursts (N)

o CPU burst durations (Ci, i = 1, 2, ..., N), I/O burst durations (Dj, j = 1, 2, ...,N-1)

written in one line of the input file (the name of the input file will be entered by

the user as second command-line input parameter) in the following order:

t N C1 D1 C2 D2 ... C(N-1) D(N-1) CN

Recall that the execution of a process always begins and ends with a CPU burst.

You can assume all the numbers are integers.

What will you do if the format is incorrect number of values N=6 but 5 or 7


5. An integer counter will simulate the system clock there will be an output log file

(the name of the log file will be entered by the user as third command-line input

parameter). Every time unit in your simulation will be listed in this file along

with what event(s) took place at that time. Every 5 time units (5, 10, 15, ...) also

display the current contents of the Ready Queue and I/O Queue (before events at

that time begin).

6. Time quantum (integer) used in the Round Robin simulation is given as the

fourth command-line input parameter.

7. The simulator shall print an appropriate message when a simulated process

changes its state. Use the 5-state model (New, Ready, Running, Blocked, Exit).

For instance, it shall print a message when it performs one of the following



Starts a new process


Schedules a process to run


Moves a process to the I/O Waiting (Blocked) State


Preempts a process from the Running State


Moves a process back into the Ready State (due to I/O completion)


Starts servicing a process' I/O request

Each message is prefixed with the current simulation time.

8. When a simulated process is interrupted (because its current CPU burst is longer

than the quantum) the process is preempted and re-enter the ready queue

9. When a simulated process completes its current CPU burst, it will then use its

I/O burst, the simulator changes the process' state to Blocked. At this point, the

CPU becomes idle and the dispatcher may select another process from the ready



10. The simulated system has only one CPU and one I/O device. The I/O request of a

process will be performed only if the I/O device is available. Otherwise, the

process requesting the I/O operation will have to wait until the device is

available. I/O is handled by the simulated device on first-come-first-serve basis.

11. Upon completion of its I/O burst, a process will change from Blocked state to

Ready and join the Ready Queue again.

12. A process entering the ready queue can be one of the following:

a. a new process,

b. a process returning from Blocked state, or

c. a process preempted from the CPU

When these three events happen at the same time, the new process will enter the

Ready Queue first, followed by process returning from Blocked state, and finally

by the preempted process.

13. When a simulated process terminates, the simulator then outputs a statement of

the form:

14. Job %d terminated: Turn Around Time = %d, Wait time = %d, I/O

wait = %d

where " Turn Around Time " is total elapsed time, "Wait time" is the total time

spent by a process in the Ready Queue, and "I/O wait" is the total amount of time

the process had to wait for the I/O device.

15. At the end of simulation, the simulator shall display the percentage of CPU

utilization, average Turn Around Time, average wait time, and average I/O wait


Sample Input File:

3 3 2 5 8 7 4

5 1 4

6 4 8 2 10 2 7 5 6

This file represents three processes with the following execution behavior (pay attention

to the order of CPU bursts and I/O bursts in the above input and the table below).


Arrival Time CPU bursts

I/O bursts



2, 8, 4

5, 7







8, 10, 7, 6

2, 2, 5

Please note the following:

Each process always starts and ends with a CPU burst.

The jobs in the input file are sorted in ascending order by their arrival time


Required Test Cases (you are required to validate the data results below are correct

and create more tests!):

3 3 2 5 8 7 4

5 1 4

6 4 8 2 10 2 7 5 6

> Results for quantum = 3 CPU utilization = 84%

P0 (TAT = 36, ReadyWait = 10, I/O-wait=0)

P1 (TAT = 7, ReadyWait = 3, I/O-wait=0)

P2 (TAT = 52, ReadyWait = 12, I/O-wait=0)

3 3 2 5 2 7 4

5 2 1 10 2

6 4 1 15 1 12 4 8 6

> Results for quantum = 2 CPU utilization = 32%

P0 (Turn Around Time = 43, ReadyWait = 0, I/O-wait=23)

P1 (Turn Around Time = 17, ReadyWait = 0, I/O-wait=4)

P2 (Turn Around Time = 66, ReadyWait = 0, I/O-wait=19)

3 3 2 5 8 7 4

4 1 4

6 3 2 5 2 7 4

8 4 8 2 10 2 7 5 6

10 2 1 10 2

13 4 1 15 1 12 4 8 6

> Results for quantum = 2 CPU utilization = 77%

P0 (Turn Around Time = 60, ReadyWait = 18, I/O-wait=16)

P1 (Turn Around Time = 7, ReadyWait = 3, I/O-wait=0)

P2 (Turn Around Time = 47, ReadyWait = 7, I/O-wait=20)

P3 (Turn Around Time = 86, ReadyWait = 24, I/O-wait=22)

P4 (Turn Around Time = 19, ReadyWait = 5, I/O-wait=1)

P5 (Turn Around Time = 75, ReadyWait = 7, I/O-wait=21)

How might these change with different quantum times?


Implementation Guidelines for Algorithm:

Simulated Process and Data Structures

A process in your simulation program is just an "object" that your

program manipulates.

You may have to design a data structure as a simplified representation of

a typical PCB (Process Control Block). All the PCBs can be stored into an

array-list, a dynamically allocated array, or other similar structures. In

addition you may need to implement two queues to simulate the "ready

queue" and the "I/O queue". If, for instance, you decide to use an arraylist

to store the PCBs, the "ready queue" can simply be implemented as a

linked list of integers, each integer is a "process ID" that can be used to

index the arraylist.

Discrete-Event Simulation


The kind of simulation that you will implement in this project is known as

Discrete-Event Simulation. In our case, the discrete events are:

Arrival of a new job

Preemption of the current job from the CPU

Blocking of a job due to its I/O request

Completion of a job's I/O operation

Termination of a job


In a Discrete-Event Simulation, any event in the simulation will cause the

state of the system changes at discrete time. These state transitions take

place in

simulated time

(instead of

real time


List of Discrete Events


The simulation loop of your program is driven by the list of (future)

events in the system being simulated. In order to process all these events

in a chonological order, they must be maintained in ascending order of

their time of occurence. A heap or a priority queue is perhaps the best

data structure for this list (you should have covered these in CIS 200

and/or CIS 350/3501). The simulation loop then removes one event at a

time (starting from the earliest), changes the state of the system

accordingly, and performs all the updates that must take place during the

current simulation time.


The main loop of the simulation will probably look like the code on the

last page


At the beginning of the simulation, only the job arrival events are known

(from the input file), and these events can be immediately enqueued into

the event list (only the events are created, the jobs themselves are not

created at this point). The other four kinds of event cannot be determined

yet, but they will be determined (generated) and inserted into the event

list as the simulation progresses in time.


Generating Future Events:

How are future events determined?

When a process is dispatched to use the CPU. There are three possible future events that

may take place with respect to the process: PREEMPTION, IO_REQUEST, or

TERMINATION. However, only one of these future events will take place depending on

the scheduler quantum time, the process current CPU burst, and whether this process

has an I/O burst following the current CPU burst.

As an example, Job 1 in the sample input above. Assume that the system quantum time is

3 units.

When Job1 is dispatched at time T to run its first CPU burst, the next (future)

event for Job1 must be IO_REQUEST that will take place at time T+2, i.e. the

current time + the remaining CPU burst. At thist point a new IO_REQUEST

event must be inserted into the event list. Job1 itself, however, will not be blocked

at the current simulation time. Later at time T+2, when the simulation loop

handles the IO_REQUEST event, Job1 will be moved from the CPU to the I/O


When later Job1 is dispatched at time U to run its second CPU burst, the next

(future) event for Job1 must be PREEMPTION that will take place at time U+3,

i.e. the current time + the system quantum. Likewise, a new PREEMPTION event

will be inserted into the event list and the actual preemption will take place later

when the simulation loop is at time U+3 handllng the PREEMPTION event.

Other future events will be generated using a similar technique.

Event Structure:

If you implement the simulation program in C++, an "Event" is perhaps a structure that

may look like the following:

struct eventNode


int time; /* when the event will occur */

int type; /* type of event */

int process_id; /* to whom this event applies */


eventNode event;

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