Stage 3 Vulture Street Car Service Centres A potentially proble matit: activity system a n ii a proposed IS a) State and refer to the potentially problematic activity system you identified in stage I. Use the 16 DeLoneMcLean Model (include diagram) of Information System Success to describe the areas in which the potentially problematic human activity system is not successful and describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness] for the problematic human activity system (HAS). Explain using success measures where the problematic HAS falls short. b) Refer to the problematic activity system (HAS) you identified in stage 1 and take into consideration the competitiveness from stage 2 and come up with an improvedfnew information system for the potentially problematic activity system, which will better support the organizational goals. [ijBriefly describe what your information system is {100 word s). {ii} Classify the new information system as either: frontend, backend, customer facing, or supplierfacing; and explain why (in) Draw a process model using the BPMN notation of the improvedfnew process which would be used in the information system you are proposing {iv} Explain in detail how the improveda'new information system you are proposing will add value to the business and how it supports competitive advantage for the business. In your discussion, list and describe the impacted primary or secondary activities of Porter's value model (do not repeat diagram}. You will need to provide a discussion that is well integrated with concepts of valuer competition, industry structure, competitive advantage, value chain etc. You may wish to integrate literature from other sources such as academic journals to support your argument. Approx. 7001500 words (guide only)