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Start Excel In cells E.13-E90, use conditionat focmatting to show where the length is greater than 6 thches or less than 4 inches: Select the

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Start Excel In cells E.13-E90, use conditionat focmatting to show where the length is greater than 6 thches or less than 4 inches: Select the Contitional Formatting on the Home tab of the Ribbon In the drep down list select Manage Rrules: Add twa Rudes 2. Format only cells with values greater than 6 . Select the Format option. In the new provided window go to the Fil tab and select Ked color from the pallet (botteen row, second columin). Format only cells with values less than 4 . Select the Format option. In the new prosided window go to the Fill tab and select Red color from the pallet (bottcen row; secend column). (1 point) In cells F13.F90, use conditional formatting to slow where the whith is less than 2.5 inches. Select the Conditional Formatting on the Home tab of the Rbbon. In the drep down list select New Rule Format oaly cells with values less than 2.5. Select the Format option. In the new previded window go to the Fill tab and select Oranige colos from the pallet (botiom row; third cohanati) (1 point) In celh G13690, use cenditional formating to show whete tbe iner radiun is aboye average for the intie radius values: Select the Condtrional Formating on the Home tab of the Robbon. In the drep down list select New Rule: Formut only values with vahaes that are ahove the average for the range G13.690. Select the Format eption. lo the new provided window go to the Fill tab and ielect Yellow (color freas the pallet (botices rew, fountb column) ( t peint) In cells 1413-1490. use condtiotal formatting to show where the outer radius is below average for the euter radius valuei Select the Coeditional Foiniatting on the Heme tab of the Ribbon. In the drop down list select New Rule. Foruat ouly. values with values that ase below the average for the range Hi3-H90. Select the Format option. In the niew peovided window go to the Fill tab and ielect Citeen coler frean the pallet (botsom row, sixth colirm). (1 poiat) In cels 113.190, nse conditional formaning to show where the whame is irss than 10 cubie inches or greater than 20 cuhic inches. Select the Condtional Formatting on the Hume tab of the Roboe. In the drep down list select Manage Rutes. Add two Rules 6 Format only celts with vahues less than 10. Select the Fermat eption in the new provided window go to the Fin tab and seloet Bhae colse from the pallet (bottona row, eighth column) Format only cells with values greater than 20 . Seleet the Fornat opbinn- In the new provided window ga 10 the Fill tab and ielect Blae color from the pallet (bottomn row, eighth. Format only cells with values less than 10. Select the Format option in the new provided window go to the Fill tab and select Blue color from the pallet (bottom row, Format only cells with values greater than 20 . Select the Format option. In the new provided window go to the Fill tab and select Blue color from the pallet (bottom row. cotamn). (1 point) In cell K13, by using relative addessine, indicate the status for the part. Use a riested conditional statement written in the following way. IF(OR(logicat fest H1, logical test 22). "Too Small", IF(logical test \#3, "Oft Center". If(OR(logical test "4, logical fest it5), Too Large". "r))). where logical taxt If checks if the value in cell E13 is less than 4. logical tear 32 checks if the value in cell F13 is less than 2.5, logical test 13 checks if the twice value in cell G13 is greater than the value in cell H13, logical test the checks if the value in cell II3 is greater than 20 , logical tost is 5 checks if the value in cell J13 is greater than 3000 . Copy the formula from cell K13 down the column to cell K90. (4 points) la cell L.13, by using relative addressing indicate the action code. Use a nested conditional statement written in the follotving way: IF(OR(lagical fest il, logical test i2) , 1, fr(logical test in, 2, 3)), whine 8 logical pat al checks if the value in cell K13 ts equal to "Too Small". logical test I2 cheeks if the value in cell KI3 is equal to "Too Large". legical rat in checks if the value in cell KII3 is equal to "OfI Center". Copy the foemula froes cell L.13 down the colurin to cell L.90. (4 points) In cells L.13.L.90, use conditional formatting to indicate action codes with icons. Select the Conditional Formatting on the Home tab of the Ribbon. In the drop down list sele Icon Sets, and then select 3. Traffie Lights from Shapes. (I point) In cell 1.8, by using relative and absalute addressingh, calculate the number of cells among the range L.13-L.90, that contain the value specified in cell KS 10 Note: Use Excel function COUNIII Copy the formala from cell L.8 down the columen to cell L10. (2 poiats) In cell 68, by aving relative aldiessing. calcubate the namber of parts with the length is greate than 6 inches. Use the range of cells E13-E00. 11 Note: Use Excel function COUNTIF. (2 points) In cell G9, by uning relative addressing, calculate the namber of parts with the volume is less that 10 cubic inches or geater than 20 cubic inches. Use the range of cells 113 190 10 Note: Use Excel function COUNTIF. Copy the fonmia from cell LS down the columan to celll L10. (2 points) In cell 68 , by wsing rebtive addessing ealcuate the number of parts with the length is greater than 6 inches. Use the range of cells E13-E90. 11 Note: Use Excel fumction COUNTIF. (2 points) In cell 69, by using relative addessing calcuate the number of parts with the volume is less than 10 culic inches of greate than 20 cubic inches. Use the range of cells n13. 190 Note: Use Excel finction COUNIIF twice and sum the resits (2 points) In cells D13-390, sot data in ascenting order of the length specified in the columin E and in descending order of the outer nadius specified in the columu H 13 Select the cells D13-j90. Select the Sort \& Fiter on the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the drop down list select the Custom Sort. Select to sort by Length sort on Values and set the order smallest to Largeit. Then click the Add Level button. At a new level select to sert by Oute Radins, sort ce Values, and set the order Largest to Smallest. (2 points) In the data talle, we fliter to restrict our selection to parts of lengh 280,5.20, and 7.15 inches. 14 Select any cell anong D12-L.12. Select the Sort \& Fiter en the Hiome tab of the Rabon, th the drop down list select the Filier. In cel E12, in the drop doun bist select the required values. (2 points) 15 Swve the workbook Close the workbook and then exit Excel Sobmit the workbook as directed. Start Excel In cells E.13-E90, use conditionat focmatting to show where the length is greater than 6 thches or less than 4 inches: Select the Contitional Formatting on the Home tab of the Ribbon In the drep down list select Manage Rrules: Add twa Rudes 2. Format only cells with values greater than 6 . Select the Format option. In the new provided window go to the Fil tab and select Ked color from the pallet (botteen row, second columin). Format only cells with values less than 4 . Select the Format option. In the new prosided window go to the Fill tab and select Red color from the pallet (bottcen row; secend column). (1 point) In cells F13.F90, use conditional formatting to slow where the whith is less than 2.5 inches. Select the Conditional Formatting on the Home tab of the Rbbon. In the drep down list select New Rule Format oaly cells with values less than 2.5. Select the Format option. In the new previded window go to the Fill tab and select Oranige colos from the pallet (botiom row; third cohanati) (1 point) In celh G13690, use cenditional formating to show whete tbe iner radiun is aboye average for the intie radius values: Select the Condtrional Formating on the Home tab of the Robbon. In the drep down list select New Rule: Formut only values with vahaes that are ahove the average for the range G13.690. Select the Format eption. lo the new provided window go to the Fill tab and ielect Yellow (color freas the pallet (botices rew, fountb column) ( t peint) In cells 1413-1490. use condtiotal formatting to show where the outer radius is below average for the euter radius valuei Select the Coeditional Foiniatting on the Heme tab of the Ribbon. In the drop down list select New Rule. Foruat ouly. values with values that ase below the average for the range Hi3-H90. Select the Format option. In the niew peovided window go to the Fill tab and ielect Citeen coler frean the pallet (botsom row, sixth colirm). (1 poiat) In cels 113.190, nse conditional formaning to show where the whame is irss than 10 cubie inches or greater than 20 cuhic inches. Select the Condtional Formatting on the Hume tab of the Roboe. In the drep down list select Manage Rutes. Add two Rules 6 Format only celts with vahues less than 10. Select the Fermat eption in the new provided window go to the Fin tab and seloet Bhae colse from the pallet (bottona row, eighth column) Format only cells with values greater than 20 . Seleet the Fornat opbinn- In the new provided window ga 10 the Fill tab and ielect Blae color from the pallet (bottomn row, eighth. Format only cells with values less than 10. Select the Format option in the new provided window go to the Fill tab and select Blue color from the pallet (bottom row, Format only cells with values greater than 20 . Select the Format option. In the new provided window go to the Fill tab and select Blue color from the pallet (bottom row. cotamn). (1 point) In cell K13, by using relative addessine, indicate the status for the part. Use a riested conditional statement written in the following way. IF(OR(logicat fest H1, logical test 22). "Too Small", IF(logical test \#3, "Oft Center". If(OR(logical test "4, logical fest it5), Too Large". "r))). where logical taxt If checks if the value in cell E13 is less than 4. logical tear 32 checks if the value in cell F13 is less than 2.5, logical test 13 checks if the twice value in cell G13 is greater than the value in cell H13, logical test the checks if the value in cell II3 is greater than 20 , logical tost is 5 checks if the value in cell J13 is greater than 3000 . Copy the formula from cell K13 down the column to cell K90. (4 points) la cell L.13, by using relative addressing indicate the action code. Use a nested conditional statement written in the follotving way: IF(OR(lagical fest il, logical test i2) , 1, fr(logical test in, 2, 3)), whine 8 logical pat al checks if the value in cell K13 ts equal to "Too Small". logical test I2 cheeks if the value in cell KI3 is equal to "Too Large". legical rat in checks if the value in cell KII3 is equal to "OfI Center". Copy the foemula froes cell L.13 down the colurin to cell L.90. (4 points) In cells L.13.L.90, use conditional formatting to indicate action codes with icons. Select the Conditional Formatting on the Home tab of the Ribbon. In the drop down list sele Icon Sets, and then select 3. Traffie Lights from Shapes. (I point) In cell 1.8, by using relative and absalute addressingh, calculate the number of cells among the range L.13-L.90, that contain the value specified in cell KS 10 Note: Use Excel function COUNIII Copy the formala from cell L.8 down the columen to cell L10. (2 poiats) In cell 68, by aving relative aldiessing. calcubate the namber of parts with the length is greate than 6 inches. Use the range of cells E13-E00. 11 Note: Use Excel function COUNTIF. (2 points) In cell G9, by uning relative addressing, calculate the namber of parts with the volume is less that 10 cubic inches or geater than 20 cubic inches. Use the range of cells 113 190 10 Note: Use Excel function COUNTIF. Copy the fonmia from cell LS down the columan to celll L10. (2 points) In cell 68 , by wsing rebtive addessing ealcuate the number of parts with the length is greater than 6 inches. Use the range of cells E13-E90. 11 Note: Use Excel fumction COUNTIF. (2 points) In cell 69, by using relative addessing calcuate the number of parts with the volume is less than 10 culic inches of greate than 20 cubic inches. Use the range of cells n13. 190 Note: Use Excel finction COUNIIF twice and sum the resits (2 points) In cells D13-390, sot data in ascenting order of the length specified in the columin E and in descending order of the outer nadius specified in the columu H 13 Select the cells D13-j90. Select the Sort \& Fiter on the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the drop down list select the Custom Sort. Select to sort by Length sort on Values and set the order smallest to Largeit. Then click the Add Level button. At a new level select to sert by Oute Radins, sort ce Values, and set the order Largest to Smallest. (2 points) In the data talle, we fliter to restrict our selection to parts of lengh 280,5.20, and 7.15 inches. 14 Select any cell anong D12-L.12. Select the Sort \& Fiter en the Hiome tab of the Rabon, th the drop down list select the Filier. In cel E12, in the drop doun bist select the required values. (2 points) 15 Swve the workbook Close the workbook and then exit Excel Sobmit the workbook as directed

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