Statement of Cash Flows (calculate, and highlights the key figures
you will need for the next section.)
? Net Operating cash flows
? Net Investing cash flows
? Net Financing cash flows
? Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents
? Cash and Cash Equivalents at the start and end of the period
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 30 June 2019 2019 2018 Note $000 $000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from customers 2,373,626 2,390,107 Payments to suppliers and employees (1,788,401) (1,794.529) Loan servicing advances (net) (124,769) 61,063 Dividends received from associates, joint ventures and equity securities 1,470 4.337 Interest paid and other finance costs 73,089) (63,014) Interest received 3,423 2,968 Income taxes paid (105,502) (86,881) Net operating cash flows 7(b) 286,758 514,051 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payments for purchase of controlled entities and businesses (net of cash acquired) (445,201) (22,865) Payments for intangible assets including MSRs (101,822) (98.299) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 2.837 (Payments for)/proceeds from disposal of associates and joint ventures (11,866) Proceeds from/(payments for) investments (18,779) 3,776 Payments for property, plant and equipment (55,626) (39,361) Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and businesses (net of cash disposed) 75,727 Net investing cash flows (542,864) (168,615) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Payment for purchase of ordinary shares - share based awards (21.671) (20,158) Proceeds from borrowings 7(c) 2,175,760 1.337.297 Repayment of borrowings 7 (C) (1,792,144) (1,353,618) Loan servicing borrowings (net) 7 (C) 103,047 (75,697) Dividends paid - ordinary shares (net of dividend reinvestment plan) (155,468) (150,116) Purchase of ordinary shares - dividend reinvestment plan (8,148) (10,368) Dividends paid to non-controlling interests in controlled entities (8,110) (3) Payments for on-market share buy-back (38,533) Repayment of finance leases 7(c) (4,021) (5,390) Net financing cash flows 289,245 (316,586) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held 33,139 28,850 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 534,669 610,683 Exchange rate variations on foreign cash balances (6,462) (4,864) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 561,346 534,669 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2019 includes nil (2018: $33.8 million) cash presented in the assets classified as held for sale line item in the consolidated statement of financial position. The above consolidated cash flow statement is presented in United States dollars and should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 66HD 451 0 09 $ 52% 1 7:40 69/126 66 Consolidated statement of cash flows For the year ended 30 June 2019 2019 2018 Note $'000 $'000 Restated' Cash flows from operating activities Cash receipts from customers 2.442.211 2.274,205 Cash paid to suppliers and employees (1.478,153) (1.348.280) Cash generated from operations 964,058 925.925 Interest paid (34.371) 35,458) Interest received 2,088 1.596 Income taxes paid (15.321) Net cash from operating activities 3.4 916,454 892,063 Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 1.195 804 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (92.847) (78.370) Expenditure on projects (32.725) (9,589) Acquisition of Joint Venture interest, net of cash acquired 6.1 (4.803) (20,214) Acquisition of Winchester South (64,618) (277.564) Net cash used in investing activities (193,798) (384,933) Cash flows from financing activities Payment of finance facility upfront costs (1,681) (8,695) Purchase of shares (28.339) (10.787) Proceeds from borrowings 410,000 415,000 Repayment of borrowings (536,908) (476,907) Payment of lease liabilities (93.116) (74,166) Payment of capital return to shareholders (138.884) Payment of dividends (464.854) (188,052) Net cash used in financing activities (714,898) (482,491) Net change in cash and cash equivalents 7,758 24.639 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July 111,777 37,138 | FY2019 in review | Introductions | About us | Resources & Reserves | Directors' Report | Financial Report | Glossary | Corporate directory Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 119,535 111,777 for further details. The comparative statement for the year ended 30 June 2018 has been restated to give effect to the change in accounting policies. See note 1.5 The consolidated statement of cash flows is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2019 Notes to the consolidated financial statements