STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR TO 31 DECEMBER 20X8 20X7 Note Draft ($m) Actual ($m) Revenue (1) 645.5 606.5 Other income (2) 15.6 14.4 Changes in inventories 3.8 (16.4) Cost of materials (334.1) (286.8) Employee benefits (91.0) (83.9) expense Depreciation (3) (29.8) (23.6) Other expenses (4) (116.3) (100.6) Interest income, net (5) 12.3 20.9 Profit before tax 106.0 130.5 Income tax expense (44.4) (47.7) Profit for the year 61.6 82.8STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 31 DECEMBER 20X8 20X7 Note Draft ($m) Actual ($m) Assets Non-current assets Intangible assets (6) 47.8 40.5 Property, plant and (7) 124.5 102.5 equipment 172.3 143.0 Current assets Inventories 30.3 27.9Trade receivables 73.1 50.3 Cash and cash equivalents 111.4 86.0 Total assets 387.1 307.2 Equity and liabilities Equity 5.8 5.8 Share capital 15.3 15.3 Share premium 112.1 80.1 Retained earnings 133.2 101.2 Non-current liabilities Provisions (9) 160.1 Current liabilities 121.4 Trade payables 33.5 31.8 Tax 50.4 44.3 Other liabilities 9.9 Total equity and liabilities 8.5 387.1 307.2 Notes (1) Revenue from business activities: Revenue from business activities 20X8 ($m) 20X7 ($M) Vehicles 588.0 526.0 Parts and accessories 39.6 36.8 Other 17.9 43.7 645.5 606.5 (2) Other income includes gains on the disposals of tangible assets and income from the reversal of provisions. (3) Average number of employees: 20X8 (Draft) 20X7 (Actual) Wage earners 484 499 Salaried employees 483 477 Apprentices and trainees 36 37(4) Other expenses include costs for warranties, administration and distribution, maintenance and insurance. (5) Interest income, net: 20X8 20X7 Draft (5m) Actual (Sm) Interest and similar income 16.8 25.1 Interest and similar expenses (4.5) (4.2 12.3 20.9 (6) Intangible assets include development costs, also franchises and industrial rights and licenses. During the year $12.7 million (20X7 - $6.3 million) was spent on developing a new sports model, the Fox