STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND Corporate Governance & Financial OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Report 2019 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 Group Company 2019 2018 2019 2018 Note RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Revenue 5,518,076 5,519.045 662,050 657.020 Cost of sales (3,444,561) (3,381,380) Gross profit 2,073,515 2,137.665 662,050 657,020 Other income 20,960 16,819 Selling and distribution expenses (977,094) (1023,305) Administrative expenses (192,373) (177.990) (3,495) (3,432) Other expenses (13,015) (38,593) (14) (142) Results from operating activities 17 911,993 914.596 658,541 653,446 Finance income 3,662 3,622 2,465 2,568 Finance costs (40,663) (43123) Net finance (costs)/income (37,001) (39,501) 2,465 2,568 Share of profit of an equity-accounted associate, net of tax 733 795 Profit before tax 875,725 875,890 661,006 656,014 Income tax expense 18 (202,812) (217,008) (753) (571) Profit for the year 672,913 658,882 660,253 655,443 Other comprehensive (expense)/ income, net of tax Item that is or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Cash flow hedge (3,429) 11,670 Item that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Remeasurement of defined benefit liability (2,293) (283) Other comprehensive (expense)/ income for the year, net of tax 19 (5,722) 11.387 Total comprehensive income for the year 667,191 670.269 660,253 655,443 Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share (sen) 20 287 281 The notes on pages 56 to 122 are an integral part of these financial statements.STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS AND Corporate Governance & Financial OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Report 2019 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 Group Company 2019 2018 2019 2018 Note RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Revenue 5,518,076 5,519.045 662,050 657.020 Cost of sales (3,444,561) (3,381,380) Gross profit 2,073,515 2,137.665 662,050 657,020 Other income 20,960 16,819 Selling and distribution expenses (977,094) (1023,305) Administrative expenses (192,373) (177.990) (3,495) (3,432) Other expenses (13,015) (38,593) (14) (142) Results from operating activities 17 911,993 914.596 658,541 653,446 Finance income 3,662 3,622 2,465 2,568 Finance costs (40,663) (43123) Net finance (costs)/income (37,001) (39,501) 2,465 2,568 Share of profit of an equity-accounted associate, net of tax 733 795 Profit before tax 875,725 875,890 661,006 656,014 Income tax expense 18 (202,812) (217,008) (753) (571) Profit for the year 672,913 658,882 660,253 655,443 Other comprehensive (expense)/ income, net of tax Item that is or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Cash flow hedge (3,429) 11,670 Item that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Remeasurement of defined benefit liability (2,293) (283) Other comprehensive (expense)/ income for the year, net of tax 19 (5,722) 11.387 Total comprehensive income for the year 667,191 670.269 660,253 655,443 Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share (sen) 20 287 281 The notes on pages 56 to 122 are an integral part of these financial statements.Nestie Berhad STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2019 Group Company 2019 2018 019 2018 Note RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Assets Property. plant and equipment 1,277,861 1,245,564 Right-of-use assets 254,184 261,567 Intangible assets 65,795 67.546 Investments in subsidiaries 188,022 188.022 Investment in an associate 5,367 5,084 3,000 3,000 Deferred tax assets 34,511 30,572 Trade and other receivables 15,807 21,533 Total non-current assets 1,653,525 1.631,866 191,022 191.022 Trade and other receivables 9 508,097 605.414 408,111 404.244 Inventories 651,827 530,378 Current tax assets 2,690 163 Cash and cash equivalents 11 10,399 7,011 1,073,013 1.142.966 408,111 404.244 Assets classified as held for sale 12 72.450 Total current assets 1,073,013 .215,416 408,111 404.244 Total assets 2,726,538 2.847,282 599,133 595,266 Equity Share capital 267,500 267.500 267,500 267.500 Reserves (931) 2.498 Retained earnings 398,355 384.335 329,647 325,994 Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 13 664,924 654.333 597,147 593494 Liabilities Lease liabilities 176,823 180.198 Employee benefits 91,444 95,282 Deferred tax liabilities 138,597 135,390 Total non-current liabilities 406,864 410.870 Loans and borrowings 14 257,431 180,304 Lease liabilities 28,753 26,778 Trade and other payables 16 1,321,407 1,527,276 1.858 1.691 Current tax liabilities 47,159 47.721 128 81 Total current liabilities 1,654,750 1,782,079 1,986 1,772 Total liabilities 2,061,614 2.192.949 1,986 1.772 2,847.282 599,133 595,266 48 Total equity and liabilities 2,726,538 The notes on pages 56 to 122 are an integral part of these financial statements.Nestie Berhad STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2019 Group Company 2019 2018 019 2018 Note RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Assets Property. plant and equipment 1,277,861 1,245,564 Right-of-use assets 254,184 261,567 Intangible assets 65,795 67.546 Investments in subsidiaries 188,022 188.022 Investment in an associate 5,367 5,084 3,000 3,000 Deferred tax assets 34,511 30,572 Trade and other receivables 15,807 21,533 Total non-current assets 1,653,525 1.631,866 191,022 191.022 Trade and other receivables 9 508,097 605.414 408,111 404.244 Inventories 651,827 530,378 Current tax assets 2,690 163 Cash and cash equivalents 11 10,399 7,011 1,073,013 1.142.966 408,111 404.244 Assets classified as held for sale 12 72.450 Total current assets 1,073,013 .215,416 408,111 404.244 Total assets 2,726,538 2.847,282 599,133 595,266 Equity Share capital 267,500 267.500 267,500 267.500 Reserves (931) 2.498 Retained earnings 398,355 384.335 329,647 325,994 Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 13 664,924 654.333 597,147 593494 Liabilities Lease liabilities 176,823 180.198 Employee benefits 91,444 95,282 Deferred tax liabilities 138,597 135,390 Total non-current liabilities 406,864 410.870 Loans and borrowings 14 257,431 180,304 Lease liabilities 28,753 26,778 Trade and other payables 16 1,321,407 1,527,276 1.858 1.691 Current tax liabilities 47,159 47.721 128 81 Total current liabilities 1,654,750 1,782,079 1,986 1,772 Total liabilities 2,061,614 2.192.949 1,986 1.772 2,847.282 599,133 595,266 48 Total equity and liabilities 2,726,538 The notes on pages 56 to 122 are an integral part of these financial statements