statistics help
How much should a healthy Shetland pony weigh? Let x be the age of the pony (in months), and let y be the average weight of the pony (in kilograms). y 60 a) Make a scatter diagram of the data and visualize the line you think best fits the data. Graph Layers Point 1 X Point 2 X Point 3 X Point 4 Point 5 X Solution 8 8 8 8 3 Clear All Fill WebAssign. Graphing Tool + Submission Data Enter a number. b) Would you say the correlation is low, moderate, or strong? O low O moderate strong Would you say the correlation is positive or negative? positive negative (c) Use a calculator to verify that _ x = 66, > x2 = 1214, > > = 636, > >2 = 91,050, and _ xy = 10,195. GRMRute. ..(Round your answer to three decimal places.)100 10 15 20 25 Since all of the points are very close to the line, we can say that the correlation is strong strong Further, since the trend line slopes upward, low values of x correspond to low low values of y, and high values of x correspond to high high values of y. Therefore, the variables seem to be positively positively correlated. Step 4 (c) Use a calculator to verify that x = 62, > x2 = 1034, > > = 650, > >2 = 95,322, and Exy = 9,727. Compute r. As x increases from 3 to 22 months, does the value of r imply that y should tend to increase or decrease? Explain your answer. First, we construct a computation table so that we can calculate the values of x , y, and xy. Then we sum each column to compute each summation. * 2 Ly2 xy 60 9 360 180 180 9025 570 12 140 144 19600 19,600 1680 19 171 361 484 29,241 3249 184 33,856 4048 x = 62 y = 650 5x2 = 1034 1034 Ly2 = 95322 95, 322 xy = 9727 9727 Step 5 From the previous step, we have found the following summations. x = 62 Cy = 650 x2 = 1034 Fy= = 95, 322 xy = 9727 We calculate the sample correlation coefficient r using the computation formula and the above summation values. Note that the number of sample points is n = 5. Round the final answer to three decimal places. " [ xy - ( X x ) (Ex) ( VOI x - ([ x )' ) ( V [ x 2 - ([x)? ) 5(9727) - (62)(650) 5 1034 - (62)2 5 05322 - (650)2 8335 62 X V 54,110) 62 X Submit Skip ( you cannot come back )Let x be the average number of employees in a group health insurance plan, and let y be the average administrative cost as a percentage of claims. x y 40 a) Make a scatter diagram of the data and visualize the line you think best fits the data. Graph Layers Point 1 X Point 2 X Point 3 X Point 4 X Point 5 X Solution 10 13 20 3 70 15 80 Clear All Fill WebAssign. Graphing Tool # Submission Data b) Would you say the correlation is low, moderate, or strong? positive or negative? moderate and negative low and negative strong and negative low and positive strong and positive moderate and positive (c) Use a calculator to verify that Ex = 130, Ex = 6720, Zy = 149, Ey? = 4711, and Exy = 2996. Computer. (Round your answer to three decimal places.) As x increases, does the value of r imply that y should tend to increase or decrease? Explain. Given our value of r, we cannot draw any conclusions for the behavior of y as x increases. Given our value of r, y should tend to i se as x increases Given our value of r, y should tend to decrease as x increases. Given our value of r, y should tend to remain constant as x increases.Can a low barometer reading be used to predict maximum wind speed of an approaching tropical cyclone? For a random sample of tropical cyclones, let x be the lowest pressure (in millibars) as a cyclone approaches, and let y be the maximum wind speed (in miles per hour) of the cyclone. * 1004 y 40 65 145 75 1 (a) Make a scatter diagram of the data and visualize the line you think best fits the data Graph Layers Point 1 X * Point 2 X Point 3 X Point 4 X Point 5 X solution Point 6 X 185820 925 930 935 840 945 950 955 960 865 970 975 980 985 890 995 1000 1905 Clear All Fill WebAssign. Graphing Tool Submission Data b) Would you say the correlation is low, moderate, or strong? lov O moderate strong Would you say the correlation is positive or negative? positive negative (c) Use a calculator to verify that > x = 5803, > x2 = 5,617,859, > > = 579, > >2 = 66,191 and _ xy = 552,670. Compute r. (Round your answer to three decimal places.) As x increases, does the value of r imply that y should tend to increase or decrease? Explain your answer. Given our value of r, y as x increases. Given our value of r, y should tend to remain constant as x increases. Give our value of r, we ca not draw any conclusions for the behavior of y as x increases.140 120 100 80 60 940 960 980 1000 Since all of the points are very close to the line, we can say that the correlation is strong strong Further, since the trend line slopes downward, low values of x correspond to high |~high values of y, and high values of x correspond to low low values of y. Therefore, the variables seem to be negatively negatively correlated. Step 4 (c) Use a calculator to verify that \\ x = 5831, \\x = 5,671,043, >y = 560, >y2 = 61,212 and xy = 538,106. Compute r. As x increases, does the value of r imply that y should tend to increase or decrease? Explain your answer. First, we construct a computation table so that we can calculate the values of x , y , and xy. Then we sum each column to compute each summation. X y v2 xy 1004 -40 1,008,016 1600 40,160 975 100 950,625 10,000 97,500 992 65 984,064 4225 935 145 874,225 21,025 135,575 988 71 76,144 5 , 041 70,148 70,148 937 139 877,969 19,321 130,243 x = 5831 \\y = 560 x2 = 5,671,043 5,671,043 y = 61,212 61,212 \\xy = 538,106 538,106 Step 5 From the previous step, we have found the following summations. x = 5831 Cy = 560 x = 5,671,043 2 = 61,212 xy = 538,106 We calculate the sample correlation coefficient r using the computation formula and the above summation values. Note that the number of sample points is n = 6. Round the final answer to three decimal places " [ xy - ( [ * )(Ly (VOI x - ([ x ) ) ( VEX -( Ex) ) 6(538,106) - (5831) (560 6 5,671,043- (5831)2 6 61,212 -(560)2 -36,724 5831 X V 53, 672) 5831 X Submit Skip (you cannot come back)Is the magnitude of an earthquake related to the depth below the surface at which the quake occurs? Let x be the magnitude of an earthquake (on the Richter scale), and let y be the depth (in kilometers) of the quake below the surface at the epicenter. x 2.8 3.7 4.5 2.6 3.2 3.4 y 5.5 9. 10.0 7.9 3.9 5.5 (a) Make a scatter diagram of the data. Graph Layers Point 1 X *Point 2 X Point 3 X * Point 4 X Point 5 X solution Point 6 X Point 7 X Clear All Fill WebAssign. Graphing Tool # Submission Data Then visualize the line you think best fits the data. (b) Use a calculator to verify that Ex = 23.5, Ex = 81.23, Zy = 53.7, Ey2 = 457.65 and Exy = 184.97. Computer. (Round to 3 decimal places.) As x increases, does the value of r imply that y should tend to increase or decrease? Explain your answer. Given our value of r, y Given our value of r, we can not draw any conclusions for the behavior of y as x increases. O Given our value of r, y stant as x increases. Given our value of r, y should tend to in ease as x increases . . [1/2 Points] DETAILS PREVIOUS ANSWERS BBUNDERSTAT12 9.1.017.NVA In baseball, is there a linear correlation between batting average and home run percentage? Let x represent the batting average of a professional baseball player, and let y represent the player's home run percentage (number of home runs per 100 times at bat). A random sample of n = 7