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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- StdDraw: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import*; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; /** * Standard

image text in transcribed



import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import*; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*;

/** * Standard draw. This class provides a basic capability for * creating drawings with your programs. It uses a simple graphics model that * allows you to create drawings consisting of points, lines, and curves * in a window on your computer and to save the drawings to a file. *

* For additional documentation, see Section 1.5 of * Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. * * @author Robert Sedgewick * @author Kevin Wayne */ public final class StdDraw implements ActionListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener {

// pre-defined colors public static final Color BLACK = Color.BLACK; public static final Color BLUE = Color.BLUE; public static final Color CYAN = Color.CYAN; public static final Color DARK_GRAY = Color.DARK_GRAY; public static final Color GRAY = Color.GRAY; public static final Color GREEN = Color.GREEN; public static final Color LIGHT_GRAY = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; public static final Color MAGENTA = Color.MAGENTA; public static final Color ORANGE = Color.ORANGE; public static final Color PINK = Color.PINK; public static final Color RED = Color.RED; public static final Color WHITE = Color.WHITE; public static final Color YELLOW = Color.YELLOW;

/** * Shade of blue used in Introduction to Programming in Java. * It is Pantone 300U. The RGB values are approximately (9, 90, 166). */ public static final Color BOOK_BLUE = new Color( 9, 90, 166); public static final Color BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE = new Color(103, 198, 243);

/** * Shade of red used in Algorithms 4th edition. * It is Pantone 1805U. The RGB values are approximately (150, 35, 31). */ public static final Color BOOK_RED = new Color(150, 35, 31);

// default colors private static final Color DEFAULT_PEN_COLOR = BLACK; private static final Color DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR = WHITE;

// current pen color private static Color penColor;

// default canvas size is DEFAULT_SIZE-by-DEFAULT_SIZE private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 512; private static int width = DEFAULT_SIZE; private static int height = DEFAULT_SIZE;

// default pen radius private static final double DEFAULT_PEN_RADIUS = 0.002;

// current pen radius private static double penRadius;

// show we draw immediately or wait until next show? private static boolean defer = false;

// boundary of drawing canvas, 5% border private static final double BORDER = 0.05; private static final double DEFAULT_XMIN = 0.0; private static final double DEFAULT_XMAX = 1.0; private static final double DEFAULT_YMIN = 0.0; private static final double DEFAULT_YMAX = 1.0; private static double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;

// for synchronization private static Object mouseLock = new Object(); private static Object keyLock = new Object();

// default font private static final Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 16);

// current font private static Font font;

// double buffered graphics private static BufferedImage offscreenImage, onscreenImage; private static Graphics2D offscreen, onscreen;

// singleton for callbacks: avoids generation of extra .class files private static StdDraw std = new StdDraw();

// the frame for drawing to the screen private static JFrame frame;

// mouse state private static boolean mousePressed = false; private static double mouseX = 0; private static double mouseY = 0;

// queue of typed key characters private static LinkedList keysTyped = new LinkedList();

// set of key codes currently pressed down private static TreeSet keysDown = new TreeSet();

// singleton pattern: client can't instantiate private StdDraw() { }

// static initializer static { init(); }

/** * Set the window size to the default size 512-by-512 pixels. */ public static void setCanvasSize() { setCanvasSize(DEFAULT_SIZE, DEFAULT_SIZE); }

/** * Set the window size to w-by-h pixels. * * @param w the width as a number of pixels * @param h the height as a number of pixels * @throws a IllegalArgumentException if the width or height is 0 or negative */ public static void setCanvasSize(int w, int h) { if (w

// init private static void init() { if (frame != null) frame.setVisible(false); frame = new JFrame(); offscreenImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); onscreenImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); offscreen = offscreenImage.createGraphics(); onscreen = onscreenImage.createGraphics(); setXscale(); setYscale(); offscreen.setColor(DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR); offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); setPenColor(); setPenRadius(); setFont(); clear();

// add antialiasing RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); offscreen.addRenderingHints(hints);

// frame stuff ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(onscreenImage); JLabel draw = new JLabel(icon);

draw.addMouseListener(std); draw.addMouseMotionListener(std);

frame.setContentPane(draw); frame.addKeyListener(std); // JLabel cannot get keyboard focus frame.setResizable(false); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // closes all windows // frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); // closes only current window frame.setTitle("Standard Draw"); frame.setJMenuBar(createMenuBar()); frame.pack(); frame.requestFocusInWindow(); frame.setVisible(true); }

// create the menu bar (changed to private) private static JMenuBar createMenuBar() { JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu menu = new JMenu("File"); menuBar.add(menu); JMenuItem menuItem1 = new JMenuItem(" Save... "); menuItem1.addActionListener(std); menuItem1.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask())); menu.add(menuItem1); return menuBar; }

/************************************************************************* * User and screen coordinate systems *************************************************************************/

/** * Set the x-scale to be the default (between 0.0 and 1.0). */ public static void setXscale() { setXscale(DEFAULT_XMIN, DEFAULT_XMAX); }

/** * Set the y-scale to be the default (between 0.0 and 1.0). */ public static void setYscale() { setYscale(DEFAULT_YMIN, DEFAULT_YMAX); }

/** * Set the x-scale (a 10% border is added to the values) * @param min the minimum value of the x-scale * @param max the maximum value of the x-scale */ public static void setXscale(double min, double max) { double size = max - min; synchronized (mouseLock) { xmin = min - BORDER * size; xmax = max + BORDER * size; } }

/** * Set the y-scale (a 10% border is added to the values). * @param min the minimum value of the y-scale * @param max the maximum value of the y-scale */ public static void setYscale(double min, double max) { double size = max - min; synchronized (mouseLock) { ymin = min - BORDER * size; ymax = max + BORDER * size; } }

/** * Set the x-scale and y-scale (a 10% border is added to the values) * @param min the minimum value of the x- and y-scales * @param max the maximum value of the x- and y-scales */ public static void setScale(double min, double max) { double size = max - min; synchronized (mouseLock) { xmin = min - BORDER * size; xmax = max + BORDER * size; ymin = min - BORDER * size; ymax = max + BORDER * size; } }

// helper functions that scale from user coordinates to screen coordinates and back private static double scaleX(double x) { return width * (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin); } private static double scaleY(double y) { return height * (ymax - y) / (ymax - ymin); } private static double factorX(double w) { return w * width / Math.abs(xmax - xmin); } private static double factorY(double h) { return h * height / Math.abs(ymax - ymin); } private static double userX(double x) { return xmin + x * (xmax - xmin) / width; } private static double userY(double y) { return ymax - y * (ymax - ymin) / height; }

/** * Clear the screen to the default color (white). */ public static void clear() { clear(DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR); } /** * Clear the screen to the given color. * @param color the Color to make the background */ public static void clear(Color color) { offscreen.setColor(color); offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); offscreen.setColor(penColor); draw(); }

/** * Get the current pen radius. */ public static double getPenRadius() { return penRadius; }

/** * Set the pen size to the default (.002). */ public static void setPenRadius() { setPenRadius(DEFAULT_PEN_RADIUS); } /** * Set the radius of the pen to the given size. * @param r the radius of the pen * @throws IllegalArgumentException if r is negative */ public static void setPenRadius(double r) { if (r

/** * Get the current pen color. */ public static Color getPenColor() { return penColor; }

/** * Set the pen color to the default color (black). */ public static void setPenColor() { setPenColor(DEFAULT_PEN_COLOR); }

/** * Set the pen color to the given color. The available pen colors are * BLACK, BLUE, CYAN, DARK_GRAY, GRAY, GREEN, LIGHT_GRAY, MAGENTA, * ORANGE, PINK, RED, WHITE, and YELLOW. * @param color the Color to make the pen */ public static void setPenColor(Color color) { penColor = color; offscreen.setColor(penColor); }

/** * Set the pen color to the given RGB color. * @param red the amount of red (between 0 and 255) * @param green the amount of green (between 0 and 255) * @param blue the amount of blue (between 0 and 255) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the amount of red, green, or blue are outside prescribed range */ public static void setPenColor(int red, int green, int blue) { if (red = 256) throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount of red must be between 0 and 255"); if (green = 256) throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount of red must be between 0 and 255"); if (blue = 256) throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount of red must be between 0 and 255"); setPenColor(new Color(red, green, blue)); }

/** * Get the current font. */ public static Font getFont() { return font; }

/** * Set the font to the default font (sans serif, 16 point). */ public static void setFont() { setFont(DEFAULT_FONT); }

/** * Set the font to the given value. * @param f the font to make text */ public static void setFont(Font f) { font = f; }

/************************************************************************* * Drawing geometric shapes. *************************************************************************/

/** * Draw a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). * @param x0 the x-coordinate of the starting point * @param y0 the y-coordinate of the starting point * @param x1 the x-coordinate of the destination point * @param y1 the y-coordinate of the destination point */ public static void line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { offscreen.draw(new Line2D.Double(scaleX(x0), scaleY(y0), scaleX(x1), scaleY(y1))); draw(); }

/** * Draw one pixel at (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the pixel * @param y the y-coordinate of the pixel */ private static void pixel(double x, double y) { offscreen.fillRect((int) Math.round(scaleX(x)), (int) Math.round(scaleY(y)), 1, 1); }

/** * Draw a point at (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the point * @param y the y-coordinate of the point */ public static void point(double x, double y) { double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); double r = penRadius; float scaledPenRadius = (float) (r * DEFAULT_SIZE);

// double ws = factorX(2*r); // double hs = factorY(2*r); // if (ws

/** * Draw a circle of radius r, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param r the radius of the circle * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the radius of the circle is negative */ public static void circle(double x, double y, double r) { if (r

/** * Draw filled circle of radius r, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param r the radius of the circle * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the radius of the circle is negative */ public static void filledCircle(double x, double y, double r) { if (r

/** * Draw an ellipse with given semimajor and semiminor axes, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse * @param semiMajorAxis is the semimajor axis of the ellipse * @param semiMinorAxis is the semiminor axis of the ellipse * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either of the axes are negative */ public static void ellipse(double x, double y, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis) { if (semiMajorAxis

/** * Draw an ellipse with given semimajor and semiminor axes, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse * @param semiMajorAxis is the semimajor axis of the ellipse * @param semiMinorAxis is the semiminor axis of the ellipse * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either of the axes are negative */ public static void filledEllipse(double x, double y, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis) { if (semiMajorAxis

/** * Draw an arc of radius r, centered on (x, y), from angle1 to angle2 (in degrees). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param r the radius of the circle * @param angle1 the starting angle. 0 would mean an arc beginning at 3 o'clock. * @param angle2 the angle at the end of the arc. For example, if * you want a 90 degree arc, then angle2 should be angle1 + 90. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the radius of the circle is negative */ public static void arc(double x, double y, double r, double angle1, double angle2) { if (r

/** * Draw a square of side length 2r, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the square * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the square * @param r radius is half the length of any side of the square * @throws IllegalArgumentException if r is negative */ public static void square(double x, double y, double r) { if (r

/** * Draw a filled square of side length 2r, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the square * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the square * @param r radius is half the length of any side of the square * @throws IllegalArgumentException if r is negative */ public static void filledSquare(double x, double y, double r) { if (r

/** * Draw a rectangle of given half width and half height, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle * @param halfWidth is half the width of the rectangle * @param halfHeight is half the height of the rectangle * @throws IllegalArgumentException if halfWidth or halfHeight is negative */ public static void rectangle(double x, double y, double halfWidth, double halfHeight) { if (halfWidth

/** * Draw a filled rectangle of given half width and half height, centered on (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle * @param y the y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle * @param halfWidth is half the width of the rectangle * @param halfHeight is half the height of the rectangle * @throws IllegalArgumentException if halfWidth or halfHeight is negative */ public static void filledRectangle(double x, double y, double halfWidth, double halfHeight) { if (halfWidth

/** * Draw a polygon with the given (x[i], y[i]) coordinates. * @param x an array of all the x-coordindates of the polygon * @param y an array of all the y-coordindates of the polygon */ public static void polygon(double[] x, double[] y) { int N = x.length; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo((float) scaleX(x[0]), (float) scaleY(y[0])); for (int i = 0; i

/** * Draw a filled polygon with the given (x[i], y[i]) coordinates. * @param x an array of all the x-coordindates of the polygon * @param y an array of all the y-coordindates of the polygon */ public static void filledPolygon(double[] x, double[] y) { int N = x.length; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo((float) scaleX(x[0]), (float) scaleY(y[0])); for (int i = 0; i

/************************************************************************* * Drawing images. *************************************************************************/

// get an image from the given filename private static Image getImage(String filename) {

// to read from file ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(filename);

// try to read from URL if ((icon == null) || (icon.getImageLoadStatus() != MediaTracker.COMPLETE)) { try { URL url = new URL(filename); icon = new ImageIcon(url); } catch (Exception e) { /* not a url */ } }

// in case file is inside a .jar if ((icon == null) || (icon.getImageLoadStatus() != MediaTracker.COMPLETE)) { URL url = StdDraw.class.getResource(filename); if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("image " + filename + " not found"); icon = new ImageIcon(url); }

return icon.getImage(); }

/** * Draw picture (gif, jpg, or png) centered on (x, y). * @param x the center x-coordinate of the image * @param y the center y-coordinate of the image * @param s the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif" * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the image is corrupt */ public static void picture(double x, double y, String s) { Image image = getImage(s); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int ws = image.getWidth(null); int hs = image.getHeight(null); if (ws

offscreen.drawImage(image, (int) Math.round(xs - ws/2.0), (int) Math.round(ys - hs/2.0), null); draw(); }

/** * Draw picture (gif, jpg, or png) centered on (x, y), * rotated given number of degrees * @param x the center x-coordinate of the image * @param y the center y-coordinate of the image * @param s the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif" * @param degrees is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the image is corrupt */ public static void picture(double x, double y, String s, double degrees) { Image image = getImage(s); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int ws = image.getWidth(null); int hs = image.getHeight(null); if (ws

offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(-degrees), xs, ys); offscreen.drawImage(image, (int) Math.round(xs - ws/2.0), (int) Math.round(ys - hs/2.0), null); offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(+degrees), xs, ys);

draw(); }

/** * Draw picture (gif, jpg, or png) centered on (x, y), rescaled to w-by-h. * @param x the center x coordinate of the image * @param y the center y coordinate of the image * @param s the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif" * @param w the width of the image * @param h the height of the image * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width height are negative * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the image is corrupt */ public static void picture(double x, double y, String s, double w, double h) { Image image = getImage(s); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); if (w

/** * Draw picture (gif, jpg, or png) centered on (x, y), rotated * given number of degrees, rescaled to w-by-h. * @param x the center x-coordinate of the image * @param y the center y-coordinate of the image * @param s the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif" * @param w the width of the image * @param h the height of the image * @param degrees is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the image is corrupt */ public static void picture(double x, double y, String s, double w, double h, double degrees) { Image image = getImage(s); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); double ws = factorX(w); double hs = factorY(h); if (ws

offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(-degrees), xs, ys); offscreen.drawImage(image, (int) Math.round(xs - ws/2.0), (int) Math.round(ys - hs/2.0), (int) Math.round(ws), (int) Math.round(hs), null); offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(+degrees), xs, ys);

draw(); }

/************************************************************************* * Drawing text. *************************************************************************/

/** * Write the given text string in the current font, centered on (x, y). * @param x the center x-coordinate of the text * @param y the center y-coordinate of the text * @param s the text */ public static void text(double x, double y, String s) { offscreen.setFont(font); FontMetrics metrics = offscreen.getFontMetrics(); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int ws = metrics.stringWidth(s); int hs = metrics.getDescent(); offscreen.drawString(s, (float) (xs - ws/2.0), (float) (ys + hs)); draw(); }

/** * Write the given text string in the current font, centered on (x, y) and * rotated by the specified number of degrees * @param x the center x-coordinate of the text * @param y the center y-coordinate of the text * @param s the text * @param degrees is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise */ public static void text(double x, double y, String s, double degrees) { double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(-degrees), xs, ys); text(x, y, s); offscreen.rotate(Math.toRadians(+degrees), xs, ys); }

/** * Write the given text string in the current font, left-aligned at (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the text * @param y the y-coordinate of the text * @param s the text */ public static void textLeft(double x, double y, String s) { offscreen.setFont(font); FontMetrics metrics = offscreen.getFontMetrics(); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int hs = metrics.getDescent(); offscreen.drawString(s, (float) (xs), (float) (ys + hs)); draw(); }

/** * Write the given text string in the current font, right-aligned at (x, y). * @param x the x-coordinate of the text * @param y the y-coordinate of the text * @param s the text */ public static void textRight(double x, double y, String s) { offscreen.setFont(font); FontMetrics metrics = offscreen.getFontMetrics(); double xs = scaleX(x); double ys = scaleY(y); int ws = metrics.stringWidth(s); int hs = metrics.getDescent(); offscreen.drawString(s, (float) (xs - ws), (float) (ys + hs)); draw(); }

/** * Display on screen, pause for t milliseconds, and turn on * animation mode: subsequent calls to * drawing methods such as line(), circle(), and square() * will not be displayed on screen until the next call to show(). * This is useful for producing animations (clear the screen, draw a bunch of shapes, * display on screen for a fixed amount of time, and repeat). It also speeds up * drawing a huge number of shapes (call show(0) to defer drawing * on screen, draw the shapes, and call show(0) to display them all * on screen at once). * @param t number of milliseconds */ public static void show(int t) { defer = false; draw(); try { Thread.sleep(t); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Error sleeping"); } defer = true; }

/** * Display on-screen and turn off animation mode: * subsequent calls to * drawing methods such as line(), circle(), and square() * will be displayed on screen when called. This is the default. */ public static void show() { defer = false; draw(); }

// draw onscreen if defer is false private static void draw() { if (defer) return; onscreen.drawImage(offscreenImage, 0, 0, null); frame.repaint(); }

/************************************************************************* * Save drawing to a file. *************************************************************************/

/** * Save onscreen image to file - suffix must be png, jpg, or gif. * @param filename the name of the file with one of the required suffixes */ public static void save(String filename) { File file = new File(filename); String suffix = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

// png files if (suffix.toLowerCase().equals("png")) { try { ImageIO.write(onscreenImage, suffix, file); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

// need to change from ARGB to RGB for jpeg // reference: else if (suffix.toLowerCase().equals("jpg")) { WritableRaster raster = onscreenImage.getRaster(); WritableRaster newRaster; newRaster = raster.createWritableChild(0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, new int[] {0, 1, 2}); DirectColorModel cm = (DirectColorModel) onscreenImage.getColorModel(); DirectColorModel newCM = new DirectColorModel(cm.getPixelSize(), cm.getRedMask(), cm.getGreenMask(), cm.getBlueMask()); BufferedImage rgbBuffer = new BufferedImage(newCM, newRaster, false, null); try { ImageIO.write(rgbBuffer, suffix, file); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

else { System.out.println("Invalid image file type: " + suffix); } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { FileDialog chooser = new FileDialog(StdDraw.frame, "Use a .png or .jpg extension", FileDialog.SAVE); chooser.setVisible(true); String filename = chooser.getFile(); if (filename != null) { + File.separator + chooser.getFile()); } }

/************************************************************************* * Mouse interactions. *************************************************************************/

/** * Is the mouse being pressed? * @return true or false */ public static boolean mousePressed() { synchronized (mouseLock) { return mousePressed; } }

/** * What is the x-coordinate of the mouse? * @return the value of the x-coordinate of the mouse */ public static double mouseX() { synchronized (mouseLock) { return mouseX; } }

/** * What is the y-coordinate of the mouse? * @return the value of the y-coordinate of the mouse */ public static double mouseY() { synchronized (mouseLock) { return mouseY; } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { synchronized (mouseLock) { mouseX = StdDraw.userX(e.getX()); mouseY = StdDraw.userY(e.getY()); mousePressed = true; } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { synchronized (mouseLock) { mousePressed = false; } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { synchronized (mouseLock) { mouseX = StdDraw.userX(e.getX()); mouseY = StdDraw.userY(e.getY()); } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { synchronized (mouseLock) { mouseX = StdDraw.userX(e.getX()); mouseY = StdDraw.userY(e.getY()); } }

/************************************************************************* * Keyboard interactions. *************************************************************************/

/** * Has the user typed a key? * @return true if the user has typed a key, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasNextKeyTyped() { synchronized (keyLock) { return !keysTyped.isEmpty(); } }

/** * What is the next key that was typed by the user? This method returns * a Unicode character corresponding to the key typed (such as 'a' or 'A'). * It cannot identify action keys (such as F1 * and arrow keys) or modifier keys (such as control). * @return the next Unicode key typed */ public static char nextKeyTyped() { synchronized (keyLock) { return keysTyped.removeLast(); } }

/** * Is the keycode currently being pressed? This method takes as an argument * the keycode (corresponding to a physical key). It can handle action keys * (such as F1 and arrow keys) and modifier keys (such as shift and control). * See * for a description of key codes. * @return true if keycode is currently being pressed, false otherwise */ public static boolean isKeyPressed(int keycode) { synchronized (keyLock) { return keysDown.contains(keycode); } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { synchronized (keyLock) { keysTyped.addFirst(e.getKeyChar()); } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { synchronized (keyLock) { keysDown.add(e.getKeyCode()); } }

/** * This method cannot be called directly. */ public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { synchronized (keyLock) { keysDown.remove(e.getKeyCode()); } }

/** * Test client. */ public static void main(String[] args) { StdDraw.square(.2, .8, .1); StdDraw.filledSquare(.8, .8, .2);, .2, .2);

StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BOOK_RED); StdDraw.setPenRadius(.02); StdDraw.arc(.8, .2, .1, 200, 45);

// draw a blue diamond StdDraw.setPenRadius(); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BOOK_BLUE); double[] x = { .1, .2, .3, .2 }; double[] y = { .2, .3, .2, .1 }; StdDraw.filledPolygon(x, y);

// text StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK); StdDraw.text(0.2, 0.5, "black text"); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.WHITE); StdDraw.text(0.8, 0.8, "white text"); }




import java.awt.Color;

public class TestQuestion3 { public static void main (String [] args) { StdDraw.setPenColor(new Color(245,201,98)); StdDraw.filledRectangle(0.5, 0, 0.55, 0.05); A5Q3.drawTree(0.5, 0.05, 0.15, 0.15, 10); A5Q3.drawTree(0.25, 0.03, 0.05, -0.1, 7); } }

Question 3: Fractal Tree Write a program, using recursion, that draws a tree in the StdDraw window, as shown This tree is a shape called a fractal. Fractals are shapes that have a recursive structure. In this example, every line has two other lines sprouting from it, at two different angles. Then, each of those lines has two smaller lines sprouting from it, and this process continues recursively until you reach the b leaves Download, and Define a that has one method public static void drawTree(double startX, double starty, double length, double theta, int depth) drawTree should draw a tree that has depth levels of branches. The main branch should be a line starting at StdDravw coordinate (startX, startY). The line should have the given length and be drawn at an angle given by theta radians. If you've forgotten, that means that the other end of the ine w be at StdDraw coordinate (startX+length*Math.sin(theta), startYtlength*Math.cos (theta)). The StdDraw command to draw a line from(x1,y1) to (x2,y2) is StdDraw.line(x1,y1,x2,y2). Then there should be two smaller trees, with depth-1 levels, that branch out from the end of this line. One should go a random amount to the left, and one should go a random amount to the right. (In the example above, random amounts from 0 to Pl/6 were used. Try different values to see what kinds of trees you get.) The branches should get shorter as you move up the tree. (In the example above, each branch is 10% shorter than the next lower one. Try your own values.) At the end of the smallest lines, at the top of the tree, draw small green circles to represent the leaves, using StdDraw.filledcircle(x,y,radius).To control colours, use StdDraw.setPencolor (Color), where Color is a class defined in java.awt.Color (look up its description online)

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