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STEPS - Diverge: - Make a list of wish statements, following the guidelines for divergent thinking. - Generate at least 15 wish statements, but don't

STEPS - Diverge: - Make a list of wish statements, following the guidelines for divergent thinking. - Generate at least 15 wish statements, but don't limit yourself, more is better. 11. FLEMING COLLEGE TORONTO 2. Clarification Stage Exploring the Vision- Convergent Phase: Select Wish Statements -You will now select one statement that will be used as a focus for your creative problem-solving efforts. in FLEMING COLLEGE TOMONTO SHIMs-Cenwren - First review all of the staterucnts and place a check mark or acterisk aext to those that best captare the direction in which you wish to move - Yow will now narrow down your options by checking for fit with CPS. - Considering only the marked statements, place another mark next to those that foccaire imagination or nere whth two marks, add a third mark eext so thone for which you are the primary decision maker, that is where you can take actien without permissicen froes ochers. - Finally, looking at osy those statements with thrce marks, choose oee to work on. - If you have multiple optioes from which to choose, select the cee that captures your imapination, gets you excited, or is most descriptive of your desired fature in regard to the present siniation. - Alier the stafetsent, if necescary, so that is expesses ccesively what it is that you want bo achieve. - At the End of this Step: Write down the statement you selected. This is your vision statement, which will be carned forward to the nest step.
- Who is involved in this situation? Who elee? - What is happening? What else? - What is catring ir? What else? - Where is this occurrine for not occarringly Where eles?" - When is bis occurring for not occuering)? When ele?? - How ane you being affocsod? - How ane others beine afloctodf - How have you tried to solve ir so far? How clse? - What hard dafa do yoa have about this? - What information do you act have? What is utinowe te you? - How does this sitcation make you foel? - Who has strone foclings or opinions about this? Who clse? - What hunches do you have aboul this? - How important is selving this to you? - Other elservationes, thoughts, feclitifs. FLEMING COLLEGE TOQDONTO 1. Assessing the Situation Gathering Data - Convergent Phase: Select Key Data - Of all of the data you gathered in the divergent stage, you will determine which are the most relevant to the situation, which must be taken into account, and which are key to the resolution of the problem you identified. a FLEMING COLLEGE TOMONTO STEPS - Converge: - First, mark each key item. (How you do this will depend on how you recorded the divergent list. - On paper, you might use an asterisk. On a flip chart pad, a colored sticky dot. On a white board, a check mark in a different color. Etc.) - Then, write a summary of how you now see the situation; that is, describe the problem space, list the key pieces of data that need to be considered, etc.
Applied Learning 1-10\% Applying CPS in your life - Now that you have been introduced to the structure of Creative Problem Solving, including the stages and steps, we would like you to experience how it actually works when applied to a real-life problem- to take the CPS process for a test drive. -You will be asked a number of questions which will require that you record your answers through: blank sheets of paper, electronic document, etc. Allowing for Incubations the Whileurd Priaclple - As you step though the CPS process on the slides that follow, you will use divergent and convergent thiaking. - Each time you do, remember to use the divergent and comvergent principles. - One principle that will not be explicitly mentioned is what we call the "wildeard principle." Allow for Incubation, but you are encouraged to use it. - At any point in the process, when you need a break or when you need to do something else, it is acceptable, natural, and helpful to iftep awry from the process. - You will return to the process rested and more mentally ready, and While you are away, your mind will likely work on the problem on its own. Talk about your win-win situations! 1. Assessing the Situation Identifying a Problem for Creative Thinking - To begin, you will identify a situation in your life, either pers professional, that would benefit from creative thinking. - To be sure you are applying this CPS walkthrough in a const we will use a brief thinking exercise to identify a suitable pro
Metacognitive - Determine Where to Go Next -Whenever you use the CPS process, Assessing the Situation ends with determining the next process stage. -In this walkthrough, we recommend you begin with the Clarification Stage. 17 FLEMING COLLEGE TORONTO 2. Clarification Stage - Given the problem space you have identified and the data you have considered, you will now clarify your vision. - In the first clarification step, Exploring the Vision, you will identify the desired outcomes: - In the second step, Formulating Challenges, you will identify the obstacles that must be overcome in order to reach the vision. - or each of these two steps, as always, you will diverge and then converge. 11 FLEMING COLLEGE TOMONTO 2. Clarification Stage Exploring the Vision - Divergeat Phase: Generate Wish Statements - What is your future vision, in rogand to the current situation? la the divergent phase of this steg, you will use the statement stariers "T want. "T wish.", of "It would be grat if." to capture aff your different visions, and the different ways you might express your vision. - For example if you were thinking about a careser change, you might penerate wish statements like these: - It would be great to find a new career that better matches my saills - I wish I had a job that I was passionote about. - I want to love my woek. - I wish I could find a career I enjoy and make as much money as I do now.
Formalatiag Challeages - Divergent Phases Gencrate Challenge Stataments - Now that you have one stancment of the vision or oulcome yoe devire, it is time lo idenify the paps between your current realify and your desirod fature. earlier to identify some of these chalienges. + Hew io - 0 . - II find a matalite lisation - HM we qadif for a mortape - HM we sase enoneh fir a dows paymen 10 FLEMING COLLEGF TOLOWTO STEPS - Diverge: - Keeping your vision statement where you can see it, generate a list of challenges that must be addressed to bring about this desired future. - Remember to follow the divergent thinking guidelines. - Generate at least 20 challenge statements (more if you can). beginning each with one of the four statement starters. FLEMING COLLEGE Tomowto 2. Clarification Stage Formulating Challenges - Convergent Phase: Select Challenge Statements - From the list of challenge statements, you will now select the ones that best reflect the gaps you need to address to reach your vision. -Then, you will select one of these challenges to carry forward.
SIEPS - Converge: - Using your divergent list of challenge statements, mark the key challenges. - Then, considering only those statements you marked, select the one that expresses the most important challenge that must be overcome in order to achieve the vision. - While there may be several challenges that need to be addressed, for the moment select the one challenge statement that, if resolved, would put you in the best position to achieve your vision. You can always return later to address other important challenges. - At the End of this Step: You will have a concise challenge statement that begins with one of the affirmative statement starters. - Record this statement, which will be carried forward to the Transformation stage of the CPS process
STEPS - Diverge: Make a list of possible situations to which CPS might be applied. To help your thinking, here are some questions. Capture all the responses you can think of to each of these questions. -What's been on your mind lately? -What are some of your personal or professional goals? -What would you like to do more of or do better? -What challenges must you address? FLEMING COLLEGE TORONTO STRirs - Camserset From the list of possible sinations, select one to work ee, verifying that it fits all of the following criteria. - The situatioe is sufficiently broad (that is, it has sufficicat scope for exploeation and discovery). - The situation is opes-eded (that is, there is so one right answer). - You are the problem owser (that is. you are the person responsible for taking action). - You are motivated to work on this situation (that is, you are willing to invest the necessary time and encrey) You may have mote than oue situation that fits these criteria, If so, choose the one for which you bave the most enery. The situation you select wil be carricd forwand io the next slep. Note; In your futuge yse of CPS, you may not necd to scan your life for problene; rather, we can assiar Nout that plenty will show up unbidden. Thus, you may not need to fepcat the drvergent thinking phase, but you will aced to be sare that the problem noeets the cosvergent criteria. If the problem mects those criteria, then yoa will know it is an appropriate situation to apply C \( \mathrm{CS} \), and you can simply dive in as we ll do right iow. FLEMING COLLEGE TORONTO 1. Assessing the Situation Gathering Data - Divergent Phase: Identify Important Data - By gathering data, you will begin to develop a deeper understanding of the situation you just selected. Therefore, a critical aspect of Assessing the Situation is developing a deep understanding of what s happening. Remember, prescription without diagnosis is malpractice.

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