student ID -23637656
last name -Barnes
d ad salary In-Class Lab 1. Consider the entity set Employee with attributes empld, socie a show how the entity set and its attributes would be represented on b Describe the domain of the salary attribut making assumptions as Identify a superkey for the Employee entity d. Identify al candidate keys for the entity set Identify a primary key for the entity stand underline it on the ER died Assume in the same enterprise as in Exercise that there is a sta r t with attributes proName,startDate, date and budget Show how they relationship to Employee would be represented on the ER Drum. A u to represent the number of hours an employee is assigned to work as a project and show that in the diagram b. Stating any necessary assumptions, make a decision about the card and partico constraints on the relationship, and appropriate symbols to the Assume there is another entity called Department to be added. Each playe r s for only one department Adepartment does not directly sponsor project s needed, add this entity and appropriate relationships) to the diagram ile Edit View Go Tools Window Help 06.6268 In-Class Lab 1. Consider the entity set Employee with attributes empld, socSecNo, emp_name, jobtitle, and salary. a. Show how the entity set and its attributes would be represented on an E-R diagram. b. Describe the domain of the salary attribute, making assumptions as needed. c. Identify a superkey for the Employee entity set. d. Identify al candidate keys for the entity set. e. Identify a primary key for the entity set and underline it on the E-R diagram. a. Assume in the same enterprise as in Exercise 1, that there is an entity set called Project with attributes projName, start Date, endDate, and budget. Show how this entity set and its relationship to Employee would be represented on the E-R Diagram. Assume you want to represent the number of hours an employee is assigned to work on a project, and show that in the diagram. b. Stating any necessary assumptions, make a decision about the cardinality and participation constraints on the relationship, and add appropriate symbols to the E-R diagram. c. Assume there is another entity called Department to be added. Each employee works for only one department. A department does not directly sponsor projects. Making up attributes as needed, add this entity and appropriate relationship(s) to the diagram