subject applied statistics
[13. Read the following research excerpt, identify any M variables in the passage. For each variable, operationally dene how they will be measured at [al nominal level of measurement (h) ordinal level of measurement [c] equal interval level of measurement. (8] {there will be 3 examples on ali levels for one variable, and 3 examples on all levels for another variable} Life satisfaction is sometimes used interchangebly with Happiness but these are two different concepts. Life satisfaction has been described as the degree to which a person positively evaluates the over all quality of hisz'her life as a whole [Veenhovem 1996}. According to Diener it is an over all assessment of feelings and attitudes about one's life at a certain point in time. It is one of the three major indicators of well-being: Life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect. Studies show that women have an average level of life satisfaction among all age levels. With an increase in age the over all life satisfaction decreases (Prasoon E: Chaturvedi, 2016]. Different variables such as energy, extroversion, empathy, physical and mental health have all been seen to strongly correlate with life satisfaction although the direction of their relationship is not clear (Ackerman, 2019]. One study revealed life satisfaction to be strongly associated with self- reported mental health where the poor self reported mental health group had lower life satisfaction as compared to the higher self-reported mental health group {Lombardo, Jones, Wang, Sheri, 8: Goldner, 2018). Another longitudinal study found that statistically significant associations remained between life satisfaction and major depression, anxiety disorder, suicidality, and substance dependence. Those individuals reporting three or more mental health disorders had mean life satisfaction scores that were below those without mental health disorders {Fergussom et al., 2015]