SUDOKU Rules : A puzzle looks like the one on the previous page: a 9x9 grid with some numbers filled in. The challenge is to
SUDOKU Rules: A puzzle looks like the one on the previous page: a 9x9 grid with some numbers filled in. The challenge is to fill in each empty space with a digit 1 through 9, so that no digit is repeated in any row, column or block. Block is my name for the nine 3x3 blocks outlined in thicker black lines in the picture.
Your Assignment: In the Eclipse workspace of your choice, create a new Java project containing package sudoku. Import the 4 starter files that you downloaded with this assignment:,,, and You won't need to change or Your assignment is to finish and Grid: This class models a Sudoku puzzle that is unsolved, partially solved, or completely solved. The class has a 9x9 array of ints, called values. If a Sudoku square is empty, the corresponding cell in values is zero; otherwise the cell in values contains the number in the Sudoku square. The starter class has a ctor and a toString() method that you should not change. It also has 4 empty methods that you need to write: next9Grids(), isLegal(), isFull(), and equals(). Do not change their names, arg lists, or return types. The comments on the unfinished methods tell you all you need to know about what they should do. Its ok to add more methods to this class. You dont need to provide this class with hashCode() or compareTo() methods. The equals() method is just so that you can compare your puzzle solutions to solutions in TestGridSupplier. (That is, you wont be collecting Grid instances into a hash set a tree set.) Solver: Most of this class has already been written. Complete the solveRecurse() method using the backtracking technique you saw in lecture and lab. Also complete the evaluate() method. The main() method is for you to use while testing your code with the puzzles and solutions in TestGridSupplier.
Evaluation: You saw this enum in lecture and lab. It contains 3 values that represent the 3 possible outcomes of the evaluate() method of the Grid class. Look at the source code. Sometimes enums can be complicated, but this one is not. You might need to write a simple enum for the next midterm.
TestGridSupplier: This class contains static methods that return Grid instances. Some of them are puzzles, some are solutions, and some are for testing your code. class:
package sudoku;
enum Evaluation { ACCEPT, ABANDON, CONTINUE; } class:
package sudoku;
import java.util.*;
public class Grid { private int[][] values;
// // DON'T CHANGE THIS. // // See TestGridSupplier for examples of input. // Dots in input strings represent 0s in values[][]. // public Grid(String[] rows) { values = new int[9][9]; for (int j=0; j<9; j++) { String row = rows[j]; char[] charray = row.toCharArray(); for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { char ch = charray[i]; if (ch != '.') values[j][i] = ch - '0'; } } } // // DON'T CHANGE THIS. // public String toString() { String s = ""; for (int j=0; j<9; j++) { for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { int n = values[j][i]; if (n == 0) s += '.'; else s += (char)('0' + n); } s += " "; } return s; } // // COMPLETE THIS // // // Finds an empty member of values[][]. Returns an array list of 9 grids that look like the current grid, // except the empty member contains 1, 2, 3 .... 9. Returns null if the current grid is full. // // Example: if this grid = 1........ // ......... // ......... // ......... // ......... // ......... // ......... // ......... // ......... // // Then the returned array list would contain: // // 11....... 12....... 13....... 14....... and so on 19....... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... // public ArrayList class:
package sudoku;
import java.util.*;
public class Solver { private Grid problem; private ArrayList
public ArrayList class:
package sudoku;
import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JTextArea;
public class SudokuGraderF16 { private final static Class>[] EMPTY_ARGSLIST = { }; private final static Class>[] OBJECT_ARGSLIST = { Object.class }; private final static Class>[] Grid_ARGSLIST = { Grid.class }; //private final static String PACKAGE = "sudokusolution"; private final static String PACKAGE = "sudoku"; private String gradersNotes; private int commentDeduction; private int styleDeduction; private Map
} catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { deduct(Category.Grid, "No " + name + "() method", 10); } // check if equal is present try { Method m = className.getDeclaredMethod("equals", OBJECT_ARGSLIST); if(m.getReturnType()!= boolean.class) deduct(Category.Grid, "equals() does not return Boolean", 2); } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { deduct(Category.Grid, "No " + name + "() method", 10); } } //check if the equals returns correct result Grid g1 = TestGridSupplier.getPuzzle1(); Grid g2 = TestGridSupplier.getPuzzle1(); // a grid which is having one String[] puzzleTestEqual = { "..3.1.5..", "8..395..1", "14.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "2..748..9", "..6.3.2.." }; Grid g3 = new Grid(puzzleTestEqual); if(!g1.equals(g2)) { err = "equals returned false for the same Grid"; deduct(Category.Grid, err, 5); } if(g1.equals(g3)) { err = "equals returned true for the different Grid"; deduct(Category.Grid, err, 5); } // check if isLegal correct String[] puzzleTestisLegalRow = { "..3.3.5..", "8..395..1", "14.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "2..748..9", "..6.3.2.." }; String[] puzzleTestisLegalCol = { "..3.1.5..", "8..395..1", "14.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "2..748..9", "" }; if(!g1.isLegal()) { deduct(Category.Grid, "isLegal() does not return False for a correct Grid", 2); } if(new Grid(puzzleTestisLegalRow).isLegal()) { deduct(Category.Grid, "isLegal() returns True for an incorrect Grid", 2); } if(new Grid(puzzleTestisLegalCol).isLegal()) { deduct(Category.Grid, "isLegal() returns True for an incorrect Grid", 2); } //check for isFull String[] testisFull = { "463217598", "872395641", "159486327", "384671952", "627954813", "591823476", "918562734", "235748169", "746139285" }; if(g1.isFull()) { deduct(Category.Grid, "isFull() return True for an incomplete Grid", 3); } if(!new Grid(testisFull).isFull()) { deduct(Category.Grid, "isFull() return False for a complete Grid", 3); } //check size of the arrayList returned by next9Grids if(g1.next9Grids().size()!=9) { deduct(Category.Grid, "next9Grids() does not return Arraylist of size 9", 5); } } public void gradeSolver() { Class> className = getClass(PACKAGE + ".Solver"); if (className == null) { sop("No Solver Class"); } //check evaluate() Grid g1 = TestGridSupplier.getPuzzle1(); String[] puzzleTestisLegalRow = { "..3.3.5..", "8..395..1", "14.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "2..748..9", "..6.3.2.." }; String[] puzzleTestisLegalCol = { "..3.1.5..", "8..395..1", "14.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "8..748..9", "..6.3.2.." }; String[] puzzleTestisLegalGrid = { "", "8..395..1", "14.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "8..748..9", "..6.3.2.." }; //String[] methodNames = {"evalute","solve"}; Grid g2 = new Grid(puzzleTestisLegalRow); Grid g3 =new Grid(puzzleTestisLegalCol); Grid g4 = new Grid(puzzleTestisLegalGrid); Grid g5 = TestGridSupplier.getSolution1(); try { Method m = className.getDeclaredMethod("evaluate", Grid_ARGSLIST); if (m.getReturnType() != Evaluation.class) { deduct(Category.Solver, "evaluate() does not return Evaluation", 5); } Solver s = new Solver(g1); if (s.evaluate(g1)==Evaluation.ABANDON) { deduct(Category.Solver, "evaluate() returns ABANDON for a legal Grid", 5); } if (s.evaluate(g2)!=Evaluation.ABANDON ||s.evaluate(g3)!=Evaluation.ABANDON||s.evaluate(g4)!=Evaluation.ABANDON ) { deduct(Category.Solver, "evaluate() does not return ABANDON for an illegal Grid", 5); } if(s.evaluate(g5)!=Evaluation.ACCEPT ) { deduct(Category.Solver, "evaluate() does not return ACCEPT for a full Grid", 5); } if(s.evaluate(g1)==Evaluation.ACCEPT ) { deduct(Category.Solver, "evaluate() return ACCEPT for an incomplete Grid", 5); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { deduct(Category.Solver, "No evaluate() method", 10); } // check for solver class Grid g = TestGridSupplier.getPuzzle1(); Solver solver = new Solver(g); solver.solve(); Grid soln = solver.getSolutions().get(0); if(!soln.equals(TestGridSupplier.getSolution1())) { deduct(Category.Solver, "Solve does not give correct solution", 35); } } private class Deduction { private String reason; private int pointsOff; Deduction(String reason, int pointsOff) { this.reason = reason; this.pointsOff = pointsOff; } public String toString() { return reason + ": -" + pointsOff; } } private void deduct(Category cat, String reason, int pointsOff) { ArrayList
gradersNotes = dia.getSubjectivePanel().getNotes(); int readabilityScore = dia.getSubjectivePanel().getReadabilityScore(); styleDeduction = Category.Style.getMaxDeductions() - readabilityScore; int commentsScore = dia.getSubjectivePanel().getCommentsScore(); commentDeduction = Category.Comments.getMaxDeductions() - commentsScore; }
private class SubjectivePanel extends JPanel { private ArrayList class:
package sudoku;
public class TestGridSupplier { // // A simple puzzle and its solution. Took less than 1 second on my MacBook Pro. The // puzzle is Copyright 2016 by ConceptisPuzzles. // private final static String[] PUZZLE_1 = { "..3.1.5..", "8..395..1", "15.....27", ".8..7..5.", "", ".9..2..7.", "91.....34", "2..748..9", "..6.3.2.." }; private final static String[] SOLUTION_1 = { "463217598", "872395641", "159486327", "384671952", "627954813", "591823476", "918562734", "235748169", "746139285" }; static Grid getPuzzle1() { return new Grid(PUZZLE_1); } static Grid getSolution1() { return new Grid(SOLUTION_1); }
private final static String[] PUZZLE_2 = { ".........", "8.1...9.7", "..75493..", "7..9.2..8", "....1....", "1..3.8..5", "..84312..", "2.5...1.9", "........." }; private final static String[] SOLUTION_2 = { "439187562", "851623947", "627549381", "763952418", "582714693", "194368725", "978431256", "245876139", "316295874" };
static Grid getPuzzle2() { return new Grid(PUZZLE_2); } static Grid getSolution2() { return new Grid(SOLUTION_2); }
private final static String[] PUZZLE_3 = { ".97..1.6.", "2....7..5", "....9...3", "85.......", "..9...5..", ".......32", "3...7....", "5..6....1", ".4.1..37." }; private final static String[] SOLUTION_3 = { "497351268", "236847195", "185296743", "853924617", "629713584", "714568932", "361472859", "578639421", "942185376" };
static Grid getPuzzle3() { return new Grid(PUZZLE_3); } static Grid getSolution3() { return new Grid(SOLUTION_3); } // // You can use these to test your Grid's evaluate() method. // private final static String[] REJECT_1 = { "11.......", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", "........." }; private final static String[] REJECT_2 = { "2........", "2........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", "........." }; private final static String[] REJECT_3 = { "3........", "..3......", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", "........." }; private final static String[] REJECT_4 = { ".........", ".........", ".........", "....4....", ".....4...", ".........", ".........", ".........", "........." }; private final static String[] CONTINUE = { "123456789", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", "........." };
static Grid getReject1() { return new Grid(REJECT_1); } static Grid getReject2() { return new Grid(REJECT_2); } static Grid getReject3() { return new Grid(REJECT_3); } static Grid getReject4() { return new Grid(REJECT_4); } static Grid getContinue() { return new Grid(CONTINUE); } static Grid getAccept() { return getSolution1(); } }
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