T AND ONLINE IN PRIN 14 376 Writing Memos Like letters, memosh elements shown in Figure 14.9. consists of the memos have a characteristic format, which con nstead of AMRO MEMO 612/17 muticultural neaders use a diflenent notation for To: B. Pabst Alonso dates and could be confused Subject MIXER RECOMMENDATION FOR PHILLIPS 12 June 2017 Date: INTEROFFICE Lht the names of persons receiving copies of the mema, either alpha betically or in descending order of organirational nank c B. Aaron To: CCleveland S H, Rainbow .r.K to Collier 2 October 2017 K. Lau From: Subject Shipment Dace of Blueprints JManuputra W.Williams Date: NORTHERN PETROLEUM COMPANY INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Most werlters put thelr ininals or ignature next to the typed name for at the end of the mema) to show that they have reviewed the memo and accept responsibility for it Date: January 3, 2017 To: William Weeks, Director of Operations From: Helen Cho, Chemical Engineering Dept a e Subject Trip Report-Conference on Improved Procedures for Chemical Analysis Laboratory FIGURE 14.9 Identifying Information in a Memo Some organihotions prefer the full names of the writer and reader;others want only the first initiols and last names Some prefer job titiles others do not. If your organization does not object, include your job nible and your reoder's The memo will then be informative for anyone who refers to it after either of you has moved on to a new position, as well as for others in the organization who do not know you As with letters, you can attach memos to emails and deliver them electronically. To preserve the memo format for the email recipient, save the memo as a PDF before sending If you prefer to distribute hard copies, print the second and all subsequent pages of a memo on plain paper rather than on letterhead. Include three items in the upper right-hand or left-hand corner of each subsequent page the name of the recipient, the date of the memo, and the page numbe. the header in Figure 14.2 on page 369. Figure 14.10, a sample memo, is a trip report, a record of a busines written after the employee returned to the office. Readers are less in interested 14 ING IN PRINT AND Writing Memos Like letters, memos have a characteristic f elements shown in Figure 14.9 format, which consists of B. Pabst To: From Subject Alonso MXER RECOMMENDATON FOR PHILLIPS 12 June 2017 dates and could be confsed Uht the names of persons seceliving copies of the mema, either alpha betically or in descending order of organizational tank To CCleveland K. Lau Manuputra W. Williams Subject Shipment Date of Blueprints to Collier 2 October 2017 Date: NORTHERN PETROLEUM COMPANY INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Most writers put their inibials or signature next to the typed name or at the end of the memo) to shovw hat they have reviewed the memo and accept responsibility for it. Dase: January 3, 2017 To: William Weeks, Director of Operations From: Helen Cho, Chemical Engineering Dept. Subject Trip Report-Conference on improved Procedures for Chemical Analysis Laboratory FIGURE 14.9 Identifying Information in a Memo Some organizaions prefer the full names of the wniter and reader; others want only the first in and last names. Some prefer job sitles; others do not. if your organization does not object, include you job title and your readers. The memo will then be informative for anyone who refers to it ofter eth you has moved on to a new position, as well as for others in the organization who do not know you As with letters, you can attach memos to emails and deliver them electronically. To preserve the memo format for the email recipient, save the memo as a PDF before sending. If you prefer to distribute hard copies, print the second and all subsequest pages of a memo on plain paper rather than on letterhead. Include three items in the upper right-hand or left-hand corner of each subsequent page the name of the recipient, the date of the memo, and the page numbet. set the header in Figure 14.2 on page 369. Figure 14.10, a sample memo, is a trip report, a record of a business trig written after the employee returned to the office. Readers are less interest 14 Dynacol Corporation belDamacs nc my impressions new Po Dimamics offers two models in is 500 series amea dive and an opticall disk Lbrary into the fle sysiem T thcy et hard disks) and ts slowei deveel disksi. This process, which thery cal dsta migration and demig ation ge devices (magneto transparent to the user the system no more than one hour. The external would not need to install any drivers, as be truly y portable; the user long as his or her device is docked on urhe networked devices without the user having to do anything the internal drive is convenentit is already configured for the eady nows why the wter we on the trip coutr-I think we should consider only the external drive Because so many of our do teleconferencing the advantage of Note that the witer ends this ds walked me through the process of configuring both models with a conclusion,or A second advantage of the external deive is that it can be savaged easily when we take a computer out of service. ment of the meaning of the lacts In thin cave, the witer' condlusion s that the company should conside Recommendation Id lke to talk to you, when you get a chance, about Dynamics for a quantity discount. I think we should ask Mckinley and Rossiter to participate in the discussion, Give me a call (x3442) and we'll talk only the exhernall drive negotiating with Computer A recommendation is the witers statement of what he would like the reader to do next In this case the writer would like to sit down with the reader to discuss how to proceed FIGURE 14.10 Sample Memo T AND ONLINE IN PRIN 14 376 Writing Memos Like letters, memosh elements shown in Figure 14.9. consists of the memos have a characteristic format, which con nstead of AMRO MEMO 612/17 muticultural neaders use a diflenent notation for To: B. Pabst Alonso dates and could be confused Subject MIXER RECOMMENDATION FOR PHILLIPS 12 June 2017 Date: INTEROFFICE Lht the names of persons receiving copies of the mema, either alpha betically or in descending order of organirational nank c B. Aaron To: CCleveland S H, Rainbow .r.K to Collier 2 October 2017 K. Lau From: Subject Shipment Dace of Blueprints JManuputra W.Williams Date: NORTHERN PETROLEUM COMPANY INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Most werlters put thelr ininals or ignature next to the typed name for at the end of the mema) to show that they have reviewed the memo and accept responsibility for it Date: January 3, 2017 To: William Weeks, Director of Operations From: Helen Cho, Chemical Engineering Dept a e Subject Trip Report-Conference on Improved Procedures for Chemical Analysis Laboratory FIGURE 14.9 Identifying Information in a Memo Some organihotions prefer the full names of the writer and reader;others want only the first initiols and last names Some prefer job titiles others do not. If your organization does not object, include your job nible and your reoder's The memo will then be informative for anyone who refers to it after either of you has moved on to a new position, as well as for others in the organization who do not know you As with letters, you can attach memos to emails and deliver them electronically. To preserve the memo format for the email recipient, save the memo as a PDF before sending If you prefer to distribute hard copies, print the second and all subsequent pages of a memo on plain paper rather than on letterhead. Include three items in the upper right-hand or left-hand corner of each subsequent page the name of the recipient, the date of the memo, and the page numbe. the header in Figure 14.2 on page 369. Figure 14.10, a sample memo, is a trip report, a record of a busines written after the employee returned to the office. Readers are less in interested 14 ING IN PRINT AND Writing Memos Like letters, memos have a characteristic f elements shown in Figure 14.9 format, which consists of B. Pabst To: From Subject Alonso MXER RECOMMENDATON FOR PHILLIPS 12 June 2017 dates and could be confsed Uht the names of persons seceliving copies of the mema, either alpha betically or in descending order of organizational tank To CCleveland K. Lau Manuputra W. Williams Subject Shipment Date of Blueprints to Collier 2 October 2017 Date: NORTHERN PETROLEUM COMPANY INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Most writers put their inibials or signature next to the typed name or at the end of the memo) to shovw hat they have reviewed the memo and accept responsibility for it. Dase: January 3, 2017 To: William Weeks, Director of Operations From: Helen Cho, Chemical Engineering Dept. Subject Trip Report-Conference on improved Procedures for Chemical Analysis Laboratory FIGURE 14.9 Identifying Information in a Memo Some organizaions prefer the full names of the wniter and reader; others want only the first in and last names. Some prefer job sitles; others do not. if your organization does not object, include you job title and your readers. The memo will then be informative for anyone who refers to it ofter eth you has moved on to a new position, as well as for others in the organization who do not know you As with letters, you can attach memos to emails and deliver them electronically. To preserve the memo format for the email recipient, save the memo as a PDF before sending. If you prefer to distribute hard copies, print the second and all subsequest pages of a memo on plain paper rather than on letterhead. Include three items in the upper right-hand or left-hand corner of each subsequent page the name of the recipient, the date of the memo, and the page numbet. set the header in Figure 14.2 on page 369. Figure 14.10, a sample memo, is a trip report, a record of a business trig written after the employee returned to the office. Readers are less interest 14 Dynacol Corporation belDamacs nc my impressions new Po Dimamics offers two models in is 500 series amea dive and an opticall disk Lbrary into the fle sysiem T thcy et hard disks) and ts slowei deveel disksi. This process, which thery cal dsta migration and demig ation ge devices (magneto transparent to the user the system no more than one hour. The external would not need to install any drivers, as be truly y portable; the user long as his or her device is docked on urhe networked devices without the user having to do anything the internal drive is convenentit is already configured for the eady nows why the wter we on the trip coutr-I think we should consider only the external drive Because so many of our do teleconferencing the advantage of Note that the witer ends this ds walked me through the process of configuring both models with a conclusion,or A second advantage of the external deive is that it can be savaged easily when we take a computer out of service. ment of the meaning of the lacts In thin cave, the witer' condlusion s that the company should conside Recommendation Id lke to talk to you, when you get a chance, about Dynamics for a quantity discount. I think we should ask Mckinley and Rossiter to participate in the discussion, Give me a call (x3442) and we'll talk only the exhernall drive negotiating with Computer A recommendation is the witers statement of what he would like the reader to do next In this case the writer would like to sit down with the reader to discuss how to proceed FIGURE 14.10 Sample Memo