T F F T T F F T F T F F T F F T F T F Effective leadership of salespeople includes communicating with salespeople rather than controlling them, Leadership is the capability to make things happen for the benefit of the sales organization and its customers Personal selling and consequently, sales management are undergoing dramatic changes that are driven by several behavioral, technological, and managerial forces that are not dramatically altering the way salespeople understand, prepare for and accomplish their jobs. Transactional selling is a series of transactions, each one involving separate organizations entering into an independent transaction involving the delivery of a product or service in return for compensation. In today's highly competitive environment, however, customers realize there are benefits in building relationships with their suppliers and have thus turned to traditional selling approaches Innovation is the desire to think outside the box, do things differently, and embrace change Sales organizations are being reinvented to better address the needs of the changing marketplace. The freedom of action and opportunities for personal initiative is among the several rewarding aspects of a sales career Sales career offers an unfavorable working conditions with more direct supervision than most other careers. Intrinsic reward is an intangible reward such as recognition, a sense of achievement and job satisfaction Extrinsic award is an intangible reward given to employees for accomplishment such as a financial or monetary incentive. A sales job and/or career offers a financial reward and salespeople hired right out of college tend to start at higher salaries than most other professions The broad spectrum of technological tools are not available to sales managers and sales organizations Market orientation focuses on aligning all the various organizational processes and functions toward minimizing the firm's success in the competitive marketplace A key component of market orientation is exhibiting a customer orientation in some levels and units of an organization The efforts a firm makes toward cultivating a culture that is market-oriented and customer-centric require a low degree of formalization within the firm In many cases companies use of independent agents instead of company salespeople is an important option Activities of the sales force must be disintegrated with the needs and concerns of customers Organizing the activities and management of the sales force is irrelevant to T F T F T T F F T F T F T F T F T F F