TABLE 3 Descriptive statistics and ANOVA for materiality threshold: Financial case Panel A: Descriptive statistics for the materiality threshold ($million) for the nancial case [mean (SD)] Community No community Community versus no community Breach 9.75 7.93 t = 1.07 (6.03) (3.73) p = 0.29 No Breach 11.35 10.64 t = 0.42 (6.59) (4.54) p = 0.68 Breach versus No Breach t = 0.98 I = 1.53 p = 0.33 p = 0.13 Panel B: ANOVA for the materiality threshold for the nancial case Source SS df MS F p Breach 94.060 1 94.060 3.196 0.078 Community 32.564 1 32.564 1.107 0.296 Breach X Community 6.203 1 6.203 0.211 0.647 Error 2,295.415 78 29.428 Notes: Materiality threshold is the maximum amount of understatement that participants would consider to be immaterial. Breach = risk of breaching contract present; No Breach = risk of breaching contract absent; Community = community impact present; No Community = community impact absent. TABLE 4 Descriptive statistics and ANOVA for materiality threshold: Water case Panel A: Descriptive statistics for the materiality threshold (megaliters) for the water case [mean (SD)] Community No community Community versus no community Breach 370.43 257.11 at = 1.53 (238.44) (117.35) p = 0.13 No Breach 396.05 412.50 t = 0.22 (293.96) (242.78) p = 0.82 Breach versus No Breach t = 0.36 t = 2.03 p = 0.72 p = 0.05 Panel B: ANOVA for the materiality threshold for the water case Source SS df MS F p Breach 166,614.455 1 166,614.455 2.999 0.087 Community 47,720.032 1 47,720.032 0.859 0.357 Breach x Community 85,643.997 1 85,643.997 1.542 0.218 Error 4,333,040.311 78 55,551.799 Notes: Materiality threshold is the maximum amount of understatement that participants would consider to be immaterial. Breach = risk of breaching contract present; No Breach = risk of breaching contract absent; Community = community impact present; No Community = community impact absent