Task 1 In the Answer Sheet provided. name the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variable (X). Provide a brief explanation to support your choice. Task 2 In a sentence, explain whether you expect a positive or a negative relation between the X and the Y variables. Task 3 Use Excel to produce a scatterpiot using the independent variable for the horizontal (X) axis and the dependent variable as the vertical (Y) axis. Copy and paste the scatterplot to into the Answer Booklet. Hint: Follow the graph presentation (in Step 5, Balancing the Sample Data for Regression Analysis.xlsx). Title of the scatterplot and the labels for axes will account for 0.5 mark for each. Task 4 Foilow the Excel procedure (select Data! Data Analysis i Regression) outlined on seminar note Slide 16, using the dependent variable and the independent variable you nominated in Task 1, generate regression estimation output tables. Copy the Regression Statistics and Coefficients tables (refer to Slide 2? and Slide 28) to the Answer Sheet. Task 5 Refer to the Regression Statistics table in Task 4, briefly describe the strength of the correlation between X and Y variables. Ensure your statement is supported by the statistic figure from the table. Task 6 Does the information shown in the Coefficients table agree with your expectation in Task 2? Briefly explain the reasoning behind your answer. Task 7 Refer to the Coefficients table, and foliow the presentation on seminar note Slide 19, construct the least squares linear regression equation for the reiationship between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). Task 8 Interpret the estimated intercept and the slope coefficients. Task 9 Estimate the dependent variable if the independent variable is 700. Make sure to apply the unit of measurement to each variables