Task 1: Open the Income data set in Statcrunch. Task 2: Create a 90% confidence interval for each of the three columns [UveralL White and Black]. Then go back and create a 93% confidence interval for each of the three columns. Task 3: Discuss the findings being sure to write an interpretation sentence for each confidence interval. 1What happens to the condence interval as you increased the confidence level? Task 4: Corn pare the results of the White income to the Black income. Is there a difference? Is one closer to the overall average data than the other? Type yourfindings being sure to include all images from Statc runch. Part4 Task 1: Open the Income data set in Statcrunch. Task 2: By this point you have probably noticed that Whites seems to be making more money. Perform a hypothesis test to see if the Average White Income is greater than the Average Overall Income. Remembering that the overall average income is $59,842. Use alpha of .05 to discuss the conclusion. Task 3: 1I"ou will also probably have noticed that Black income is much lower than average. Perform a hypothesis test to see if the Average Black Income is less than the Average Overall Income. Use an alpha of .05 to discuss the conclusion Task 4: Type your findings. Be sure to include the interpretation or conclusion statement and if we should or should not reject the null. Have we finally shovvn with proof that there is a difference in income made based on your race? Hov.r can you be sure? Part5 Task 1: Compose the entire project - Add an introduction paragraph - Add an overall conclusion paragraph - Discuss how we can reduce the racial equity gap, or what factors may contribute to it. What could you do personally to help reduce the gap