Task 4.2 Regression in the Data Analysis menu does not handle blank cells well. It does not run regression when there are missing observations in any variable. You can see that the outcome variable has manyr missing observations. Therefore, remove all children who do not have expenditure information. Use the following instruction ifthe team does not have any other favourite procedure. 11 2i 3i 5i 51 71 Copy and paste the 6 variables of the model onto the Task 4.2a worksheet. Fill the blank cells in "Total educational expenditure for the last school year (in rielsl" with any letter (say, \"2\"] using Replace. {Remember the issue of zeroAlength strings, raised in Task 3.1? The current procedure will avoid generating zero-length strings, instead of generating them first and deleting them later.) Create a new variable \"A" using both "Age" and "Total educational expenditure for the last school year {in rielsl" as follows. In the cell under the label "A", type -IF{SF2-": ,"z",n2] if \"Age" is in column A and \"Total educational expenditure for the last school year [in rielsJ\" is in column F. Then, copy and paste the formula to fill the column. This procedure will copy the data in "Age" only if the expenditure info is available and enter letter "3" otherwise. Apply the same procedure to each of the remaining 4 explanatory variables. Now copy the 6 variables that contain letter \"2\". Then, Paste =) Paste Values => Values on the Task 4.2b worksheet. Select from A1 to F1267. Use Replace to delete it. Keep the data range selection. Go to Find 3.: Select again. Select \"Go To Special...". Choose "Blanks\". Then, rightclick at any of the selected blank cell. Choose \"Delete". Choose \"Shift cells up\" and then click OK. You have now created a data set without a missing observation, containing 999 children. Task 4.3 Run the regression, and answer the following questions. a} bi C] d} 31 h} Are all slope coefficients statistically significant at the 5% level of signicance? If not, which slope coefcients are statistically significant at that level? Interpret each of the statistically significant slope coefcients. Is there a sign of gender bias in household expenditure on child education? Briey explain your answer. Is there a sign of ethnicity bias in household expenditure on child education? Briey explain your answer. Is the model overfitting? Briefly explain your answer. Is the model explaining the variation in household expenditure on child education very well? Briefly explain your answer. Can we maintain the assumption that the error term ofthe model is normally distributed? Support your answer by a step-by-step hypothesis test. Suggest any other explanatory variable that is likely to impact household expenditure on child education [and hence the team might consider to include in the regression model if such a variable is available in the data set}. Briey explain why and how it may affect the expenditure