Team project for accurate answers contact Brief Description This is a team project where students will be assigned to complete a business canvas for business ideas pitches in unit 9. It may be a start-up or expansion of an existing business. Using the Business Canvas Model, the teams prepare a description of the business idea according to the Business Canvas Model. In addition to the canvas, students will prepare a report to accompany the canvas that provides a description of the business, business rationale, target market, budget, marketing or promotional plan, and measure that would be used to assess the businesses success. Utilizing the business model canvas, groups should meet the criteria of the rubric available on Moodle. Teams submit a draft at the end of Unit 10 and attend a meeting with the course instructor to receive feedback on the draft. After the meeting with the instructor, the team should make changes for final submission at the end of unit 11. Submission Instructions Prepare a group report which includes a description of the business, business rationale, target market, budget, marketing/promotional plan, measures to be used to assess success of the business and the business model canvas about a problem and a possible solution. Each paper should include an introduction and conclusion, should be 5-6 pages (double spaced), 2.54 cm margins (the default on MS Word), and 12 pts size font. The paper should follow the APA guidelines for format and citation. Evaluation Business Canvas Model Report Part 1 will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall. Content and Research 170 a. Provide a report to accompany the Canvas that discussed the business /25 idea in a narrative format. The report should include description of the business, a brief market analysis, marketing or promotional plan, funding needed, and financial projections and measures used to assess the business success b. Demonstrate the validity of the idea and identify what makes this a true /10 opportunity Support claims about the problem with appropriate sources, including at least three academic sources such as books, juried articles found in the YU library