Test 1. True or False Direction: Write T if the answer is True and F if the answer is False. 1) Leadership is a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers, and the situation. 2) A key reason behind using the phrase "desirable opportunities" in a definition of leadership was precisely to distinguish between leadership and management. 3) Some managers are likely to be effective leaders without ever having taken a course or training program in leadership. 4) Good leadership is all about calculation, planning, and following a checklist. 5) The mere presence of a group can cause people to act differently than when they are alone. 6) Leaders have a short-term view, whereas managers have a long-term view in management. 7) Leaders tend to ask questions pertaining to the "how" and "when" of situations, whereas managers tend to ask questions pertaining to the "what" and "why" of things. B) One needs only common sense to be a good leader. 9) Formal study and learning from experience are mutually exclusive when developing leadership skills. 10) A widely respected leader who is selected from within an organization tends to receive less latitude in a new leadership position than a newcomer. 11) As followers are often at the levels where many organizational problems occur, they can give leaders relevant information so that good solutions are implemented 12) Research indicates that men tend to view leadership as an exchange with subordinates for services rendered. 13) Leaders have considerably more influence with in-group followers than with out- group followers. 14) Out-group subordinates are distinguished from in-group subordinates by their high degree of loyalty, commitment, and trust felt toward their leader. 15) When followers have a say in the selection or election of a leader, they are likely to have low expectations and make few demands. 16) According to Robert Kelley, the best followers are self-starters who take initiative for themselves. 17) According to Robert Kelley, alienated followers habitually point out all the negative aspects of an organization to others, and leaders often see them as adversarial. 18) Pragmatist followers see themselves as mavericks who have a healthy skepticism of their organization. 19) Unlike the constructionist approach, the role approach believes that leadership is co- created through acts of leading and following, whoever may be performing those acts