Tests of Dotwoon Subjects Effects Type Ileum Forcent HOCH 1 ICIH SAID 1.270 Imparton:: 177.314 1.707 .031 198 T.413 Inlance:! 16745.862 16748. 852 710.0GE 716.609 1.DOD 2324.180 2944.130 10:.731 909 300.731 1.00D Impantan:: 3971.069 101 :3.013 1.090 27.676 13.838 040 1 203 1.270 .13D 250 Impariane: 177.344 3.707 198 7413 135 950.394 21.076 391.703 47 1H4 Iall :11 Impardon: 5787.COD Coneze: Toal 290.242 1702.00D 3. A Brutred- .040 / dusted R Squared - -024) b A Baumred- 003 / dust=d R Squared - -038) C. R. Squared -. 108 (40).870 7 8qupred -.149; d Computed using alahi = 05Multivariate Tests" Partial Bla Effect Value F Hypothesis of Error dr Sig Squared Intercept Pillai's Trace .971 313.177 3.000 28.000 DOO 971 Wilks Lambda .029 313.177 3.000 28.000 .971 Hotelling's Trace 33.555 313.177 3.000 28.000 .000 .971 Roy's Largest Root 33.555 313.177 3.000 28.000 .000 .971 Group Pillai's Trace .265 1.478 6.000 58.000 202 .133 Wilks Lambda 743 1,495 6,000 56,000 197 138 Hotelling's Trace 335 1 509 6,000 54,000 193 ,144 Roy's Largest Root .299 2.889" 3.000 29.000 .052 .230 a. Design: Intercept + Group b, Exact statistic c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.Multivariate Tests Partial Eta Noncant Obsaned Value F H potheBle H Error H Sig. Squared Parameter Pillais face .265 1.478 6.0C0 58.000 202 133 9.868 .529 Wilks' lambda 743 6.0CO 16000 197 138 8.972 EEG Hotelling's trace .305 1.509 6.000 54.0OD 183 9.051 536 Roy's largest root .299 2.099" 2.060 28.000 .052 230 9.165 .620 Each F tests the mulivariate effect of 1,2,3. These tests are based on the linearly independent peirise comparisonis among the estimated marginal means. a. Exact statistic b. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the signficance level. c Compaled using alpha = .05