The Abruzzi Olive Oil Company is a small producer of premium olive oil. Cheryl Sounders, the owner of Abruzzi, is currently developing a budget spreadsheet to explore the impact of various sales goals on production. In 2020 , the company had monthly sales as follows: At a planning meeting in November 2020, Jay Peters, the marketing manager for Abruzzi, told Cheryl that he expected monthly sales to increase by 5 to 15 percent in the eoming year. But in late December 2020. Jay rushed into Chery's office with some good news: "Cheryt, 1 just had a meeting with Consolidated Restaurants, and they're considering an order for 1.500 gallons each month for all of 2021: "Gosh," Cheryl replied, "that's an exciting bit of news, but I'm concerned about whether we have the capacity to accept such a large order. Ill prepare budgets assuming we don't get the Consolidated business but we increase monthly sales by 5,10 , or 15 percent. Then III assume the Consolidated order comes through, and on top of that we have monthly sales increases of 5,10 , or 15 percent. This should give us a good idea of whether well bump up against capacity" Jay thought that this sounded fine, but he wondered whether Cheryl had the time to do this much work. Cheryl indicated that the analysis was relatively easy since she was preparing the budget on a spreadsheet and each analysis would require only a simple change. As a general rule, Cheryl likes to have ending inventory equat to 12 percent of next month's sales. Assume that the company ended 2020 with an imventory of 1,800 gallons of olive oll. In order to calculate ending inventory at the end of December 2021, assume that sales in January 2022 will be the same as December 2022 sales. Using a spreadsheet, prepare the six monthly budget schedules that Cheryl suggested (i.e., monthly budgets with the Consolidated business assuming other sales increases of 5,10 and 15 percent). (Round answers to 0 decimal piaces, es. 5,275.) Without Consolidated, +15%