The assembly division of a company uses the first-in, first-out inventory method of process costing. The following information is available for the current period 1.
The assembly division of a company uses the first-in, first-out inventory method of process costing. The following information is available for the current period
1. Using the following template, calculate the total units to be accounted for and calculate the equivalent units for direct materials and conversion costs.
2. Summarize the total costs to account for, calculate the cost per equivalent unit for direct materials and conversion costs, and assign costs to units completed and transferred out, and to units in ending work in progress. Use next template
Transferred-In Costs Physical Units Direct Materials Conversion Costs 40 $42,000 $3,190 $1,000 70 80 30 $81,900 $18,907 $43,680 Beginning work in process Trasferred-in Completed Ending work in process Costs added during the period Degree of Completion: Direct Materials Conversion Costs "Degree of Completion: Direct Materials Conversion Costs 70% 70% 70% 60% Physical Units Equivalent Units Trasferred Direct Conversion In Materials Costs Flow of Production Total Production Costs Transferred-In Costs Direct Materials Conversion CostsStep by Step Solution
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