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The attached file (BELOW) ATOMS.DAT is automatically generated by a software commonly used in Physics. The file contains position coordinates for atoms in a specific

The attached file (BELOW) ATOMS.DAT is automatically generated by a software commonly used in Physics. The file contains position coordinates for atoms in a specific solid. The first line of the file is the number of atoms in the file, the second line is the comments, and the rest lines are atoms information which includes type (denoted by an id) of that atom, x, y, and z coordinates.

The distance between atoms may indicates the size, material type, and many other properties of atoms. The task of this assignment is to calculate the average of atomic distance which is within certain range (2.0, 4.0). For example, there are distances for a few pair of atoms in the following table, only those distances within range will be counted.

Atom Pair Distance Average Distance
(a1, a2) 1.5 Too Small
(a7, a30) 2.3 In range, count it in (2.3 + 3.6) / 2 = 2.95
(a34, a5) 6.4 Too large
(a100, a50) 3.6 In range, count it in
(a2, a6) 0.7 Too small
(a3, a6) 5.8 Too small

Name your program as Atoms.c.

In your program, declare two constants MIN_DIS and MAX_DIS for the range [2.0, 4.0]

The formula for calculating distance between two atoms a1(x1, y1, z1) and a2(x2, y2, z2) is

?((??2 ? ??1)^2 + (??2 ? ??1)^2 + (??2 ? ??1)^2)

You may want to calculate distance for all atom pairs. For each distance of a pair, check if it is greater than or equal to MIN_DIS and less than or equal to MAX_DIS. If yes, then count that distance toward average calculation.

To read in a double type number, use: fscanf(filePointer, %lf, &a); Notice we need %lf for double.

Display the average as following (its OK to display more or less digits in fractional part):

The average of distances in range is 3.1678


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