The College of Business at Northeast College is accumulating data as a first step in the preparation of next year's budget development. One cost that is being looked at yis administrative costs as a function of student credit hours. Data on administrative costs and credit hours for the past three months are shown below Credit Hours 650 323 1,600 1.517 Month July August September October November December January February March April May Administrative Costs $ 129,701 82,933 225,820 216,554 258,303 184,849 219,457 245, 240 209,622 192,005 250,378 170,738 128,407 $2,514,047 $ 193,388 1,547 1,581 1,272 1,331 1,560 523 15,068 1.159 July Total Average The controllers once has analyzed the data and has given you the results from the regression analysis SUORT OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple 0.9312355 R Square Adjusted square 0.855126889 Standard Error 20, 186.72528 Observations 13 ANOVA Significance F - 71.8311050 1 Regression Residual Total NES 19,271, 454,1389,271,656,138 4.482.542.652 407.503.0175 23,753,996,790 12 coefficienta standard Error 68,804.08490 Intercept P-value Lover 95 Upper 90 Lower 95.00 per 13.00 4.37420697 0.0011097404.184.08810103, 425.6010 94.114.00010 103.425.610 Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.9312355 R Square 0.867199648 Adjusted R Square 0.855126889 Standard Error 20,186.72528 Observations 13 ANOVA AES dr 1 11 12 SS 29,271, 454,138 129,271,454,138 4,482,542,652 407,503,877.5 33, 753,996,790 F -71.8311058 Regression Residual Total Significance ? 3.75776E-06 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95 Upper 958 Lower 95.01 Upper 95.08 Intercept 68,804.88498 15,729.68207 4.37420697 0.00110974834,184.08818 |103, 425.6818 34,184.08818 |103,425.6818 X Variable 1 107.4849678 12.68210822 8.475323345 3.75776E-06 79.57183584 135.398100 79.57183584 135.398100 If the controller uses regression analysis to estimate costs, the estimate of the fixed portion of administrative costs is: Multiple Choice Fixed Cost - $68.804.88 Fixed Cost - $15.610.94 Fixed Cost - $19.998.03. Fred Cost-$107.99 The College of Business at Northeast College Is accumulating data as a first step in the preparation of student credit hours. Data on administrative costs and credit hours for the past thirteen months are she Month July August September October November December January February March April May June July Total Average Administrative Costs $ 129,701 82,933 225,820 216,554 258, 343 184,849 219,457 245, 240 209,622 192,005 250, 378 170,738 128, 407 $2,514,047 $ 193,388 Credit Hours 650 323 1,600 1,208 1,517 1,320 1,547 1,581 1,272 1,331 1,568 628 523 15,068 1,159 The controller's office has analyzed the data and has given you the results from the regression analysis SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.9312355 R Square 0.867199648 Adjusted R Square 0.855126889 Standard Error 20, 186.72528 Observations 13 ANOVA de SS MS F 71.8311058 Signif 3.25 Regression Residual Tota. 11 12 129,274, 454,138 29,271, 454, 138 4,482,54 2,652 407503, 8275 133.23.996 90