The consolidated statements of cashflows for Cargojet inc. are in Exhibit 5.24. The company provides domestic air cargo services between 14 major Canadian cities and also oberates international routes for carko customers. Gain on extinguishment of debt 13 (1.1) Other gains and expenses (4.7) Interest paid Cash senerated from operating activities \begin{tabular}{rr} 24.1 & (25.4) \\ \hline 259.0 & 131.7 \end{tabular} Changes in non-cash working capital items and deposits Contract acquisition asset Trade and other receivables Imventories Prepaid expenses and deposits Trade other payables Net cash generated from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment 8(146.6)(218.1) Proceedsfromdisposalofproperty,plantandequipment190.81.3 Proceeds from insurance claim 83.6 Proceeds from total return swap \& settlement of derivative financial instrument 2714.54.1 Acquisition of business (3.1) Settlement of provision Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Repayment of borrowings (171.3)(61.6) Repayment of borrowings (171.3) (61.6) Proceeds from borrowings Repayment of obligations under lease liabilities Options settled in cash 10.1311(77.3)(7.1)(55.5)(2.0) Proceedsfromdebentureissuancenetofissuancecosts14109.9109.7 Withholding tax paid on vested RSU's 11(2.4)(3.2) Dividends paid to shareholders Net cash (used in) provided from financing activities Net change in cash Cash (bank overdraft), beginning of Year Cash, end of year \begin{tabular}{rr} 1.6 & (0.9) \\ \hline$3.7 & $1.6 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Cagpojet had ourrent liabalities of $160.6 million at the end of 2020 and 51145 million at the end of 2019. Culutute Carsojet's operating cash fow ratio for both years. What do these resuls tell you about the companys ability to generate ulficient conh to cover its curtert liabilities? (Round answes to 1 decimal ploce es 52.6 ) Cash flow from operating activities Whalle current fabilitien