The database suminarea financial information for 22 companies and their perceived rek of delalt. Convert these data into an Excel table. Use table based calculations to find the verge debt and average equity for companies with a risk of defauit, and also for those without a risk of default Does there appear to be a difference between companies with and without a risk of default? Click the icon to view the financial information for the 32 companies Financial Information Convert these data into an Excel table. Use tablo-based calculations to find the averagedett for companies with a rek of defaut The averagedett for companies with a risk of details Company Category Credit Score Debt Equity Default Asses Round to the nearest whole number as needed) Service 804 11,237 913 3,900.453 Use table-based calotations to find the averagedett for companies without anisk of default 2 Manufacturing 714 4,446,244 2,475,778 3 Manufacturing 732 150730 1,890,562 The average debt for companies without anak of detauit as 4 Manufacturing 792 8.628.941 11,602,650 (Round to the nearest whole number annended) 5 Service 623 0,041.335 734.775 6 Manufacturing 702 13,015 938 4468 516 Use table-based callations to find a average equity for companies with a risk of default. Service 764 4,174.723 6,670.087 The average equity for companies with a risk of detect us Manufacturing 100 7481.759 5,534 250 Round to the nearest whole number as needed 9 Service 802 7.818.480 11.800.077 10 810 14,580.741 3.500 552 Une table based olidation to find the average equity for companies without risk of detect 11 Marutacturing 100 8,103.062 19,615.100 The average equity for companies without a risk of default 12 Manufacturing 124 802.431 1,100.00 found to the nearest whole number onded) 13 Service 762 8,157,850 4.602.962 14 Manufacturing 001 1.774.300 334004 Does there spear to be a difference between companies with and without a risk of defekt? 15 Maruteluring 655 30.323,317 14.06.04 16 Manufacturing 792 4,748,303 4,685 287 O A Yes, companies with risk of defaut tend to have a lower debt and higher equity 17 Manufacturing 3,664.572 14,001,102 Oyo, companies with risk of det uit tend to have a higher debt and higher equly Manufacturing 750 12.564.15 11.215.070 18 OG Yes, companies with risk of default and to have a higher debt and lower equity Manufacturing 762 5.325521 18,671,186 20 Service 598 2.505.243 556 427 OD. No, there does not appear to be a difference between companies with and without risk of default. 21 Manufacturing 742 7.915 833 4,015.131 GE Yes, companies with risk of defauttando have a lower debt and lower equity 22 Manufacturing 121 3.748.887 14,326.650 23 Service 867 3.910.869 5,167 240 15 The database surprizes financial information for 22 companies and their perceived risk of delt Convert these data into an Excel table. Use table based calculations to find the average debt and average couty for companies with a risk of default, and also for those without a risk of default Does there appear to be a difference between companies with and without a risk of default? Click the icon to view the francia formation for the companies Financial Information Convert these data into an Excel tabin. Une table based calculation to find the averagedett for companies with a risk of defaut The nexgedett for companies with a nikot tautas 9 Service 802 7.818,480 11.800,077 (Round to the nearest whole number as needed) 10 Service 610 14.580 741 3.509,552 11 Use table-based calculations to find the average date for companies without a risk of default Manufacturing 500 8.103,082 19.615,100 12 Manufacturing 824 562,431 The verge debut for companies without a risk of luta 13 Service 762 0.157.569 4802,02 (Round to the nearest whole number as needed) 14 Marutacturing 601 1.774,300 334,064 15 Manufacturing 655 30.323.317 14,596.046 Use table-based calculations to find the average equity for companies with a risk of dut 16 Manufacturing 792 4748,303 4625, 207 17 The verge outy for companies with a rakot detectie 30 Manufacturing 721 3.864,572 54.081,102 (Round to the nearest whole number as needed) 10 Manufacturing 750 12.564,192 11.215.000 19 Monutacturing 762 5.325,521 18.071,186 Une table based calculations to find the average equity for companies without a risk of default Service 2.586,243 556,427 21 Matulaturing 742 The average outy to companies without a risk of detectes 7.915,833 4015,131 22 Maracturing 121 2.748,07 120,000 lound to the real whole numbers ded) 23 Service 3.010.000 8.167.240 Does there appear to be a diference between companies with and winout a risk of det? 24 Manufacturing 70 3,605,202 448,00 25 Maracturing 605 0.12.08 064432 OA companies withink of defaut und to have a lower debt and higher gly 26 Service 810 10.042.315 22.00 27 Maracturing 671 On Yos, con panies with risk of deleted to have a look and higher equity 23.546450 .072,50 Manufacturing 771 9.241,879 0.17.735 OC. Yes, companies with risk of det end to have a lugar debt and lower guilty 20 Service 832 11.008,337 3.961,511 OD. No. There does not appear to be a difference between companies with and without risk of deal 30 Service 750 899.920 1,966,422 OE. You companies with risk of defaut send to have a lower debt and lower equity 31 Marutacturing 613 5.963,317 813,254 32 Manufacturing 705 6.506,945 5910,096