The following additional information is crovided. 1. Cathinchudes %960 in a petcy cash fund and %9,000 in a bond sinking furd. 2. The net accounts recevable bolance is comphed of the following threeitems: (a) accounts receivable-debit balances 3. Iowentory cotting V4.240 was shippod out on consigmment on July 31,2022. The ending ieventory bslance does not inchide the consighed goods Receivabies in the anount of K4,240 were recognized on these consianed goods: 4. Equiament had a cost of 89.600 and an sccumblated depreciation balance of 22.400. 5. Income taues payable of 7,200 were accrued on July 31 . Blie Ltd, however, had set up a cash fund to iment this abligation. this cash fund was nof included in the cash batance but was offset agbinst the incame taxes payable amount: Prepare a corrected classified statement of financial position as of July 31. 2022. from the avalable information, adjusting the account balanees usinet the additional information (tist Current Assets in reverse arder of liquldity) The following additional information is crovided. 1. Cathinchudes %960 in a petcy cash fund and %9,000 in a bond sinking furd. 2. The net accounts recevable bolance is comphed of the following threeitems: (a) accounts receivable-debit balances 3. Iowentory cotting V4.240 was shippod out on consigmment on July 31,2022. The ending ieventory bslance does not inchide the consighed goods Receivabies in the anount of K4,240 were recognized on these consianed goods: 4. Equiament had a cost of 89.600 and an sccumblated depreciation balance of 22.400. 5. Income taues payable of 7,200 were accrued on July 31 . Blie Ltd, however, had set up a cash fund to iment this abligation. this cash fund was nof included in the cash batance but was offset agbinst the incame taxes payable amount: Prepare a corrected classified statement of financial position as of July 31. 2022. from the avalable information, adjusting the account balanees usinet the additional information (tist Current Assets in reverse arder of liquldity)