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The goal of this assignment is to create a C program which: -takes a text file as input -tokenizes the given input -Parses the tokenized

The goal of this assignment is to create a C program which:

-takes a text file as input

-tokenizes the given input

-Parses the tokenized input to determine if it is grammatically valid

This program will consist of four class files: Givens.c Tokenizer.c and Parser.c and Analyzer.c . Each class file has a corresponding header file where all constants, method declarations, struct definitions, include statements, and global variables will be placed. (Header files are named the same as their corresponding class file but with a .h file extension rather than a .c file extension) Tokenizer.c and Parser.c will include Givens.h and Analyzer.h will include both Tokenizer.h and Parser.h .




#include "Givens.h"

_Bool vaildNumber(char* aLexeme){ regex_t numberRegex; regcomp(&numberRegex, "^[0-9][0-9]*$", REG_EXTENDED); return !regexec(&numberRegex, aLexeme, 0, 0, 0); }

_Bool validIdentifier(char * aLexeme){ regex_t identifierRegex; regcomp(&identifierRegex, "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$", REG_EXTENDED); return !regexec(&identifierRegex, aLexeme, 0, 0, 0);


Givens.c is provided with this assignment. Givens.c includes constants for TRUE and FALSE, constants for all token values in the given lexical structure, a constant for the max size of a lexeme, and the definition for a struct named lexics, which consists an int property named token and a character array property named lexeme. The lexics struct is used to store both a token and its corresponding lexeme. Givens.c also provides two functions which return a boolean value indicating if the given String matches a specified regular expression.



Tokenizer.c is not provided and needs to be created. Tokenizer.c will read characters from a given FILE variable and convert them into tokens. It will do so using a function defined as follows:

_Bool tokenizer(struct lexics *aLex, int *numLex, FILE *inf);

Which takes an array of type lexics, an int pointer representing the number of tokens in the input file, and a pointer to a FILE. The tokenizer function will read characters from the given FILE parameter, creating lexemes and the associated tokens. Each time a lexeme is generated, a new lexics struct will be created and the lexeme added. The generated lexeme is then tokenized, the token is added to the generated lexics struct, the lexics struct is then added to the end of the given lexics array.

The given lexical structure is free format and the location of tokens in the text file does not affect their meaning. Alphanumeric lexemes will be delimited by both whitespace and by character lexemes. Because character lexemes are used as delimiters, they cannot be constructed one token at a time. Rather the next several tokens in the file will need to be examined to determine which (if any) character lexeme is present.

The use of helper functions in the Tokenizer.c class is highly recommended. Once the tokenization process is complete, the tokenizer function should return TRUE. If there occurs an error in the process, the function should return FALSE.



Parser.c is not provided and needs to be created. Parser.c will implement a recursive decent parser based upon a provided EBNF grammar. It will do so using a function defined as follows:

_Bool parser(struct lexics *someLexics, int numberOfLexics);

Which takes an array of type lexics and an int pointer representing the number of tokens in the given lexics array. The parser method must take the given array of lexics structs and determine if it is legal in the language defined by the given grammar. The purpose of our parser is to apply the grammar rules and report any syntax errors. If no syntax errors are identified, parser returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.

Parser.c must be a recursive decent predictive parser which utilizes single-symbol lookahead. Parsers which utilize multi-symbol lookahead will not be accepted. If given a grammatically valid input, every token given must be parsed. If a syntax error is found, parsing does not need to continue. Parsers which do not consume every given token for a grammatically valid input will not be accepted.




#include "Analyzer.h"

int main(){ //initialize file pointer to NULL FILE *infile = NULL; //Define a character array to store the name of the file to read and write char filename[MY_CHAR_MAX]; //Prompt the user to input a filename and continue to prompt the user until they enter a correct one while(infile == NULL) { printf("Enter filename: "); scanf("%s",filename); //When given a filename, use fopen to create a new file pointer. //If fopen can not find the file, it returns null infile = fopen(filename, "r+"); if(infile == NULL){ printf("ERROR: file %s cannot be opened ", filename); } }

struct lexics allLexics[1024]; int numberOfLexics = 0; tokenizer(allLexics, &numberOfLexics, infile); printf("Did parse: %d ",parser(allLexics, numberOfLexics));



Analyzer.c is provided with this assignment. Analyzer.c includes a method to prompt the user for a file path, the initialization of an array of type lexics and an int containing the number of lexics in the array (initialized to 0). Analyzer.c makes calls both the tokenizer method and the parser method, passing the initialized int an array to both functions.

All four class files need to be compiled into a single executable file. When run, this executable file is expected to call the int main function defined in Analyzer.c with the tokenization and parsing functions being called from Analyzer.c s int main. All programs will be tested on Compile VCU, and testing your program on the compile server before submission to catch any compatibility issues is highly recommended. The -std=c99 flag may be used when testing your code as I will be compiling with said flag when I grade your projects.


Provided EBNF grammar:

function --> header body



body --> LEFT_BRACKET [statement-list] RIGHT_BRACKET

statement-list --> statement {statement}

statement --> while-loop | return | assignment | body


return --> RETURN_KEYWORD expression EOL

assignment --> IDENTIFIER EQUAL expression EOL

expression --> term {BINOP term} | LEFT_PARENTHESIS expression RIGHT_PARENTHESIS



Provided lexical structure:







EQUAL --> =

COMMA --> ,

EOL --> ;

VARTYPE --> int | void

IDENTIFIER --> [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*

BINOP --> + | * | != | == | %

NUMBER --> [0-9][0-9]*

Any expert who helps me to get this done by Thursday at 8:00 am I am willing to pay a tip

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