The human resources manager at a major technology firm that produces hardware and software products wants to analyze sales tech representatives' salaries and identify relevant
The human resources manager at a major technology firm that produces hardware and software products wants to analyze sales tech representatives' salaries and identify relevant factors that explain wages among sales representatives. A data set including more than 20,000 records of sales professionals is pulled from the business data warehouse with the assistance of the company's IT department. The analysis sample includes the product line to which the sales professional is assigned (software or hardware), age, gender, the number of years with the company, whether the sales professional has a college degree, personality type based on the Myers-Briggs personality assessment, the number of professional certificates obtained, base salary, and the average Net Promoter Score received.
Write a 2 - 3 paragraph report on the following:
Consider the variables in the dataset and analyze the relationships between the salaries of sales representatives, their demographic characteristics, and their performance. Use descriptive modeling techniques, including pivot tables, correlation analysis, and scatter plots, to perform analysis.
Please use the Excel data below: Include 2-3 paragraphs to discuss the findings. Include visuals (tables, graphs, or figures) to explain the findings and to illustrate the point. Use proper referencing of sources used to complete the report.